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Invertebrates (無脊椎動物)

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

Invertebrate (無脊椎動物)

The taxon is not established
Protozoan (原生動物)
Porifera (海綿動物)
Coelenterata (腔腸動物)
Ctenophora (有櫛動物)
Platyhelminthes (扁形動物)
Nemertinea (紐形動物)
Kamptozoa (曲形動物)
Aschelminthes (袋形動物)
Mollusca (軟体動物)
Annelida (環形動物)
Onychophora (有爪動物)
Tardigrada (緩歩動物)
Pentastomida (舌形動物)
Arthropoda (節足動物)
Sipunculoidea (星口動物)
Tentaculata (触手動物)
Chaetognatha (毛顎動物)
Pogonophora (有鬚動物)
Hemichodata (半索動物)
Echinodermata (棘皮動物)

Phylum Protozoan (原生動物門 protozoa)

≈ mobile unicellular organisms (non-taxonomical group), including unicellular diatoms, fungi, etc.
Class Flagellata = Mastigophora (鞭毛虫)
Ex. euglena
Sublass Phytomastigophora (植物性鞭毛虫)
Order Chrysomonadida
Order Heterochlorida
Order Cryptomonadida
Order Dinoflagellida (渦鞭毛虫)
Order Phytomonadida (植物性モナス)
Order Euglenida (ミドリムシ/ユーグレナ)
Order chloromonadida (緑色モナス)
Sublass Zoomastigophora (動物性鞭毛虫)
Order Rhizomastigida (根鞭毛虫)
Order Protomastigida (原鞭毛虫)
Proterospongia (= Protospongia, sea-sponge-like
Trypanosoma (トリパノソーマ)

T. cruzi: chagas disease (= American trypanosomiasis) in S America
T. brucei: sleeping sickness pathogen in Africa, etc.

one host = act as non-pathgen vs more than one host = pathgen

Ex. T. cruzi: Triatoma rubrofasciata (Hemiptera), first host

→ anthropozoonosis (via hematophagia), second host

1964 Camargo EP: three symbiotic microbes in the cells of Trypanosoma

Crithidia deanei, C. oncopelti, Blastocrithidia culicis = non-pathogen

like prokaryotic cells, one microb living in one host cell

arginine, citrulline: not required for the in-vitro cultivation of Trypanosoma when the symbionts are present

= depending on OCT (ornithine carbamyltransferase)

EM observation → OCT produced by the symbiotic microbes

Leishmania, protozoa of kala-azar (black fever)
Order Folymastigida (多鞭毛虫)
Order Trichomonadida (トリコモナス)
Order Hypermastigida (超鞭毛虫)
Order Opalinida (オパリナ)
Class Sarcodina (肉質虫)
Ex. ameba (or amoeba)
Subclass Rhizopoda (根足虫)
Order Proteomyxida
Order Mycetozoida (動菌), often included into Plant Kingdom
Order Amoebida (アメーバ)
Amoebidae Ehrenberg 1838
Amoeba Bory de Saint-Vincent 1822

A. proteus Pal. (オオアメーバ), syn. Chaos diffluens (O.F. Müller 1786) Schaeffer 1926
Fig. Morphology of amoeba.

Entamoeba (アメーバ赤痢病原虫)
Order Testacida (有殻アメーバ)
Order Foraminiferida (有孔虫), often separated to Class Foraminifer
Subclass Actinopoda (放射仮足)
Order Helioflagellata = Mastigophora (太陽鞭毛虫)
Order Heliozoida (太陽虫)
Order Radiolaria (放散虫)
Class Foraminifer (有孔虫) (= Division Foraminifera)
1987 Loeblich. 1992 Tappan: Class Foraminifera
2005 Bass et al. 2006 Burki & Pawlowski: included into Rhizaria

= Foraminifer + Cercozoa (アメーバ鞭毛虫) + Radiolaria (放散虫)

250000 species (fossil + present)
Use: facies fossil (示相化石) and index fossil (示準化石) in paleobotany
Order Rotaliida: hyaline
Calcarinidae: spines
Nummulitidae: flat
Amphisteginidae: biconvex-lens-shaped
Order Miliolida: porcelaneous
Peneroplidae: flat
Subfam Archaiasinae: flat
Subfam Soritinae: disk
Alveolinidae: spindle-shaped

(† fossil record)

Class Sporozoa (胞子虫)
Ex. malaria plasmodium
Class Ciliata (繊毛虫)
Ex. paramecium, tetrahymena

Phylum Coelenterata (腔腸動物)

Subclass Hexacorallia (六放サンゴ)

Order Actiniaria (イソギンチャク)
sea anemone

Phylum Aschelminthes (袋形動物)

Order Rhabditida (ラブディティス)
Ascarididae (回虫)
Parascaris ウマノカイチュウ: P. equorum (Goeze 1782) Yorke et Maplestone 1926, 2n = 2 → observe chromosome diminution firstly (Boveri 1887)

Phylum Mollusca (軟体動物門)

Fig. Semidiagrammatic cross section of shell and mantle. CM, circular muscle; IC, inner crystalline layer; IF, inner mantle fold; IME, inner mantle epithelium; MF, middle mantle fold; OC, outer crystalline layer; OF, outer mantle fold; OME, outer mantle epithelium; P, periostracum; PG, periostracal groove (溝); PL, pallial line; PM, pallial muscle.

Class Gastropoda 腹足綱

Lehmannia valentiana slug
Order Stylommatophora (柄眼)
Testacellidae (カサカムリナメクジ, shelled slug)
Testacella Cuvier 1800
Limacoidea (コウラナメクジ)
Limax: L. maximus L. 1758 (マダラコウラナメクジ)
Lehmannia: L. valentiana (syn. Ambigolimax valentianus, チャコウラナメクジ - exotic)
Deroceras: D. larvae (ノハラナメクジ - exotic)
Helicidae (マイマイ)
Cepaea Held, 1838:
C. nemoralis Linnaeus, 1758 (モリマイマイ brown-lipped snail), C. hortensis Möller,1774 (ニワノオウシュウマイマイ white-lipped snail)

Euhadra brandtii sapporo

Bradybaenidae (オナジマイマイ, 同蝸牛)
Bradybaena Beck,1837 (オナジマイマイ): B. pellucida Kuroda et Habe in Habe,1953 (コハクオナジマイマイ, endemic to Japan)
Euhadra Pilsbry,1890 (マイマイ): E. peliomphala (Pfeiffer, 1850) (ミスジマイマイ), south to Kanto District, E. brandtii (Kobelt, 1875), Kanto and Tohoku District, sapporo (Ijima, 1891) (サッポロマイマイ), southwestern Hokkaido (NT)

The anatomy of land snail. 1. shell, 2. liver, 3. lung, 4. anus, 5. respiratory pore, 6. eye, 7. tentacle, 8. cerebral ganglia, 9. salivary duct, 10. mouth, 11. crop, 12. salivary gland, 13. genital pore, 14. penis, 15. vagina, 16. mucous gland, 17. oviduct, 18. dart sac, 19. foot, 20. stomach, 21. kidney, 22. mantle, 23. heart, 24. vas deferens

Articulata (体節動物)

= annelida + pararthropoda + euarthropoda

Phylum Annelida (環形動物門), annelids

Class Polychaeta (多毛)

Fig. Morphology of a tube worm
hosting sulphide-oxidizing
symbionts (bacteria)

Subclass Canalipalpata

Order Sabellida (ケヤリムシ)
= formerly phyla Pogonophora + Vestimentifera (∴ syn. Pogonophora and Vestimentifera)
Siboglinidae シボグリヌム
Frenulata group
Vestimentifera group

Alaysia, Arcovesia, Escarpia, Lamellibrachia (ハオリムシ, tube worm), Oasisia, Ridgeia, Riftia, Tevnia

Class Oligochaeta (貧毛)

earthworm and others
Order Naidomorpha
a group of aquatic worms nearly coextensive with Archioligochaeta
Order Lumbricomorpha
approximately equal to Neoligochaeta

Class Hirudinea (ヒル)


Class Echiuroidea (ユムシ)

Phylum Arthropoda (arthropod, 節足動物)

Subphylum Triopoda

Class Trilobita (三葉虫)


Subclass Chelicerata (鋏角亜門)

Class Arachnida (spiders and scorpions, クモ)

Order Pseudoscorpiones (= Chelonethi) (カニムシ)
book-scorpions, false scorpions
Order Scorpiones (サソリ)
Order Thelyphonida (≈ Pedipalpi) (サソリモドキ)
Typopeltis (サソリモドキ)
Order Schizomida (ヤイトムシ)
Schizomus (ヤイトムシ)
Order Amblypygi (ウデムシ/カニムシモドキ)
treated as suborder Amblypygi under Pedipalpi
Order Palpigradi (コヨリムシ)
micro-whip-scorpions, or microscorpions
Order Ricinulei (クツコムシ)
Order Solifugae (ヒヨケムシ)
false spiders, sun spiders or wind scorpions
Order Opiliones (= Phalangida) (ザトウムシ)
After Devonian, 4000 species in the present world
Order Araneae (真正クモ)
Suborder Mesothelae (中疣類)
Liphistiidae (ハラフシグモ): Heptahela (キムラグモ)
Suborder Opisthothelae (後疣)
Araneidae コガネグモ: Araneus = Epeira (オニグモ): A. ventricosus (オニグモ)
Theraphosidae (オオツチグモ): Avicularia (= Mygale) (bird-spider, オオツチグモ/トリトリグモ)
Fornicephalae トタテグモ: Latocuhia = Kishinouyeus (tradoor-spider, トタテグモ)
Atypidae (ジグモ): Latouchia (purse-web spider, ジグモ)
Chiracanthiidae (コマチグモ): Chiracanthium japonicum Boesenberg et Strand (カバキコマチグモ): Miscanthus sinensis grassland
Order Acari Leach 1817 (ダニ) ☛ Vermin (害虫)
Ticks inhabit forests, woodlands and grasslands where large mammmals are sensely distributed. Pain and swelling keep feeling for a few days during they suck blood.
Axonopsidae (コバンダニ)
Hydrodromidae (ハサミミズダニ)
Mideopsidae (タマミズダニ)
Protoziidae (ヒョウタンダニ)
Sperchontidae (ナガレダニ)
Torrenticolidae (ケイリュウダニ)
Tarsonemidae (ホコリダニ)
Eriophyidae Nalepa 1898 (gall mite, フシダニ): > 200 species. ⇒ galls on Alnus hirsta leaves

Class Merostomata (horseshoe crabs, 節口綱)

Order Xiphosura (剣尾目), king-crabs, horseshoe-crabs
Four species worldwide
Tachypleus (カブトガニ) Leach 1819: T. tridentatus Leach 1819 (カブトガニ), T. gigas Müller 1785 (ミナミカブトガニ)
Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda Latreille 1802 (マルオカブトガニ)
Limulus polyphemus L. 1758 (アメリカカブトガニ)

Class Pycnogonida (sea spiders, 海蜘蛛綱)

Subphylum Myriapoda (多足類)

Class Chilopoda (centipedes, 唇脚綱)

Order Scutigeromorpha (ゲジ)
Order Lithobiomorpha (イシムカデ)
Order Craterostigmomorpha (ナガズイシムカデ)
Order Scolopendromorpha (オオムカデ)
Order Geophilomorpha (ジムカデ)

Class Diplopoda (millipedes, 倍脚綱)

Class Pauropoda (少脚綱)

Class Symphyla (結合綱)

Subphylum Crustacea

Class Branchiopoda (brine shrimps)

Class Remipedia (bind crustaceans)

Class Cephalocarida (horseshoe shrimps)

Class Maxillopoda (barnacles)

Class Ostracoda (seed shrimps)

Class Malacostraca (robsters, crabs and shrimps, 軟甲)

*: extinct

Subclass Phyllocarida Packard 1879 (コノハエビ)

Order Archaeostraca Claus 1888*
Order Hoplostraca Schram 1973*
Order Leptostraca Claus 1880 (薄甲)

Subclass Hoplocarida Calman 1904 (棘蝦)

Order Aeschronectida Schram 1969*
Order Archaeostomatopoda Schram 1969*
Order Stomatopoda Latreille 1817

Subclass Eumalacostraca Grobben 1892 (真軟甲)

Superorder Syncarida Packard 1885 (ムカシエビ)
Order Palaeocaridacea Brooks 1979*
Order Bathynellacea Chappuis 1915 (ムカシエビ)
Order Anaspidacea Calman 1904
Superorder Peracarida Calman 1904 (フクロエビ)
Order Spelaeogriphacea Gordon 1957
Order Thermosbaenacea Monod 1927
Order Lophogastrida Sars 1870
Order Mysida Haworth 1825
Order Mictacea Bowman et al. 1985
Order Amphipoda Latreille 1816
sow bug
Order Isopoda Latreille, 1817 (ワラジムシ)
Porcellionidae (sow bug, ワラジムシ)
Porcellio scaber Latreille 1804 (ワラジムシ), south to Central Honshu
Order Tanaidacea Dana 1849
Order Cumacea Krøyer 1846
Superorder Eucarida Calman 1904 (ホンエビ)
Order Euphausiacea Dana 1852 (オキアミ), krill
Euphausiidae オキアミ
Bentheuphausiidae ソコオキアミ
Order Amphionidacea Williamson 1973
Order Decapoda Latreille 1802 (十脚)
crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, prawns, etc.
Earliest fossil: the Devonian Palaeopalaemon
Palaemonidae (テナガエビ)
Macrobrachium Bate 1868 (テナガエビ), freshwater prawn
Palaemon Weber 1795 (スジエビ), P. paucidens De Haan 1844 (スジエビ), lake prawn

Subphylum Hexapoda (六脚類)

Class Insecta (insects, 昆虫)

Class Entognatha (wingless insects, 内顎類)

Phylum Pogonophora (有鬚動物, beard worms)

= former phyla Pogonophora (giant tube worms) + Vestimentifera
Classical classification (内田 1965)

Class Pogonophora (有髭)

Order Athecanephria (無鞘腎)
Oligobrachia, Siboglinum
Order Thecanephria (有鞘腎)
Heptabrachia, Lamellisabella, Spirobrachia

Phylum Echinodermata (棘皮動物, echinoderm)

Class Crinoidea Crinoid

Subclass Articulata

Order Bourgueticrinida
Order Comatulida
Order Cyrtocrinida
Order Hyocrinida
Order Isocrinida
Order Millericrinida
Subclass Flexibilia
Subclass Camerata
Subclass Disparida