- April 10: guidance
- April 24: paper review
- 周 習霊: Kim J-S, Kug J-S, Jeong S-J, Park H, Schaepman-Strub G. 2020. Extensive fires in southeastern Siberian permafrost linked to preceding Arctic Oscillation. Science Advances 6, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aax3308
- Dai B: Xia Z, Heino J, F, He Y, Liu F, Jianwei Wang J. 2022. Spatial patterns of site and species contributions to β diversity in riverine fish assemblages. Ecological Indicators 145, 109728
- Villaruel Mc JS: Bo T, Doretto A, Levrino M, Fenoglio S. 2020.Contribution of beta diversity in shaping stream macroinvertebrate communities among hydro-ecoregions. Aquatic Ecology 54: 957-971. doi: 10.1007/s10452-020-09786-6
- May 8: paper review
- Janine R. TOLOD: Gonzales JM, Elosegi A. 2021. Water abstraction reduces taxonomic and functional diversity of stream invertebrate assemblages. Freshwater Science 40. doi: 10.1086/716201
- Takehiro Morioka: Ito R, Kawase H, Imada Y. 2022. Regional Differences in Summertime Extremely High Temperature in Japan due to Global Warming. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 61: 1573-1587. doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-22-0062.1
- Nabila Irtifa Alam: Tinh PH, MacKenzie RA, Hung TD et al. 2022. Distribution and drivers of Vietnam mangrove deforestation from 1995 to 2019. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 27, 29. doi: 10.1007/s11027-022-10005-w
- May 22: paper review
- Wu junyi: Lamphere BA, Blum MJ. 2011. Genetic estimates of population structure and dispersal in a benthic stream fish. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 21: 75-86. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0633.2011.00525.x
- 吉谷 晟: Rebrina F,Petróczki K,Inhofer M,Reinhold K,Schmoll T. 2020. Motorway age is linked to larger body size, but not song carrier frequency, in male grasshoppers from road. Evolutionary Ecology 34: 945-961. doi: 10.1007/s10682-020-10077-7"
- 齋藤 淳也: Caruana A, Camilleri B, Farrugia L, Jones JPG. 2024. Mechanical excavation of wetland habitat failed to eradicate invasive American red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in Malta. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 5, e12325. doi: 10.1002/2688-8319.12325
- 李 恩: Woellner R, Wagner TC, Crabot J, Kollmann J. 2022. Spatio-temporal patterns in degradation and restoration of gravel bars along Alpine rivers. River Research and Applications 38: 738-756. doi: 10.1002/rra.3933
- June 12: paper review
- Lalanirina ANDRIANOELISOA: Lozano Lazo DP, Helbingen CB, Gasparatos A. 2023. Household waste generation, composition and determining factors in rapidly urbanizing developing cities: case study of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 25: 565-581. doi: 10.1007/s10163-022-01535-1
- Mandal P. Ma Mi, Baskin CC, Zhao Y, An H. 2022. Light controls alpine meadow community assembly during succession by affecting species recruitment from the seed bank. Ecological Applications 33, e2782
- YI D: Pipaud I, Loibl D, Lehmkuhl F. 2015. Evaluation of TanDEM-X elevation data for geomorphological mapping and interpretation in high mountain environments — A case study from SE Tibet, China. Geomorphology 246: 232-254. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.06.025
- June 19: paper review
- 小林健人: Yamazaki A, Fukui S, Sugimoto S. 2024. The Impacts of east Siberian blocking on the development of the JPCZ. SOLA 20, 2024-005
- 劉山木: Langhans SD, Tockner K. 2014. Is the unsaturated sediment a neglected habitat for riparian arthropods? Evidence from a large gravel-bed river. Global Ecology and Conservation 2: 129-137
- 小田郁実: Olsen T, Shelton JM, Dallas HF. 2021. Does thermal history influence thermal tolerance of the freshwater fish Galaxias zebratus in a global biodiversity hotspot? Journal of Thermal Biology 97, 102890
- July 3: paper review
- 堀 聡悟. Yu H, Zhu L, Chen Y, Yue Z, Zhu Y. 2024. Improving grassland classification accuracy using optimal spectral-phenological-topographic features in combination with machine learning algorithm. Ecological Indicators 158, 111392
- 永柳 圭都: Perkin EK, Holker F, Tockner K, Richardson JS. 2014. Artificial light as a disturbance to light-naïve streams. Freshwater biology 59, 2235-2244
- 嶋田 舜紀: Leroy CJ, Jane C.Marks JC. 2006. Litter quality, stream characteristics and litter diversity influence decomposition rates and macroinvertebrates. Freshwater Biology 51: 605-617
- 太田 智啓: Hasegawa K, Morita K, Ohkuma O, Ohnuki T, Okamoto Y. 2014. Effects of hatchery chum salmon fry on density-dependent intra- and interspecific competition between wild chum and masu salmon fry. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71: 1475–1482
- July 17: paper review
- Gao Haizhou: Griffith JE, Kiffney PM. 2022. Seasonal and temporal variation in the effects of forest thinning on headwater stream benthic organisms in coastal British Columbia. Forest Ecology and Management 504, 119801
- FERREIRA RAMIM Bruna: Ohba M, Kadokura S, Nohara D. 2016. Impacts of synoptic circulation patterns on wind power ramp events in East Japan. Renewable Energy 96: 591-602
- 山口 裕志: Zeng Y, Zhao C, Shi F, Schneider M, Lv G, Li Y.
Impact of groundwater depth and soil salinity on riparian plant diversity and distribution in an arid area of China. Scientific reports 10, 7272
- July 31: paper review
- 長谷川 亮平: Fujibe F, Matsumoto J, Suzuki H. 2018. Spatial and temporal features of heat stroke mortality in Japan and their relation to temperature variations, 1999-2014. Geographical Review of Japan Series B 91: 17–27
- 森田 理央: Cohen JM, Fink D, Zuckerberg B. 2020. Avian responses to extreme weather across functional traits and temporal scales. Global Change Biology 26: 4240-4250
- 山崎 優菜: Naka N, Takemi T. 2023. Characteristics of the environmental conditions for the occurrence of recent extreme rainfall events in northern Kyushu, Japan. SOLA 19A, 9−16
- 範 錚源: Luo D, Jin H, Wu Q, Bense VF, He R, Ma Q, Gao S, Jin X, L&umul; L. 2018. Thermal regime of warm-dry permafrost in relation to ground surface temperature in the source areas of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, SW China. Science of the Total Environment 618: 1033-1045
- October 9: research progress
- 周 習霊: Late-summer northeastern Siberian heatwaves linked to subsequent northwestern Pacific Sea surface temperature cooling
- October 23: research progress
- Janine Tolod: Effects of pondage type run-of-river (R-O-R) hydropower dam operation on benthic macroinvertebrates
- Wu junyi: Impact of dam flow regulation on fish distribution and population structure
- November 6: research progress
- 森岡丈博. Impact of high sea surface temperature in the Oyashio region of the east coast of northern Japan in August 2023 on heat stroke risk in Hokkaido
- 吉谷 晟. The effects of anthropogenic noise on the development of stridulatory organs in grasshoppers
- 山口 裕志. Effects of the specific environment on vegetation diversity caused by wind-caves
- November 27: research progress
- 小林 健人. A relationship between low-level convergence zone, synoptic-scale sea level pressure pattern and heavy snowfall in western Hokkaido
- 小田 郁実. Testing size-dependent thermal tolerance in Cottus nozawae - in the context of spatiotemporal variation in fish communities -
- 李 恩. Characteristics of time-spatial distribution of river topography and summer water temperature related to gravel bar
- December 11: research progress
- 劉山木: Do aquatic insects emerge through the gravel bars in rivers?
- Gao Haizhou: Periphyton biofilm responses to flow regime changes and its application to environmental monitoring
- 齋藤淳也: Does removal of pleopods provide an easy sterilization technique for invasive crayfish?
- December 18: research progress
- Piya Mandal: Seed ecology of dominant native and nonnative species on Mount Usu
- 長谷川 亮平: The impact of climate change on food poisoning outbreaks in Japan
- Lalanirina ANDRIANOELISOA: Waste audit and analysis of the middle and low-income families in the 1st district of the municipality of Antananarivo, Madagascar
- January 8: research progress
- 永柳圭都: The effects of artificial light at night on drifting behavior of aquatic insects
- 森田理央: Visualization of bird migration using eBird data and comparison with temperature
- 堀 聡悟: State and fate of taiga-steppe ecotone in Mongolia
- YI DEER: Northern Mongolia discontinuous permafrost degradation observation using In-SAR
- January 22: research progress
- 太田智啓: How thermal characteristics at the river bed affects tempareture tolerance
- 範 錚源: The impact of winter snowfall on urban garbage collection operations
- 山崎優菜: Predictability of heavy rainfall using one-month ensemble prediction system – a case study of heavy rainfall event in Kyushu in July 2020 –