(Upload on December 28 2024) [ 日本語 | English ]
Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
[ Objectives | Syllabus | Guidance | Content (My turn) | References | Links | Exam. ]
Room: D102 (Tue and Fri 10:30-12:00)
Instructors (Inquiry) |
![]() ObjectivesCourse objectivesTo understand the basic concept of the development of ecosystems and environments, including climate.Course GoalsUnderstanding the developmental patterns of environments and ecosystems based on field measurements and modeling. |
October 4Guidance: Terrestrial ecosystem (生態系) and climate (気候)Attention The applicants must attend the first lecture, because the lecture schedule and/or room will be changed, depending on the number of attendants, etc. If you cannot attend it, give us the notice. Section: Terrestrial ecosystemsHuman disturbances (人為撹乱)Ecosystem (生態系) Landscape unit (景観単位) Biome (バイオーム) Lifeform (生活型) Net energy balance November 1Global climate and the distribution of plant biomesPhotosynthesis Water (水) and root (根) Light (光) and leaf Efficiency Temperature and seed germination Plant
Allocation November 5Seed dispersalEstimation of primary production - global scale
Platform and sensor
Importance of the characteristics of sensors
Light reflection patterns on green plants, soils, and water |
Mount Pinatubo Geographical information system (GIS)
Overlay Primary production
NDVI and production Food web (食物網) and trophic level
Keystone species (キーストーン種) November 15Estimation of productivity with fine scale Carbon flux
Micro-climatological approach November 17Warming experiments (温暖化実験)Models on ecosystem changes Ecosystem responses to global warming with fine scale Ecosystem responses to global warming with global scale Fundamental concept of modeling on temporal ecosystem changes (As a bonus) Pseudo-alpine zone |
Q. Read ![]() The deadline is December 20 2024 (closed) |
Then, check Attention for exam and report. |