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Myrtaceae Juss., nom. cons. (フトモモ科)

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

[Engler's syllabus (エングラー体系)]

Myrtaceae (フトモモ) Juss., nom. cons.

More than 3,000 species in 130-150 genera Lifeform: woody
Distribution: mostly in tropical and subtropical regions, in particular, in the Southeast Asia, Australia and South America

Japan: Bonin Islands and Nansei Islands

Subfamily Leptospermoideae
Fruit: capsule
Callistemon (ブラシノキ)
Eucalyptus L'Her. (ユーカリノキ)
Leptospermum R. Forster et G. Forster (ネズモドキ)
About 90 species, mostly in Australia, some in New Zealand and Southeast Asia
L. ambiguum Sm. (ネズモドキ)
L. scoparium J. R. et G. Forst. (ギョリュウバイ)
Melaleuca L. (コバノブラシノキ)
M. alternifolia (ゴセイカユプテ)
M. cajuputi Maton et Sm. ex R.Powell ssp. cumingiana (Turcz.) Barlow (カユプテ)
Beaufortia R. Br.: endemic to southwestern Australia
Subfamily Myrtoideae
Fruit: berry
Darwinia Rudge: endemic to southwestern Australia
D. uncinata (Schauer) F. Muell. (ワックスフラワー)
Eremaea Lindl., eremaeas
16 species (5 subspecies and many varieties)
E. beaufortioides Benth., round-leaved eremaea
Eugenia (ユウゲニア)
Feijoa (フェイジョア)
Metrosideros Banks ex Gaertn. (ムニンフトモモ)
M. boninensis (Hayata ex Koidz.) Tuyama (ムニンフトモモ)
M. polymorpha Gaudich. (ハワイフトモモ)
Myrciaria O. Berg
Myrtus (ギンバイカ)
M. communis L. (ギンバイカ)
M. nummularia Poir., cranberry myrtle, stoloniferous
Pimenta (ピメンタ)
Plinia L., auct. non. Blanco (キブドウ)
P. cauliflora (Mart.) Kausel (キブドウ/ジャボチカバ)
Psidium L. (バンジロウ)
Rhodomyrtus (テンニンカ)
Syzygium (フトモモ)
S. jambos (L.) Alston (フトモモ)
S. aromaticum (L.) Merr. et L. M. Perry (チョウジ)
S. buxifolium Hook. et Arn. (アデク)
S. cleyerifolium (Yatabe) Makino (ヒメフトモモ), Bonin Islands
S. aqueum (Burm. f.) Alston (ミズレンブ)
Hypocalymma (Endl.) Endl.: endemic to Western Australia

Verticordia DC., featherflowers
Distribution: all but two species are in Southwestern Australia, the other two in the Northern Territory
V. brownii (Desf.) DC., pink brownii or pink cauliflower
V. nitens (Lindl.) Endl., Christmas Morrison or kotyeningara called by Noongar peoples
V. chrysanthella A. S. George, little chrysantha, somewhere we visited in the Pinnacles Desert, WA, on October 11 2003

Eucalyptus L'Her. (ユーカリノキ) introduced in Japan

About 500 species in the world
tropical Asia - Australia

fire-tolerant or-adapted (fire climax species)

E. amygdalina Labill. (ナガバユーカリ)
E. botryoides Sm. (アカバナユーカリ)
E. caesia Benth. (ケショウユーカリ)
E. camaldulensis Dehnh. (セキザイユーカリ)
E. cinerea F. Muell. ex Benth. (ギンマルバユーカリ)
E. citriodora Hook. (レモンユーカリ)
E. cladocalyx F. Muell. (ボウガクユーカリ)
E. cordata Labill. (ギンイロユーカリ)
E. corymbosa Sm. (タマザキユーカリ)
E. diversicolor F. Muell. (カリー, karri)
E. ficifolia F. Muell. (アカバナユーカリ)
E. globula Labill. (ユーカリ)
E. gomphocephala DC., tuart
E. gunnii Hook. f. (グングヌユーカリ)
E. leucoxylon F. Muell. (ヤナギユーカリ)
E. macrocarpa Hook. f. (オオミユーカリ)
E. melliodora A. Cunn. ex Schauer (シダレユーカリ)
E. perriniana Rodway (ツキヌキユーカリ)
E. polyanthemos Schauer (シラカネユーカリ)
E. pulverulenta Sims (マルバユーカリ)
E. regnans F. Muell. (セイタカユーカリ)
E. robusta Sm. (オオバユーカリ)
E. sideroxylon A. Cunn. ex Woolls (アカゴムノキ)
E. tereticornis Sm. (クーパーユーカリ)
E. viridis R. T. Baker (ミドリユーカリ)

Psidium L. (バンジロウ)

P. araca Raddi (ブラジルバンジロウ)
P. cattleyanum Sabine (テリハバンジロウ)
P. friedrichsthalianum (Bergius) Nied. (コスタリカバンジロウ)
P. guajava L. (バンジロウ/グアバ)