(Upload on January 5 2014) [ 日本語 | English ]
Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Plant list (植物リスト) > Asteraceae (キク科) > Tripleurospermum maritimum
Tripleurospermum (L.) Sch. Bip. (シカギク)T. maritimum (L.) W. D. J. KochLifeform: annual/biennial/perennial forbChromosome number: 2n = 18, or 36 ssp. inodorum (L.) Applequist Inukamitsure (イヌカミツレ), false mayweed (ウイキョウギク, イヌカミルレ) Distribution: native to Europe → invasive to Japan Habitat: disturbed sites, such as roadsides Synonyms:
Matricaria inodora L. |
ssp. phaeocephalum (Rupr.) Hamet-Ahti Distribution: arctic and subarctic in northern America Habitat: sandy places and grasslands by the seashore and near human habitation Synonyms:
Matricaria maritima L. ssp. phaeocephala (Rupr.) Rauschert Synonyms: Matricaria maritima L. |
[1-3] near a seaside along a paved road at Nome in Seward Peninsula on August 6 2013.