(Upload on November 13 2019) [ 日本語 | English ]
Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Plant list (植物リスト) > Amaranthaceae (ヒユ科)
[Engler's syllabus (エングラー体系)]
Amaranthaceae (ヒユ科), Amaranth familyFlower: incomplete, perfect or less often imperfect (usually small)Floral symmetry: radial Androecium (A) = 3-5, opposite the sepals, the filaments coalescent or distinct, hypogynous Gynoecium: syncarpous, pistil = 1, carpels/pistil = 2-3, locules/pistil = 1, ovules/locule=1, or less often several Ovary: superior (placentation: basal) Inflorescence: various, bracteate Fruit: commonly a circumscissile capsule, utricle or nutlet Phyllotaxy: alternate or opposite Leaves: simple Flower![]() Profile diagram____Transverse diagram |
┌──────Polycnemoideae │ ┌─┬Gomphrenoideae │ │ └Achyranthoids clade │ ├──Aervoids clade │ ┌┴─┬Amaranthoids clade ┤ │ └Celosieae │ ┌┴───Charpentiera │┌┴────Bosea ││ [⇑ Amaranthaceae, s.s.] └┤ ┌─┬Betoideae │ ┌┤ └Acroglochin │ │└─┬Chenopodioideae └─┤ └Corispermoideae │┌─┬Camphorosmoideae └┤ └Salsoloideae └─┬Salicornioideae └Suaedoideae [⇑ Chenopodiaceae] Achyranthes L. (イノコヅチ)Alternanthera Forssk. (ツルノゲイトウ)Amaranthus L. (ヒユ)Celosia L. (ケイトウ)Deeringia (インドヒモカズラ)D. amaranthoides (Lam.) Merr. (コウシュンヒモカズラ)D. polysperma (Roxb.) Moq. (インドヒモカズラ) Froelichia (ハマデラソウ)F. gracilis (Hook.) Moq. (ハマデラソウ)Gomphrena L. (センニチコウ)Philoxerus (イソフサギ)AustraliaPtilotus R. Br. (ムラムラ*) |
A. aspera L. var. indica L. (ケイノコヅチ) | A. bidentata Bl. (イノコヅチ, s.l.) | A. longifolia (Makino) Makino (ヤナギイノコヅチ) |
A. dentata (Moench) Stuchlík ex R. E. Fr. (アカバナセンニチコウ) A. denticulata R. Br. (ホソバツルノゲイトウ) A. ficoidea (L.) P. Beauv. (モヨウビユ) |
A. paronychioides A.St.-Hil. (ケツルノゲイトウ) A. philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. (ナガエツルノゲイトウ) |
A. pungens Kunth (マルバツルノゲイトウ) A. sessilis (L.) R. Br. ex DC. (ツルノゲイトウ) |
A. albus L. (ヒメシロビユ) A. arenicola Johnst. (ヒメアオゲイトウ) A. blitoides S. Wats. (イヌヒメシロビユ/アメリカビユ) A. caudatus L. (ヒモゲイトウ) A. cruentus L. (スギモリゲイトウ) A. deflexus L. (ハイビユ), exotic to Japan (Hokkaido - Kyushu, flat and hill) |
A. hybridus L. (ホソアオゲイトウ) A. lividus L. var. ascendens (Lois.) Thell. (イヌビユ) A. palmeri S. Wats. (オオホナガアオゲイトウ) A. powellii S. Watson (ホナガアオゲイトウ/イガホビユ), south to Kyushu |
A. retroflexus L. (アオゲイトウ) A. spinosus L. (ハリビユ) A. tricolor L.
ssp. tricolor (ハゲイトウ) |
C. argentea L. (ノゲイトウ), silver cockscomb or Lagos spinach |
C. cristata L. (ケイトウ) |
C. taitoensis Hayata (タイトウノゲイトウ) |
G. celosioides Mart. (センニチノゲイトウ) |
G. globrosa L. (センニチコウ) |
G. haageana Klotzsch (アメリカセンニチコウ) G. pulchella C. Mart. (イツモイナカグラシ*) |
≈ 110 species Lifeform: annuals, perennials and shrubs |
Distribution: mainland Australia, except a few species (common in Western Australia) |
P. exaltatus Nees (セイタカムラムラ*), tall mulla mulla |