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Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Plant list (植物リスト) > Fabaceae (Leguminosae) (マメ科) > Acacia spp.
Acacia Martius (アカシア)A. baileyana F. Muell. (ギンヨウアカシア)A. covenyi Tindale, blue bush A. dealbata Link (フサアカシア), silver wattle A. rostellifera Benth., summer-scented wattle |
Blue bush or blue bush wattle Lifeform: evergreen shrub or short tree, 3-7 m tall |
Distribution: endemic rare to southern New South Wales, Australia |
Habitat: full sun on well-drained soils Use: gardening |
[1-3] in a pot close to Ikebukuro Hospital, Tokyo, on March 15 2017.
Fusa-akashia (フサアカシア), silver wattle, blue wattle or mimosa Lifeform: evergreen tree or shrub phylogenetically close to A. mearnsii, A. nanodealbata and A. baileyana Distribution: native to southeastern Australia in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and the Australian Capital Territory |
introduced in Mediterranean, warm temperate and highland tropical regions Habitat: open woodlands, dry sclerophyll forests and wet forestsSynonyms:
Acacia decurrens var. dealbata (Link) Maiden |
ssp. dealbata, low to moderate altitudes. tree to 30 m, leaves mostly 5–12 cm long ssp. subalpina Tindale et Kodela, high altitudes in the Snowy Mountains, shrub to 5-10 m tall, leaves mostly 1.5–8.5 cm long |
[1-3] near Serpentine Falls, 55 km southeast of Perth, on November 21 2003.
Summer-scented wattle or skunk tree Lifeform: short tree with 6 m in hight (occasionally becoming 10 m in height) |
Distribution: endemic to south-western Western Australia Habitat: in (porous coastal) sand, frequently on dunes, sometimes on granitic rocky sand |
Reproduction: by suckers Synonyms: Racosperma rostelliferum (Benth.) Pedley |
[1-3] near Dongara located at the mouth of the Irwin River, 351 km north-northwest of Perth, on October 19 2003.