
(First upload on April 17 2005. Last on August 2 2018) [ 日本語 | English ]

Acer mono Maxim.

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

Acer L. (カエデ)
Ezoitaya (エゾイタヤ, 蝦夷板屋), or Itayakaede (イタヤカエデ, 板屋楓), painted maple (中国名: 色木楓/五角楓)
Lifeform: deciduous tree
Distribution: Korea - Amur - northern Japan
Habitat: bascially on mountain

This species is the most popular maple in Hokkaido
HUSTEP (flora list), Flora on Mount Usu

Use: maple syrup
Many varieties (Ohwi & Kitagawa 1983)
var. dissectum (Wesm.) Honda (エンコウカエデ)
var. mono

f. heterophyllum Nakai

var. mayrii (Schwer.) Koidz. ex Nemoto (ベニイタヤ)
rough teeth, as compared with var. mono
var. ambiguum (Pax) Rehd. (オニイタヤ)
var. glabrum (Lev. et Van.) H. Hara

f. acutissimum (Nakai) H. Hara
f. latialatum (Hara) H. Hara (オオエゾイタヤ)


ST var. mayrii near Toyoha Mine on May 15, 2002, that was spring in Hokkaido. The color of leaves was not green when this photo was taken. To protect damages by ultraviolet, many tree species produce and accumulate secondary metabolies in leaves. This strategy may have an important role on the prevention from ultraviolet radiation.

Acer mono in Hokkaido

var. mono

[1/2] in the crater basin of Mount Usu on September 19 2008. [3] sproutings on Senjaku Course skislope in Mount Teine, Sapporo, on October 5 2009. [4] a seedling established after the removal of dwarf bamboo (for promoting tree regeneration) at Teshio Experimental Forest of HU, northern Hokkaido, on June 14 2012. [5] in front of GSEES, HU, on April 24 2012. This tree is a giantest tree (巨木) of maples in the campus. Records: in West Tomioka Park (富丘西公園) on May 21 2022.

var. mayrii

[1] near a stream at a field trip in southern Hokkaido, (staying in Usujiri Fisheries Station, HU) on June 17 2015. [2] on the northern caldera rim of Mount Usu on July 26 2017. [3] near the JALTER site in the Uryu Experimental Forest of Hokkaido University, northern Hokkaido, on May 29 2018.
