(Upload on July 3 2016) [ 日本語 | English ]
Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Plant list (植物リスト) > Poaceae (Gramineae) (イネ科) > Avena fatua
Festucoideae イチゴツナギ亜科 |
Avena L. (カラスムギ) |
Karasumugi (カラスムギ, 烏麦), common wild oats Lifeform: biennial grass Distribution: native to Europe and east Asia → widespread exotic to southern America, Africa, Asia and Oceania → Japan: immigrated in pre-history era Habitat: sunny grasslands, incluidng abandoned pastures, roadsides, etc.Stem: round, hollow, and lobed sheath Arista: present ↔ A. sativa = absent var. glabrata Peterm. (コカラスムギ) |
Enbaku (エンバク, 燕麦), common oats Makarasumugi (マカラスムギ, 真烏麦) Chromosome number: 2n = 42 Use: a cereal crop of global importance
Developing only fibrous root 120 cm tall The sample was collected from Hokkaido University Campus on July 5 1983. |
Flower seeing from the top___from the side lodicule (鱗片) Spikelet: no arista, 2 cm long
fg = first glume |
[1-3] on a wasteland beside a restaurant in Teshio Town, northern Hokkaido, on November 21 2024.