(Upload on February 5 2025) [ 日本語 | English ]
Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
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abundance achene or akene (痩果) acid rain (酸性雨) adaptation (適応) aerial root (気根) aerosol (エアロゾル) agrichemicals (農薬) agricultural science/agriscience (農学) agroforestry (アグロフォレストリー) Ainuic (アイヌ語) alas (アラス) algae (藻類) allelopathy (アレロパシー) |
Allen's rule (アレンの法則) allometry (相対成長) alpine zone (高山帯) AmeDAS (アメダス) amino acid (アミノ酸) amphibian (両生類) analysis of variance (分散分析) analytical chemistry (分析化学) Angiospermae (被子植物) animal physiology (動物生理学) annual plant (一年生植物) anther (葯) The Anthology of Myriad Leaves (万葉集) |
Anthropocene (人新世) anthropology (人類学) APG (分子系統分類) Apoi, Mount (アポイ岳) aquatic plant (水生植物) arboretum (樹木園) archeological site (遺跡庭園) aridity-humidity index (乾湿度指数) arthropod (節足動物) asexual reproduction (無性生殖) atmosphere (大気圏) |
baidzharakh (バイジャラーヒ) bark (樹皮) basionym (基礎異名) Beaufort scale of wind force (ビューフォート風力階級) beer (ビール) belowground (地下部 ) belt transect (帯状区) benefical element (有用元素) Bentham-Hooker system (ベンサム・フッカー方式) Bergmann's rule (ベルクマンの法則) β-diversity (ベータ多様性) bias (バイアス) binomial nomenclature (二名法) biodiversity (生物多様性) |
bioethics (生命倫理学) biogeochemical cycle (生物地球化学循環) biogeography (生物地理学) bioindicator biological invasion (生物学的侵入) biologial species (生物学的種) biology (生物学) biomagnification (生態濃縮) biomass (バイオマス) biomass profile (生産構造図) biome (バイオーム) bioremediation (バイオレメディエーション) biosphere (生物圏) biota (生物相) |
biotope (ビオトープ) birds (aves) (鳥類) bird strike (バードストライク) blue-green algae (藍藻) bog (高層湿原) Boolean algebra (ブール代数) boreal forest (冷温帯林) botanical detail (図鑑) botanical garden (植物園) Bos grunniens, Bos mutus, see 'yak' bottleneck effect (ボトルネック効果) box-and-whisker plot (箱髭図) bract (苞) branch (枝) brassinosteroid (ブラシノステロイド) breeding (育種学) bud (芽) |
Darwin CR (ダーウィン CR) data presentation (データ表現) decomposer (分解者) defense strategy (防衛戦略) definite inflorescence (有限花序) denitrification (脱窒) density (密度) desert (砂漠) detrended correspondence analysis, DCA (傾向化除去対応分析) detritus (デトリタス) diffuse-porous wood (散孔材) |
diptera (双翅目) direct ordination (直接勾配分析) disaster (災害) disturbance (撹乱) diversity (多様性) |
dominance (優占度) dominant species dormancy (休眠) drift ice duff dwarf bamboo (Sasa) (ササ, 笹) |
facilitation (定着促進効果) factor analysis (因子分析) Fahrenheit (華氏) fairy ring (菌輪) fauna (動物相) feather moss feeding habit fen (低層湿原) fern (シダ類) fertilizer (肥料) field (場), physics field (野外)
- equipment (-調査道具) |
fire ecology (火災生態学) first aid (救急法) fish (魚類) floodplain (氾濫原) flora (植物相)
- on Mount Koma floral formula (花式) flower (花) foliage (葉群) foliose lichens (葉状地衣) food chain (食物連鎖) food loss (フードロス) food web (食物網) |
footprint (足跡) forest (森林)
boreal - fossil (化石) fossilization (化石化) founder effect (創始者効果) freezing injury (凍害) frequency fruit (果実) fruticose lichens (樹状地衣) fungus (fungi) (菌類) |
Galapagos Islands (ガラパゴス諸島) game theory (ゲーム理論) garlic (大蒜) Gause's axiom (ガウゼの定理) GBIF (地球規模生物多様性情報機構) gene (遺伝子) genet (ジェネット) genetic diversity (遺伝的多様性) genetics (遺伝学) genome (ゲノム) geographic information system (GIS) (地理情報システム) geographical division of flora (植物区系) geological timescale (地質年代) geopark (ジオパーク) |
geosphere (地圏) geostatistics (空間統計学) giant tree (巨木) Glasgow coma scale (グラスゴー方式) global warming (地球温暖化) glyconeogenesis (糖新生) Golgi body (ゴルジ体) Gondwana Continent (ゴンドワナ大陸) graduate student (院生) Gram stain (グラム染色) granite (花崗岩) grassland (草原) grazing Greek (ギリシャ語) |
green algae (緑藻) green revolution (緑の革命) greenhouse (温室) greenhouse effect (温室効果) greening (緑化) Greenland (グリーンランド) Grime's triangle (グライムの三角形) growth (成長) growth stage gut bacteria (腸内細菌) gymnospermae (裸子植物) |
habitat (ハビタット)
heath family (ツツジ科) hair (毛) heath (ヒース) hemicellulose (ヘミセルロース) herbarium (標本庫) herbivore hexose (六炭糖) hilum (臍) |
Hokkaido (北海道)
homonym (異物同名) hornwort (ツノゴケ) Horomi Path (幌見峠) hotspot (ホットスポット) hull elm donated by Mrs. Nitobe (メリーさんのハルニレ) human anatomy (人体解剖学) |
human disturbance (人為撹乱) humidity (湿度) hummock (ハンモック) humus (腐植) HUSTEP, Hokkaido University Short-Term Exchange Program hybrid (雑種) hydrology (水文学) hydrosphere (水圏) hydrothermal vent (熱水噴気孔) Hymenoptera (膜翅目) hypha (菌糸) |
IAVS, International Association for Vegetation Science ice wedge igneous rock (火成岩) illuminance (照度) importance value indicator increment borer (成長錘) indefinite inflorescence (無限花序) |
indirect ordination (間接勾配分析) individual (個体) indusium (包膜) industrial melanism (工業暗化) inflorescence (花序) initiative (イニシアティブ) injury response (傷害応答) insect (昆虫) insectivorous leaf (捕虫葉) insectivorous sac (捕虫嚢) insurance (傷害保険) interspecific interaction (種間相互作用) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC (気候変動に関する政府間パネル) |
intermediate disturbance hypothesis (中規模攪乱仮説) international organization (国際機関) acronyms of - (- 略称) international system of units, SI (国際単位系)internode (節間) invasive alien species (侵略的外来種) invertebrates (無脊椎動物) island biogeography (島の生物地理学) isometry Izu-Oshima Island (伊豆大島) |
Japan (日本)
climate in - (-の気候) |
Jomon (縄文)
- marine transgression (- 海進) |
jurisprudence (法学) |
karst landform (カルスト地形) Keiteki Wood (恵迪の森) kelp (昆布) keystone species (キーストーン種) |
Kiso five tree (木曽五木) knotweed (タデ) Köppen climate classification (ケッペンの気候区分) |
Koishikawa Botanical Garden (小石川植物園) Koma, Mount
history of eruptions on - |
lahar (泥流) Lamarck (ラマルク) Lambert-Beer law (ランバート・ベーア則) landscape (景観)
- Act of Japan (-法) Latin (ラテン語) lava (溶岩) |
- flow (-流) lenticel (皮目) lichens (地衣類) lifeform (life-form, life form) (生活型) life history stage |
lignin (リグニン) ligulate (舌状花) Linnaeus, Carl von (リンネ) litter (リター) liverwort (苔類) locust mound (バッタ塚) logic (論理) longwave radiation (長波放射) lowland zone (山麓帯) LTER, Long-Term Ecological Research program |
macronutrient (多量必須元素) magma (マグマ) Makunbetsu swamp (マクンベツ湿原) mammal (哺乳類) mangrove (マングローブ) map (地図) marine geology (海洋地学) Marxian economics (マルクス経済学) marsh (湿地) Marxian economics (マルクス経済学) McNamara fallacy (マクナマラの誤謬) meeting (会議) Mendel, Gregor Johann (メンデル) mental health (精神保健) mesic succession (湿性遷移) mesozoic (中生代) meta-analysis (メタ解析) |
metaplasm (後形質) methane (メタン) microbe (微生物) microbiota (微生物叢) micronutrient (微量必須元素) microscope (顕微鏡) microtopography (微地形) Minamata disease (水俣病) mineralogy (鉱物学) minimum viable population, MVP mitigation (ミティゲーション) Miyake Island (三宅島) Moiwa, Mount (藻岩山) monocotyledonae (単子葉類) montane zone (山地帯) |
morphology (形態学) moss (蘚苔類) mycology (菌学) mycorrhiza (菌根菌) Mount
- Eniwa |
Nakajima Miyuki natural disturbance (自然撹乱) national land studies (国土学) natural park (自然公園) natural selection theory (自然淘汰説) naturalness (自然度) necromass (ネクロマス) nectary (蜜腺) |
neopolyploid (新倍数体) Nishinoshima Island (西之島) nitrogen cycle (窒素循環) noise (騒音) |
nomenclature (命名規約) normalized difference
- soil index (NDSI) nutrient (栄養素) |
Occam's razor (オッカムの剃刀) ocean ecology (海洋生態学) Okada Hiromu (岡田 弘) |
Ono Pond (大野池) optics (光学) ordination (序列化) |
oriental medicine (漢方) ornithine cycle (オルニチン回路) outreach (アウトリーチ) outsize (番外) ovule (胚珠) |
Q-analysis (Q分析) |
quadrat (方形区) questionnaire (アンケート) |
QuAAtro (クワトロ) |
r, k-selection (r, k-淘汰) Rainier, Mount raised bog (隆起高層湿原) R-analysis (R分析) the Ramsar Convention (ラムサール条約) Rangitoto Island raster data (ラスターデータ) raw data (生データ) reciprocal averaging (RA), see 'correspondence analysis' Raunkiaer CC receptacle (花托) reclamation (再生) REDD+ (REDD+) |
Red Queen hypothesis (赤の女王仮説) Red Data Book, RDB (RDB) redox indicator (酸化還元指示薬) regeneration on fallen logs (倒木更新) regolith (レゴリス) rehabilitation (復旧) remote sensing (リモートセンシング) report (レポート) reproduction (生殖・繁殖) reptile (爬虫類) research permission (調査許可) restoration (復元) revegetation |
rhizosphere (根圏) ribosome (リボゾーム) ring-porous wood (環孔材) riparian forest (河畔林) Rishiri, Mount (利尻山) Rishiri Rebun Sarobetsu National Park (利尻礼文サロベツ国立公園) rock (岩石) rodent (齧歯類) root (根)
- system (- 系) |
taiga Tarumae, Mount (樽前山) Tatewaki M (舘脇 操) tautology (循環論法) taxon (分類群) taxonomical species (分類学的種) taxonomy (分類学) temperature (温度) |
tephra (テフラ) territory (縄張り) thermodynamics (熱力学) three-phase distribution of soil (三相分布) tissue system (組織系) Tokachi, Mount (十勝岳) toxin (毒素) Toyoha Mine (豊羽鉱山) tracheid (仮導管) tragedy of the commons (共有地の悲劇) trampling (踏圧) treaty (条約) |
tree (木本植物) tree ring analysis (年輪解析) trichome (トリコーム) trophic cascade (栄養カスケード) trophic level (栄養段階) true diversity (真の多様性) Tsuyuzaki, Shiro (露崎史朗) tundra (ツンドラ) tussock (谷地坊主) type specimen (基準標本) typification (タイプ化) |
unit (単位) UNIX (ユニックス) urushiol (ウルシオール) |
ultraviolet light, UV (紫外線) umbrella species (アンブレラ種, 傘種) |
use-and-disuse theory (用不用説) Usu, Mount Utasai bog (歌才湿原) |
vacuole (液胞) validation vascular bundle system (維管束系) vector data vegetation, see 'plant community vegetation measures (植生測度) vegetation index, VI (植生指数) vegetative reproduction (栄養繁殖) vein (葉脈) number of -s (中軸分岐数) vermiculite (バーミキュライト)vermin (害虫) |
bee/wasp (ハチ) view of life (生命観) viroid (ウイロイド) virus (ウィルス) |
- transmission (- 伝搬) visible light (可視光)vitamin (ビタミン) viviparous seed (胎生種子) volcanic
- ash (-灰) volcanology (火山学) |
Wakasakanai (稚咲内) warming experiment warmth index (温量指数) the Washington Convention (ワシントン条約) wasabi (ワサビ) water (水)
- analysis (- 分析) |
water cycle (水循環) weather (気象) weathering (風化) weed (雑草)
- control (-防除) Western Australia |
wetland (湿原)
- research (- 研究) wild vegetable (山菜) willow, Salix (ヤナギ) wind cave (風穴) wind-power generation (風力発電) winter bud (冬芽) wood (材) words of wisdom (名言) world heritage (世界遺産) |
xesic succession (乾性遷移) |
xylem (木部) |
yak (ヤク) yeast (酵母) |
yedoma (エドマ) Yoshida, Shizuo (吉田静夫) |
Yosomi, Mount (四十三山) Yotei, Mount (羊蹄山) |
zero option (ゼロオプション) |
zonation (ゾーネイション) |