
(First upload on June 18 2012. Last on October 1 2023) [ 日本語 | English ]

Zanthoxylum piperitum (L.) DC.

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

Zanthoxylum L. (サンショウ)
Sanshou (サンショウ, 山椒), Japanese peppertree
Lifeform: deciduous shrub < 5 m high
Distribution: southern Korea - Japan
Habitat: forests
Chromosome number: 2n = 70
Use: spicy seed = wild vegetable (山菜), medicine by sanshool

(O = Ohwi & Kitagawa 1983, K = Kitagawa & Murata 1979, S = Satake et al. 1989)

Varieties, including cultivars
f. brevispinosum Makino (ヤマアサクラザンショウ, 山朝倉山椒): less spines, showing intermediate morphology between piperrum and f. inerme, (native in Honshu and Shikoku) (O)
f. corticosum Kusaka (アツカワサンショウ), thick bark (O)
f. hispidum Hayashi (アラゲザンショウ), brown, dense hair hair, in Miyagi (O)
f. inerme (Makino) Makino (アサクラザンショウ, 朝倉山椒): large fruit, no spines (cultivated) (O, K, S)
f. ovalifoliolatum (Nakai) Makino (リュウジンザンショウ, 竜神山椒): 3-5 oval leaflets (only in the Ryujin region of Wakayama Prefecture (O, K, S)
f. rotundatum Yokouchi (シダレヤマアサクラザンショウ)
f. verrucatum Kusaka (イボザンショウ), in Honshu (O)

Zanthoxylum piperitum in Hokkaido

[1-3] transplanted at a home garden on N20/W4, North Ward, Sapporo, on June 1 2012. [4] a variegated leaves in a house garden, N17/W2, Sapporo, on July 15 2019. [5] in Tsukiura Forest Park faced to Toya Lake on September 15 2015. [6] in the experimental station of medicinal plant studies, Hokkaido University, on September 16 2023.
