(First upload on September 14 2008. Last on January 25 2020) [ 日本語 | English ]
Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Plant list (植物リスト) > Ericaceae (ツツジ科) > Vaccinium uliginosum
Subfamily Vaccinoideae (スノキ亜科)Vaccinium L. (スノキ)Kuromamenoki (クロマメノキ, 黒豆ノ木), alpine blueberryLifeform: deciduous shrub Distribution: cool and cold temperate regions, including arctic and Japan (north to central Honshu), in the northen hemisphere Habitat: shrubby wetland, in particular, bog ⇒ wetlands (湿原) Reproduction: vegetatively reproduced after wildfire (火災) Seed dispersal: animal by indigo blue fruits(popular edible furit in Alaska) |
Chromosome number: 2n = 72 (6X)Varieties (Hultén 1968)ssp. uliginosumssp. microphyllum Lange = V. gaultherioides Bigelow: low-growing; leaves less than 1 cm long, obovate to roundish ssp. alpinum (Bigelow) Hultén (syn. var. alpinum Bigelow) (ヒメクロマメノキ) var. salicinum (Cham.) Hultén = V. salicinum Cham.: very narrow, acute leaves Alaskan tundra: if you are here (= the northern edge of the Brooks Range) in late summer, save some time for picking alpine blueberry, but watch for bears. Without large salmon runs to feed on, bears gorge on berries to outlast winter's fast. |
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GardeningCross-pollincation: single shoot should be avoided for fruitingSoil: acidic such as mixture of peat and Kanuma pumice |
[1] in Poker Flat Rsearch Range on August 1, 2007. [2] there were numerous fruits in the summer of 2007, as well as Vaccinium vitis-idaea, but were less in the summer of 2008. The area dominated by Picea mariana was burnt by a wildfire in 2004.
Japanese names: blueberry (ブルーベリー), ヌマスノキ, アメリカスノキ Many species in the section Cyanococcus Rydb. of genus Vaccinium producing blue or purple fruits Lowbush = wild |
V. angustifolium Aiton,, non. Benth V. uliginosum L. (AK) Rabbiteye = cultivated V. virgatum Highbush = cultivated Northern highbush (< -20°C) |
V. corymbosum L., (ヌマスノキ) northern highbush blueberry (cvs. Spartan, Herbert, Berkeley, Blueray and Lateblue) Southern highbush (< -10°C) V. formosum Andrews. |
[1-3] in a pot placed in front of the office of Shibecha Kyoto University Experimental Forest, on June 26 2019.