(Upload on February 28 2025) [ 日本語 | English ]
Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
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[ master theses (修論) | doctor theses, or dissertations (D論) | Society meeting ( 生態学会 , 植物学会 , 他 )]
2025.03 | Kumakura A (熊倉彩花) | The effects of Ilex crenata var. radicans shrub patches on plant community structure in a Sphagnum bog |
2024.09 | Mandal P | The characteristics of seed bank composition in the former and current topsoils on Mount Usu, northern Japan |
2024.03 | Zhao C (趙宸) | Belowground phenology of herbaceous community detected by scanned images in a post-mined peatland |
2023.09 | 山内俊浩 | オリンピック使用スキー場跡地における森林回復速度の規定要因 |
2023.03 | Nakanishi R (中西亮二) | The determinants of litter decomposition rates, detected by litterbag experiments, in a post-mined peatland |
2022.03 | Fan R (範 瑞珊) | Exotic species (Hypochaeris radicata and Aster novi-belgii) affect differently the dynamics of native species in the early stage of volcanic succession |
2021.03 | Umemura M (梅村昌宏) | Establishment patterns of Eriophorum vaginatum L. tussocks in a post-mined peatland |
2019.09 | Iguchi T (井口俊之) | The ecological and morphological characteristics of Larix kaempferi trees damaged by typhoons on the slope of Mount Koma, northern Japan ( ![]() |
2019.03 | Sekine N (関根直樹) | The patches of Miscanthus sinensis Andersson facilitate the establishment of exotics species in the early stages of succession on Mount Usu, northern Japan |
Zeng Z (曽貞) | Effects of broad-leaved and needle-leaved litter on the growth and establishment of Racomitrium japonicum on Mount Koma, northern Japan | |
Jia Y (賈雨萌) | Detecting the effectiveness of Sphagnum transplantation for restoring wetland ecosystem after peat mining in Sarobetsu Mire, northern Japan ( ![]() | |
Zhang X (張暁理) | The morphological variations of Thelypteris palustris Schott affected by human disturbances in the wetlands of Hokkaido, Japan ( ![]() | |
Pisi JT | Assessing the impacts of invasive alien tree species in lowland forest ecosystem in order to improve restoration strategies in Samoa ( ![]() | |
2018.03 | Zhao XX (趙新雪) | The facilitative effects of tussocks on plant establishment are weakened by developing turfs (![]() |
2017.09 | Li Q (李茜) | Determinants on vegetation differentiation on a post-mined peatland, northern Japan (![]() |
2017.03 | Holle MJM | The effects of shrub patch sizes on the colonization of pioneer plants on the volcano Mount Koma, northern Japan |
2016.03 | Miyazaki N (宮崎紀子) | The invasion and establishment patterns of Sphagnum mosses on Moliniopsis japonica grasslands in the early stages of succession ( ![]() |
2015.03 | Kamano Y (釜野靖子) | Revegetation patterns after experimental tephra disturbances on a mire with special reference to effects of shrub |
2014.03 | Nomura N (野村七重) | The relationships between animal seed dispersal and germination of Gaultheria miqueliana (Ericaceae) on Mount Koma, northern Japan |
Rakotonoely H | The recovery processes after an experimental forest fire: growth of Betula platyphylla var. japonica and soil characteristics ( ![]() | |
2013.03 | 北條 愛 | 生息地の光特性に応じたカシワの形態変化 (![]() |
2012.03 | Yoshida TP (吉田智明) | Establishment patterns of native and non-native trees on an abandoned skislope (![]() |
2010.03 | Hoyo Y (保要有里) | Comparisons of seed germination and seedling establishment between two Drosera species (![]() |
Takeuchi F (竹内史子) | Determinants on the litter decomposition of two early successional species (![]() | |
Hirata AKB (平田亜弓) | Responses to ultraviolet on two plant species in the early stages of succession (![]() | |
2009.03 | Kimura H (木村英雄) | Relationships between the composition of seed bank and standing vegetation on a reed swamp after wildfire ( ![]() |
2008.03 | Egawa C (江川知花) | Effects of vegetation and litter on seedling establishment and seedbank development in a post-mined peatland, northern Japan |
中島北陽 | 札幌市街地における植物分布パターンの特徴 | |
2007.03 | Matsuda M (松田みゆき) | Changes in the facilitative effects of Salix reinii patch along elevational gradient on the volcano Mt. Koma, Japan |
Koyama A (小山明日香) | The effects of sedge tussocks on plant establishment patterns in a post-mined peatland, Sarobetsu Mire, northern Japan | |
2006.03 | 実吉智香子 | 煙・熱・光・低温刺激が渡島駒ヶ岳に生育する植物の種子発芽に与える影響 |
2004.03 | 西村愛子 | サロベツ湿原における泥炭採掘跡地の植生回復について |
2003.03 | 西 秀雄 | 北海道渡島駒ヶ岳における鳥散布種子を生産する木本植物の侵入特性 |
2002.03 | Akasaka M (赤坂宗光) | Establishment characteristics of Larix kaempferi on the volcano Mount Koma, northern Japan |
Uesaka S (上坂尚平) | Facilitation and inhibition by two patch-forming species on the volcano Mt. Koma, Hokkaido, Japan | |
2000.03 | 後藤真咲 | 有珠山噴火20年後における旧表土中埋土種子集団の生存様式 |
山田康裕 | 渡島駒ヶ岳における植生動態-特に土壌栄養と風の影響について- | |
1999.03 | Takeuchi T (竹内 亨) | Comparison of avifauna and foraging space between streamside and upland along a small stream in deciduous broad-leaved forest |
1997.03 | 近藤才寛 | 北海道渡島駒ヶ岳における過去30年間のカラマツ侵入様式に関する研究 |
櫻井竹虎 | 北海道ニセコ町におけるスキー場開発の法的検証と自然環境保全に関する研究 | |
進藤洋一 | 新潟県におけるスキー場利用者動向の特徴に関する研究 |
2021.06 | Végh L | Evaluating the impacts of disturbance scale, management history, and stochastic effects on succession by remote sensing and field surveys ![]() |
2018.09 | Shishir S | Detecting the mechanisms of spatio-temporal changes in land use and endangered ecosystems induced by urban growth ![]() |
2016.09 | Kwon T (權台五) | Interaction between plant colonizers and ectomycorrhizal fungi through nitrogen transfer in the early stages of volcanic succession ![]() |
2016.09 | Otaki M (大瀧みちる) | Evaluation and characterization of leaf litter decomposition patterns in ecological succession ![]() |
2013.09 | Hoyo Y (保要有里) | Comparisons of life histories, morphological traits and habitats between endangered species, Drosera anglica, and common species, D. rotundifolia, in a post-mined peatland ![]() |
2013.03 | Egawa C (江川知花) | The mechanisms of seedling establishment and seedbank formation along successional sere in disturbed wetlands |
2012.12 | Saito T (斉藤達也) | The effects of biological invasion of Solidago gigantea Aiton on native grasslands |
2011.03 | Koyama A (小山明日香) | Facilitative effects of tussocks on plant establishment in a post-mined peatland |
2010.03 | Nishimura A (西村愛子) | Vegetation dynamics after peat mining on Sarobetsu Mire, northern Japan |
2006.03 | Akasaka M (赤坂宗光) | Characteristics of biological invasion by Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Cariere (Pinaceae) on Mount Koma, Japan |
2000.03 | Trabersi I | Studies on the stabilization of old sanitary landfills |
1999.03 | Taguiam CG | Socio-economic and cultural factors influencing the adoption of agroforestry as the farming system in Makiling Forest Reserve, Philippines |
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2003.03 | Rahajoe JS | The role of litter production and decomposition of dominant tree species on the nutrient cycle in natural forests with various substrate conditions |