
(Upload on October ** 20**) [ 日本語 | English ]

Thymelaeaceae Juss. (ジンチョウゲ科)

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

Order Thymelaeales (ジンチョウゲ) ⇒ APG: Malvales
550 species in 44 genera
Daphne L. (ジンチョウゲ)
Edgeworthia Meisn. (ミツマタ)

Pimelea Banks et Sol. ex Gaertn. (コメバナ/ピメレア)
rice flowers, ca. 150 species
herbs and short shrubs
P. ferruginea Labill.
Stellera L. (イモガンピ)
S. chamaejasme L. (イモガンピ)

Daphne L. (ジンチョウゲ) in Japan

D. jezoensis Maxim. (ナニワズ)
D. kamtschatica Maxim. (カラフトナニワズ): Korea - Sakhalin - Hokkaido, sharp top of leaf
D. kiusiana Miq. (コショウノキ): central-southern Japan
D. koreana Nakai (チョウセンナニワズ): Korea - southern Japan
D. miyabeana Makino (カラスシキミ): Japan Sea side - Hokkaido
D. pseudomezereum A. Gray (オニシバリ): central-southern Japan
Exotics / Imported plants
D. genkwa Sieb. et Zucc. (フジモドキ): China
D. mezereum L. (セイヨウオニシバリ): Europe - East Asia
D. odora Thunb. (ジンチョウゲ)

Edgeworthia Meisn. (ミツマタ)

E. chrysantha Lindl. (ミツマタ)
E. gardneri (Wall.) Meisn. (ヒマラヤミツマタ)
E. longipes Lace, not in Japan