(First upload on April 5 2014. Last on May 16 2024) [ 日本語 | English ]
Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Plant list (植物リスト) > Myrtaceae (フトモモ科) > Eucalyptus melliodora
Shidareyuukari (シダレユーカリ), yellow box Lifeform: evergreen, tall tree |
Distribution: eastern Australia (western Victoria, New South Wales to south-central Queensland) |
Habitat: grassy woodland |
[1] transplanted probably in the ealry 20th century at Ninomaru (second compound), the Hiroshima Castle, western Japan, on March 14 2014. The tree is 740 meters away from the hypocenter of atomic bomb.
Ginyouyuukari (ギンヨウユーカリ, 銀葉有加利), heart-leaved silver gum Life-form: evergreen tree with 3-21 m tall Distribution: endemic to southeast Tasmania |
Habitat: podsolic soils on margin of swamps or seepages on level to gently sloping sites near taller forests Use: ornamental |
ssp. cordata, branchlets are circular in cross section ssp. quadrangulosa D. Nicolle, B. M. Potts et McKinnon, branchlets are square in cross-section |
[1-3] in Tsurumi Green Space Park (鶴見緑地公園), Tsurumi Ward, Osaka City, on February 6 2022.
Akabanayuukari (アカバナユーカリ), (Western Australian) red-flowering gum Lifeform: straggly, evergreen tree ≈ 15 m tall |
Distribution: Western Australia Habitat: on infertile, sandy soils Use: park tree, gardening, etc. → many cultivars |
Corymbia ficifolia (F. Muell.) K. D. Hill et L. A. S. Johnson, when Corymbia is established |
[1/2] near the coast of Perth, Western Australia. on October 4 2003.
Tuart Lifeform: tree with 30-40 m in height the six forest giants of Southwest Australia |
Distribution: a narrow coastal corridor within the Swan Coastal Plain Habitat: coastal plains |
Synonyms (discarded)
- var. gomphocephala |
[1-3] in Kings Park, Western Australia, on September 27 2003.