(2019年3月6日更新) [ 日本語 | English ]
口語英語 (spoken English)論文を書く時には、こういう表現は使ってはいけない、ということにもなる。会話の特徴別に英語に限った話ではない (岩田 1976)1. 省略"Are you hungry?" "Yes, I am very hungry." → "Hungry?" "Very." (日本語でもこうだよねWhy (are you) so blue? そんなにショゲてどうしたの 2. 語順の転換"Are you going back home?" → "You're going home?" (上げ調子)3. 口語的言い回しI can not understand him no longer. → I can not understand him any longer.I fear (that) it will rain → I am afraid it'll rain. Let's rest. → Let's have a rest. Cf. have a look, have a drink, have a swim What's your hurry (n.)? ← Why do you hurry (v.)? I couldn't but laughing. → I couldn't help laughing.Come to see me. → Come and see me. 遊びにおいで 4. 口語表現a) 優しい動詞overtake = catch up with, encounter = come across, yield = give in, agree = get along b) 状況比喩: 状況によって使われる比喩的表現There's the door. 出てけ! Where are your eyes (ears)? どこに目(耳)をつけでんだ! c) 口語用語
pal = friend, mate He's sick of people trying to cheer him up.
Watch your step (head). 足元(頭上)注意 (セイン・岡 2010) 会話での誤解の原因あやふやな表現が死を招くのはさておいて、(1) フレーズ自体の選び方・使う状況を間違える 相槌: [ポジティブ] Oh, I see. > Oh, I know. > I see. Yeah. > I know. > I know that. > Yes, yes. [愛想なし] (2) 必要以上に丁寧、慇懃無礼、嫌みな感じ名前を聞く ↑ [控え目・感じ良い]
I'am Shiro Tsyuzaki. And you are ...? (... 失礼ですが、お名前は)
Your wish is my command. (畏まりました) I (completely, quite) agree with you. I couldn't agree with you more … I'm all for … I'm with you on … I'm in favor of … ⇔
I don't agree with you. I'm against … I'm opposed to … I object to … |
不信感 ↑ [遠回しに反対] I kind of think he didn't say that. (kind of: ちょっと) ○ I don't think he said that. × I think he didn't say that.
Are you sure he said that.
doubt vs suspect
You're wrong. No comment. It's none of my business. No one can tell. I can't say which one is better. It depends. It all depends. That depends. That's all depends. I'm not telling. That would be telling. (cf. Time will tell.) It's up to you. (あたなに任せます/それはあなた次第です)
It's up to you to decide. (全てあなたにお任せします)
Oh, you really shouldn't have done that. (えっ、そこまでしてくれて) I shouldn't have done that. (やるんじゃなかった)
I'll never forget this. (ずっと忘れないよ) 聞き返す ↑ [丁寧]
I'm sorry, what did you say?
Pardon? プライバシー: 以下の様な質問は避ける(知りたければ、まず自分から)
How much money do you make? What's your job? (職業・給料)
♀ She is my girlfriend. (友達) She is my partner. (レズ)
A: I have a bad news. I lost my tickets. |
Ex. car [ka:r] (Am), [ka] (En) I’ll tell her when I see her. 動詞と副詞が結び付いて、pick - upのように一つのまとまった意味を表わす時は、その両方が強く読まれる「wh」と「w」は唇を丸めて「ゥワ」とこもった感じ(そうではないこともある) |
子音[ð]直後に[z]が続く場合[d]が殆ど発音されない。[ð]と[z]の間に母音を入れて発音してはいけない... that would make the clothes extra clean. She bathes every morning. [p], [t], [k]で終わる語の次に同じく[p], [t], [k]で始まる語が続く時、前の方の[p], [t], [k]は弱くなり飲み込むように発音され殆ど聞こえないWe do it to cleanse our spirit., Don’t talk like that., deep pond, black cat [t]の直後に半母音[j]で始まる語が来ると、その二つが一所になって[t∫]と一つの音のように発音される。Aren't you efficient!, meet you, get you, might you [d]直後に[j]で始まる語が来ると、[dз]と一つの音のように発音されるEx. What would you like? [d], [t]直後に[l]が続くと、その[d], [t]は舌先を離さず舌の両側で素早く発音され[l]の音にそのまま移行する
To put it mildly, their financial condition is not good. That'll be a big help. I didn't see any sign of trouble. What a beautiful garden! What a lovely kitten! [n]で終わる語直後に半母音の[j]または母音で始まる語が続くと、[n]は母音とは切り離さず一音のように発音されるCan you find out how ...? Can I have one of them? one of them. in it. [m], [p], [t]直後に母音で始まる語が続く時、[m], [p], [t]と母音は切り離さず一音のように発音される
I wish I could come and get you. Will you tape it? sew [sou] ↔ sole [soul], bow [bou] ↔ bowl [boul], toe [tou] ↔ toll [toul] |
強い所がほぼ等間隔に表れる性質 = 強い所と弱い所が交互に表れる性質
→ 強弱がはっきりし、強い所はゆっくりと弱い所は早めに発音する傾向 文中の一般動詞は他の語よりも強く読まれる傾向にある → (文中のbe動詞、have動詞はさほど強くならない)形容詞が次に来る名詞を形容、修飾する時は通常その両方が強く読まれる Do you have enough□ time□? 副詞が次に来る形容詞又は副詞を修飾する時は通常その両方が強められるThe chances are very□ good□. 名詞(n)が次に来るnを修飾する場合は原則として前のnが強められるThat's a port□ city like Sydney, isn't it? 「v + adv」の形で一つのまとまった意味を表わす時その両方、もしくはあとの副詞の方が強められるWow□, it○'s co□ming○ down□ in○ bu□ckets○! 文中be動詞は通常弱く読まれる。そのためしばしば短縮形が用いられるBe動詞が文の最後で、そのあとに補語の省略がある場合、そのbe動詞は強められる。同様に助動詞will, wouldや「have動詞」の後に何か省略されている場合そのwill, wouldは強められる Be□ se□ri○ou○s (I am). 助動詞のdo, does, didは通常弱く発音されるHow do○ you look at it, Mr. Roberts? 現在完了のhave(has)は通常弱められる
等位接続詞のandが文中に用いられた時には通常強勢をとらない 動詞の目的として用いられる名詞節を導く接続詞thatは通常強勢をとらない 疑問文を作るdo (does, did) + 主語の形は通常強勢をとらない 他動詞、前置詞の目的として用いられる代名詞(it, him, her, us, them等)は通常強勢をとらず、前の動詞と一所になり一語のように発音される O.K. Let's hear it. Do you want to have it transferred? There's -, There're - の形は通常弱く発音される人称代名詞は通常強勢をとらないが文脈から明瞭に他の誰かと対比し用いる時は強勢をとり声の調子も高くなる 再帰代名詞(myself, yourselfなど)は一般に強められる傾向にある 数詞及び序詞は文中の位置に関係なく通常強められる 抑揚疑問詞で始まる疑問文は通常最後で声を下げる。一般疑問文(yes, noで答えられる)は通常最後で声を上げるWhat’s the matter? ↘ Is anything the matter? ↗ 疑問詞だけで質問する時、声を上げれば聞き返しや確認になり、声を下げれば疑問詞本来の意味を聞いている。
Where would you like to go? ↘ That’s for what.↗ He came when?↗ 疑問詞で始まる疑問文の後にI wonderが来ると下がり調子になり文の始めに来ると高くて平坦な調子になる
How do Japanese schools foster individual creativity, I wonder?↘ |
Why→ if it isn’t my favorite teacher! Why?↘ /Because I want it. 普通肯定文は最後を下げ読むが最後で声を上げ読むと疑問の意味になるYou mean the spiritual side of it?↘ You mean the spiritual side of it?↗ Yes, no疑問文を下げ調子で言えば、何かを訊ねるというよりむしろ新たな話題として提案をしていることになるCould you explain why?↘ May we ask him first?↘ 付加疑問文は最後を上げ調子で読めば本当に訊ねることになり、下げ調子で読めば相手の同意を求めているYou drank a lot, didn't you? It's almost noon, isn't it? Shall we ---? で始まる ⇒ 最後で声を上げる。Let's ---? ⇒ 声を下げるShall we take five?↗ Let’s take five.↘ 名詞に幾つかの修飾語がつき1つのまとまった意味を表わす時、1つ1つが強められ声は少しずつ下がって行くall those tropical fish →→→↘ 2つ以上物を列挙する時には各々の後で軽く声を上げるか平坦にするかのどちらかで、andの後の語で声を下げるI have a sleeping bag, ↗(or→) a canteen↗(or→) and a flashlight.↘ 主節の前に置かれた従属節はその最後で軽く声を上げて読み、その後に更に文が続くことを聞き手に知らせるIf you want to learn anything↗, you have to ask questions. 強めたい時や明るい気持ちを表わしたい時には、その言葉の所で声は↘のように1番上から下まで一気に降りるOh, splendid!↘ Good!↘ 感嘆文: 文形に関わらず下げ調子。形は疑問文でも下げると感嘆文になる場合もあるWhat a charming thought!↘ How nice it was!↘ 何かを思い出した時のOh, yes.は↘と下がり調子で言う。また相槌として更に話を促す時には↗と上げ調子になる
1. Oh, yes.↘ Now I remember. Good to see you. Good to see you, too. 相手の言葉の一部(述部)を利用し相槌を打つ時には下げ調子と上げ調子の両方が用いられるWe're passing through that area. ⇒ a. Oh, are we?↘, b. Oh, are we?↗ 呼び掛けの名前は3通りの調子で言う
軽く上げる: 普通の呼び掛け Hello, Alex.↗ Best wishes on your marriage.↘ Merry Christmas!↘
A week in WashingtonWords & Phrasessenator (米)上院議員, (the) Capitol (米)国会議事堂, public service 公務/議員としての職務(be) sought after 追いかけられる (cf. seek after ... [...を追いかける] ) Lincoln Memorial ギリシャ風の建設。リンカーンが椅子に座っている代理石像で有名。National Gallery (of Art) 国立美術館。Smithsonian Institution スミソニアン協会。英化学者James Smithson遺贈金を基に1846年に設立された国立研究所。Washington Monument 169 mの石の塔。エレベーターで152 mの展望台まで登れる guided tour ガイド付きツアー miss (ある場所・物・人物から離れた後で)恋しくなる negative side 否定的な側面/好ましくない面 stepping down = leaving the post (議員を辞めることを指す) for good = forever (the) media = mass media マスコミ in the making 製作中/執筆中 insider's novel 内情に通じた人が書いた小説/内幕もの, reveal 暴露する Practice
• Enrich your vocabulary行政関連用語: the Federal Government 連邦政府, Chief Executive = President, Capitol Hill 国会議事堂のある丘(時事用語でCongress[米国議会]を指すこともある), the White House 大統領官邸, the House of Representatives/the House下院, member of the House (of Representative)下院議員, Speaker of the House (of Representative)下院議員, President of Senate 上院議長, Democratic Party/Democrat 民主党/民主党員, Republican Party/Republican 共和党/共和党員 |
A Vote for the FamilyWords & Phrasesthe Senate (米)上院best-paid 最高の給料をとっている legislator (議会・国会等、立法府の)議員 conscientious 良心的な be convinced 確信している act on ... に基づいて/...に従って行動する run for office 議員に立候補する Practice
• Enrich your vocabulary米国の省 Departments: the Department of the Treasury, the Department of the Interior, the Department of Justice, the Department of State, the Department of Defense, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Labor, the Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Transportation, the Department of Energy, the Department of Health and Human Service, the Department of Housing and Urban Development Song: 英語学習で覚えた記憶のある歌(リンク)論文の流れにも関係するが、英語のリズムを理解するには、読み易い「詩」を読めと力説されてた頃のメモから。
Pure and SimpleWords & Phrasesmeet with ... と約束し会う, (be) in the way 邪魔する, audience 聴衆・観衆, take (音楽・演奏等を)録音(する), sure thing sureよりやや砕けた応答, better yet (それよりも)最良いのは, take two = second recording, work out 首尾良くやる/うまくやる, buff ファン・熱中している人, confess 白状する・告白する, lyrics 歌詞Practice
Enrich Your VocabularyMusic Business
A Forgetful StarWords & Phrasessession 何人かで音楽演奏することtalk over a meal 食事をしながら話す (be) screwed on ネジで留める joint 気軽に食事でき酒も飲める店 two of the usual いつもの2つ cozy 居心地良い range 山脈 Yessir - Yes, sir短縮形だが本来の敬称ではなくおどけた感じ haystack(s) 積み上げた干草 twang (ギター・バンジョー等の弦楽器が)鳴る音 plain life 平凡な/普通の生活 fancy 派手な・飾りたてた Practice
A Job Well DoneWords & Phrasesoverlooking 見渡しているclear away 片付ける superb 飛び切り上等(最高)の here's to ~に乾杯 in ages vs for ages:
for: ~の全期間にわたって (1) I haven't seen him for three years. ← for ages = for a long time Practice
Enrich Your VocabularyCocktails: Manhattan = ウイスキー+ベルモット, salty dog = ジン + グレープフルーツ・ジュース(グラスの縁に塩を付けそれを舐めながら飲む), old-fashioned = 角砂糖 + 水少々 + ビター + ウイスキー, Bloody Mary = オッカ + トマト・ジュース, screwdriver = オッカ + オレンジ・ジュース |
American or Irish?Words & Phrasessip (ちびちび)飲むmake a good start 良いスタートを切る stare into space じっと空(くう)を見つめる get at ...をほのめかす (be) confused 混乱している Practice
A Flying DoctorWords & PhrasesCharleville, Queensland: Flying Doctor Serviceがあるrelief work: 救助活動 be stung by a hornet: スズメバチ(クマンバチ)に刺される do the trick: うまく行く/~がよい kiss it better: うまく行くようにキスする(おまじない) hornet sting: 蜂刺され home remedies: 家庭療法 ↔ folk medicine: 民間療法 conventional: 通常の prescribe: (薬等を)処方する to go into labor: 陣痛が始まる bystander(s): 野次馬 Practice
Enrich Your VocabularyMedicine: ambulance 救急車, first-aid 応急手当, internal medicine 内科, surgery 外科, otolaryngology (ENT) 耳鼻咽喉科 |
New Life in the OutbackWords & Phrasesoutback 内陸部・アウトバックmagnificent 素晴らしい・壮大な on hand 手元にある heat up 温める・沸かす calm ... down ... を落ち着かせる・なだめる infancy 幼少(時) deliver 出産を助ける calf 子牛, cattle 牛(家畜用 ) Why ここでは喚起の声。本当か・信じられない、といった感じ Phrase: just in time ⇒ in time Ex. in time for: I got to the theater (just) in time for the last show. Practice
Enrich Your VocabularyChildbirth: pregnant 妊娠している, labor pains 陣痛, painless delivery 無痛分娩方, Caesarean section 帝王切開, midwife助産婦 |
Back Out to the OutbackWords & Phraseshead (for ...) (...へ)向かうcorrugated roads でこぼこ道 sturdy 頑丈な car agent レンタカー営業所従業員 convince ... を説得する sheep-shearing 羊毛刈取 station hand ヒツジ世話役・牧場の働き手 sheep station ヒツジ牧場 in four runs of two hours each 4回、各2時間ずつ jackeroo 農場見習い apprentice 見習い merino sheep メリノ種のヒツジ Practice
A Sheep Farmer's Worst EnemyWords & Phrasesbloke 人・奴 (manの砕けた言い方)take off 勢いに乗る ostrich ダチョウ dingo 犬の一種 keep out 防ぐ・締め出す Practice
Enrich Your VocabularySheep vs. Lamb: sheep dog ヒツジの番犬, sheepish (ヒツジのように)おどおどした・内気な, lambkin 小さい子ヒツジ, lamblike 子ヒツジのような=おとなしい, (the) Lamb of God 神の子ヒツジ = キリスト |
Autumn in April? (1)Words & Phrasesdrop into ...に立ち寄るcheck ... out (図書館で本を)借出す spring person 春型人間 a bad case of ... ...のひどい病状 spring fever 春に浮かれ仕事(勉強)が嫌で、じっとできないこと what if I asked = what would you say/do if I asked international exposition 国債見本市(博覧会)・万博 cover 取材する Practice
Enrich Your VocabularySpring: spring (over) coat, spring training, spring-cleaning, spring roll |
Autumn in April? (2)Words & Phrasesethnocentric 自民族中心的refined 洗練された marsupial(s) 有袋動物 wombat(s) オンバット platypus(es) カモノハシ aura 雰囲気 get a bit carried away 少し夢中になり過ぎてしまう suspiciously 怪訝そうに detective novel 探偵小説・推理小説 Practice
Better Journalists than Detectives (1)Words & Phrasesa plane bound for Sydney シドニー行飛行機flight attendant 客室乗務員 (古 steward/stewardess) customs declaration form 税関申告書 fill out 記入する briefcase 書類鞄 ticking sound (時計等の)カチカチいう音 act rather suspiciously やや不審な行動をとる restless 落ち着きが無い・そわそわしている relief 安心・安堵 Practice
Enrich Your Vocabulary鞄: overnight bag (=overnighter), wallet, attache, carryall, beauty case. |
Better Journalists than Detectives (2)Words & Phrasesbicentennial 200年記念のshimmer 光揺らめく entertain 楽しませる clown 道化役者 descent 降下 Practice
Enrich Your Vocabularybi = 2 Ex. 1. bilingual. 2. binoculars. 3. bilateral. 4. bicameral. |
It's such a bother. あれは実に厄介だ Can I feed the hamster? 餌をやってもいいかな? |
ProverbFirst catch your hare (and [then] cook it [him]).まず材料(兎)を手に入れなさい。料理はそれから → とらぬ狸の皮算用 |
[ 時制 ]
直接話法 He said [伝達動詞], "I will do my best." [被伝達部 reporting verb]
↓↑ 話法の転換 間接話法 He said [伝達動詞] he would do his best. [被伝達部]
This (these)__that (those) He said to me, "I will leave here tonight." He told me that he would leave there that night." She said, "I was ill, but I am quite well now"She said (that) she had been ill, but that she was quite well then. [疑問文]He said to me, "Who is she?" He asked me who she is? I said to him, "When did you come to Japan?"I ask him when he had come to Japan. |
He said to me, "Do you like fruit?"
He asked me if (whether) I liked fruit. She said to me, "May I come in?"She asked me if (whether) she might come in. [命令文]He said to me, "Shut/Don't shut the door." He told me to shut/not to shut the door. [感嘆文] 定型はないShe said, "What a beautiful sunset (it is)!"
She said (that) it was a very beautiful sunset. 時制He said, "She is in France."____He said (that) she was in France.He said, "She was in France."__He said (that) she had been in France. He said, "She will be in France._He said (that) she would be in France. He asked, "Is she in France."___He asked if she was in France. |
仮定法 subjunctive1) 仮定法現在現在-未来についての単なる条件
If ~ 現在(古くは原形) -, 未来・現在・過去等 「もし~するならば, … する(だろう), した」 2) 仮定法過去現在の事実についての反対の仮定If ~ 過去(be動詞はwere) -, would + 原形 「もし~するならば, … するだろうに」 If he asked me, I would help you. if ~ should: 万一(ひょっとして) ~ ならIf you should see him, tell him I want to see him. if ~ were to -: 仮に ~ ならIf some one were to give you a million dollars, what would you do? If it were not for = were it not for = if it were not for = but for = withoutBut for (Without) your advice, I should be deceived. 君の忠告がなければ、騙されていたね If it had not been for = had it not been for = if it had not been for = but for = withoutBut for (Without) your advice, I should have failed. 君の忠告がなければ、失敗してたね 3) 仮定法過去完了過去の事実についての反対をいうIf + 過去完了 -, would have + p.p. 「もし~したならば, …しただろうに」 If he had asked me, I would have helped him. 4) 仮定法未来未来についての強い疑いI wish/O(h) that/Would (to God) that/If only + 仮定法過去(完了)
I wish I were a bird and could fly to you. I wish I had known your distress. 仮定的言い回しprovided, providing: (~の条件が)揃わねばI will come provided (providing) that I am well enough. suppose, supposing: ~と仮定せよ(すると)Suppose (Supposing) your father saw you, what would you say? in case (口語) = if: ~した場合には in case it should rain = if it should rainIn case I should fail, I would try again. on condition that: ~という条件でYou may use this camera on condition that you handle it carefully. so long as (as long as): ~する限りはI am happy so long as you are happy. given: ~が与えられればGiven a common language in which to talk, we can understand each other much better. granting (granted) that: ~ということを認めるとしてGranting (Granted) that he was drunk, that is no excuse for his conduct. |
仮定法 → 帰結法(直接法・命令法) I would tell you if I knew it. → I do not tell you because I do not know it. If I were a bird, I would fly to you. → As I am not a bird, I will not fly to you. I should have written to you if I had known your address. → I did not write to you because I did not know your address. The roads would not be muddy if it had not rained heavily. → The roads are muddy as it rained heavily. I wish I had some time to spare. → I am sorry (that) I have no time to spare. I wish I had had money. → I am sorry that I had no money. (I am sorry, I regret, it is (to be) regretted, or it is the matter for regret) If you are faithful, they will be rely upon you. → Be faithful, and they will rely upon you. Unless you make a not of it, you will forget it. → Make a note of it, or you will forget it. if ever (there is one): もしあるとすれば → まさしく He is a linguistic genius if ever (there is one). if (it is) a day: もし一日あったら → 少なくとも → 確かにShe is twenty, if a day. if only: ~さえすればなあIf only I could pass the exam. 試験に通りさえすればなあ if I can help it: できればI don't want to make an air trip if I can help it. if you please: 1. どうぞ、失礼ですが, 2. 驚いたことに(2) She was wearing her boyfriend’s nightgown – orange see-through, if you please. what if: 1. もし~だったら, 2. したら大変だ(2) What if she comes home. 彼女が帰ってきたら大変だ(帰って来たって構うものか) 比喩1) 直喩simile- as, likeを使うmay (might) as well ~: ~する方がよい(≈ had better) He will come by the next bus. You may (might) as well wait here. ⇒ may (might) as well ... as ~: ~して良いと同様...して良い。~するより...した方が良い⇒ might as well ... as ~: ~するのは...する様なものだ。~する位なら...した方がましだ
You might as well throw your money into the sea.
The man talked as if (though) he knew the truth. 2) 陰喩 metaphorMan is a thinking reed, a heart of stoneI might here a pin drop. ピン一本落ちても聞こえそうだ → とても静かだ 3) 換喩 metonymy"crown" stands for "king." (the cradle → childhood, the bottle → wine)4) 提喩 synecdochebread → food, hand → workman比喩的擬人法 personification誇張法 hyperbole: gallons of tears 漸層法 climax 頓呼法 apostrophe |
強調語句名詞: very Ex. This is the very dictionary that I want.動詞: do Ex. He did write the letter himself. by far 断然: He is by far the best player on our team. whatever: There is no doubt about it whatever. ever so (口語) たいそう、非常に: Thank you ever so much. 比喩的強調every inch 隅から隅まで I know every inch of the road.be dying to ~: ~したくてたまらない I am dying to see you. for God’s sake 後生だから for the life of me どうしても, on my life 誓って on earth, in the world 一体全体: What’s on earth going on? いったい何事だ (What the hell? Why the hell?) to the bone 骨まで → 徹底的に one’s head off 激しく(excessively) raise (lift) the roof 大騒ぎする |
強調構文It is that (which, who, when, etc.) + [強調部 = (代)名詞、副詞(句・節)]: ~するのは…であるIt is a long lane that has no bending. どれだけ長い道でも曲がりはある (= 待てば海路の日和あり) It happens that – たまたま-である, It follows that – (当然)-ということになる
It happened that he was away last night. From what he says it follows that he doesn't like her. It is necessary (right, wrong, important, etc.) that – should: -ということは必要(正当、不当、重要)だ It is a pity (strange, no wonder) that – (should): -ということは遺憾(不思議、当然)だ
It is no wonder that he thinks so. 彼がそう考えるのは不思議ではない |
リズムを変えるための倒置もある 副詞(句) + v + S + V: Never before had I seen such as big diamond. Down went the bus over the cliff. 目的語を文頭(O + S + V): Fires I have seen before, but nothing like this. A miserable condition he was in. 補語が文頭(C + V + S): Whether he will come or not, I can't tell. the + 比較級, the + 比較級 |
So + S + V 「実際に~だ(indeed)」 So he does. 事実そうです So + V + S 「~もそうだ(also)」 So do you. あなたもそうです Neither (Nor) am I. 私もそうでない |
as it were (so to speak) いわば: Ex. He is, as it were, a walking dictionary. [仮定] that is (to say) 即ち、換言すれば: He continued to work on the farm for a few years, that is (to say), till he was twenty-five. what is better still さらに良いことに: She is beautiful, what is better still, very intelligent. what makes the matter worse to make matters worse さらに困った(悪い)ことに He failed in business, what makes the matter worse to make matters worse, he fell ill. |
if anything: どちらかと言えば He is, if anything, smallish.
few/little ~ if any/anything/at all: まず殆ど~ない、もしあるとしても少ない
Few, if any, of his friends really understand him. seldom/rarely ~ if ever: まずめったにない、もしあるとしても稀だ He seldom (rarely), if ever, talks of his past. 前置き言い難いことを言う時I'm afraid … (残念ながら …) I have to say, … (言い難いのですが …) I need to tell you that … (話すべきことが …) |
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR シラバス目標(1) 知識、(2) 態度・習慣、(3) 技能
北大教育理念: 「開拓者精神」「国際性の涵養」「全人教育」「実学の重視」 |
一般目標 行動目標: 一般目標に到達するための具体的な観察可能な目標 方略
能動的学習法: (1) 実験実習、(2) グループ討論、(3) セミナー、(4) ディベート 評価
(1) 妥当性: 課した問題の難易度が適切か |