
(First upload on July 12 2007. Last on November 7 2019) [ 日本語 | English ]

Lupinus spp.

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

Lupinus L. (ハウチワマメ, lupin)

Lupinus albus L. in Hokkaido

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White lupin
Shirobanahauchiwamame (シロバナハウチワマメ, 白花葉団扇豆)
Lifeform: annual forb
Distribution: Mediterranean region
Seed: edible

Lupinus latifolius Lindl. ex J. Agardh on Mount St. Helens

Broad-leaved lupin
Distribution: between CA and WA

[1] in the summer of 1993 when I was in the University of Washington. I did not measure this species.

Lupinus lepidus Douglas ex Lindl. on Mount St. Helens

Lupin1 Lupin2 Pacific lupin, prairie lupine or dwarf lupine
A few varieties
[1] A single lupine patch in the summer of 1993. This species is a short-lived, nitrogen-fixing plant. The seedling growth is fast. [2] The most of ground surface is covered with lupine (Bishop 2002). On Mount Usu, Japan, Trifolium repens and Lotus corniculatus are nitrogen-fixing and well-established soon after the 1977-78 eruptions. These species are known as 'facilitative' plants (Tsuyuzaki, et al. 1997)

Lupinus luteus L. in Hokkaido

Kibanahauchiwamame (キバナハウチワマメ, 黄花葉団扇豆), annual yellow lupine or European yellow lupine
Lifefrom: biennial/perennial forb
Origin: Mediterranean region
Use: meadow

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[1-3] in a flower garden on Lake Hill Farm, Toya, central Hokkaido, on July 10 2019.

Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. in Hokkaido, Japan

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Bigleaf lupin
ノボリフジ, シュッコンルピナス, タヨウハウチワマメ
Lifeform: perennial forb
Distribution: native to the North America → exotic species to Japan

biological invasion, in particular, to Hokkaido (A3 on Hokkaido Blue List)

[1] in Kita-Yuzawa skislope, Hokkaido Island, Japan, on June 27, 2007. [2] at Toyoha Mine, Sapporo, on June 18 1988.

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[3] along a paved road on a small hill near Sub-Ranger House, Toyotomi Town, northern Hokkaido, on April 23 2016. [4/5] close to AMEDAS weather station in Horokanai Town, northern Hokkaido, on June 25 2018.
