
(First upload on March 28 2012. Last on March 27 2017) [ 日本語 | English ]

Berberis japonica (Thunb.) R. Br.

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

Berberis L. (メギ)
Mahonia Nutt. (ヒイラギナンテン), when established
Hiiraginanten (ヒイラギナンテン, 柊南天), Japanese barberry/mahonia
Tounanten (トウナンテン, 唐南天)
Lifeform: evergreen shrub < 3 m high (and < 3 m wide)
Distribution: Himalayas - southern China - Taiwan (exotic to Japan)
Habitat: sometimes escaped
Leaf: imparipinnate
Seed dispersal: dark or black fruits → animal
Leaf: imparipinnately compound (6-8 pairs of leaflets with a terminal leaflet)

Teaflet: similar with Hiiragi (ヒイラギ, Ilex aquifolium) leaf

Utilization: gardening (tolerant to drought) → cultivars and hybrids, e.g., Berberis × media

Berberis japonica in Japan

[1/2] in West Ikebukuro Park, Tokyo, on March 14 2017. [3] at a park near the Tsukuba Station of Tsukuba Express, Ibaragi Prefecture, on March 7 2014. [4/5] at the imperial gardens in the former lawn (Shiba) detached palace, Tokyo, on May 29 2015. [6] along a paved road aside Sotogou Park (外濠公園), Tokyo, on November 18 2016. Discard: at the entrance of the imperial gardens in the former lawn Shiba detached palace, Tokyo, on September 21 2012; at the lava tumulus (溶岩塚) of the former Aizen Temple (愛染院), Mishima, on November 18 2009; at a roadside near the Nakasu Street of Kagoshima City, southern Kyushu, on March 21 2015.
