(First upload on May 16 2010. Last on July 2 2021) [ 日本語 | English ]
Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Plant list (植物リスト) > Caprifoliaceae (スイカズラ科) > Viburnum dilatatum
Viburnum L. (ガマズミ)Gamazumi (ガマズミ, 莢迷), linden arrowwoodAragegamazumi (アラゲガマズミ, 荒毛莢迷) Lifeform: deciduous shrub (2-3 m high) Distribution: China - Korea - Japan (south to the southern Tokachi District of Hokkaido) Habitat: grasslands and sunny forests |
Hair: stellate Seed dispersal: animal f. heterophyllum (Nakai) Sugimoto (ヘンヨウガマズミ/ホソバガマズミ) f. microphyllum (Nakai) Sugimoto (ハコネガマズミ) f. nikoense (Hiyama) Hara (ニッコウガマズミ) f. xanthocarpum Rehd. (キミノガマズミ) |
[1-3] in the crater basin on Mount Usu. [1/2] on July 14 2009. [3] leaves, on a sprout on July 25 2018. [4/5] in Takoppe Wetland, Niikappu Town, south-central Hokkaido, on June 13 2016. [6] near Muroran Marine Station, Hokkaido University, Muroran, on September 7 2009. [7] along a walking trail on the foot of the Kmnpira Craters of Mount Usu on September 8 2020. [8] near Yosomi Craters at the foot of Mount Usu on June 27 2021. Records: near Muroran Marine Station on September 9 2019.