
(First upload on June 9 2022. Last on July 26 2022) [ 日本語 | English ]

Araucariaceae Henkel et W. Hochstetter (ナンヨウスギ科)

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

[Engler's syllabus (エングラー体系)]
Genera ()
Araucaria Juss. (ナンヨウスギ)
Agathis Salisb. (ナギモドキ)
Wollemia W. G. Jones, K. D. Hill et J. M. Allen (ウォレミマツ)

Araucaria Juss. (ナンヨウスギ)

Distribution: 19 species in the Southern Hemisphere (except in Africa)
A. angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze (パラナマツ)
A. araucana (Molina) K.Koch (チリマツ)
A. bidwillii Hook. (ヒロハノナンヨウスギ)
A. columnalis (G. Forst.) Hook. (クックナンヨウスギ)
A. cunninghamii Mudie (ナンヨウスギ)
A. heterophylla (Salisb.) Franco (コバノナンヨウスギ)
A. angustifolia
Paranamatsu (パラナマツ), Paraná pine, Brazilian pine or candelabra tree
Lifeform: evergreen tree growing to 40 m tall
Distribution: southern Brazil - northeastern Argentina

critically endangered

Habitat: moist forests
Cone: dioecious (male and female cones) on separate trees - pollination = wind
Seed dispersal: cache by squirrels
Use: softwood, garden tree in subtropical regions, edible seeds
[1-3] at an outdoor garden in Sakuya Konohana Kan (咲くやこの花館) located in Osaka, western Japan, on February 6 2022.

Wollemia W. G. Jones, K. D. Hill et J. M. Allen (ウォレミマツ)

One species
W. nobilis W. G. Jones, K. D. Hill et J. M. Allen
Woremimatsu (ウォレミマツ, ウォレミ松), Wollemi pine
Lifeform: evergreen, tall tree = 25-40 in height, ≈ 1 m in width (dbh)
Distribution: reported only from the Wollemi National Park in New South Wale, Australia

IUCN Red List: critically endangered (CR)

Habitat: discovered on narrow, steep-sided, sandstone gorges
[1-3] at an outdoor garden in Sakuya Konohana Kan (咲くやこの花館) located in Osaka, western Japan, on February 6 2022.
W. nobilis