(Upload on February 2 2024) [ 日本語 | English ]
Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Plant list (植物リスト) > Araliaceae (ウコギ科) > Acanthopanax sieboldianus
Acanthopanax Miq. (ウコギ)Ukogi/Himeukogi (ウコギ/ヒメウコギ, 五加木/姫五加木), five-fingered aralia or fiveleaf araliaLifeform: deciduous shrub ≈ 3 m in height Distribution: originally in China (Anhui province) introduced to Japan for using medicine (root) - escaped Habitat: escaped from cultivation in Japan, where it grows wild in calcareous soils |
Use: wild vegetable, medicine and hedge Synonyms:
Eleutherococcus sieboldianus (Makino) Koidz., when established |
[1-3] on a fruticetum in Hokkaido University Botanic Garden on September 30 2023.