
(Upload on October 3 2023) [ 日本語 | English ]

Rhizophoraceae R. Br. in Flinders (ヒルギ科)

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

[Engler's syllabus (エングラー体系)]
Order Myrtales (Myrtiflorae) フトモモ

APG: Order Malpighiales (キントラノオ): sometimes including Erythroxylaceae (コカノキ)

Distribution: tropical and subtropical regions
Anopyxis (Pierre) Engl.
Anstrutheria Gardner
Baraultia Steud. ex Spreng., nom. superfl.
Blepharistemma Wall. ex Benth.
Bruguiera Lam. (オヒルギ)
Bruguieria Arn.
Carallia Roxb.
Cassipourea Aubl.
Ceriops Arn.
Comiphyton Floret
Crossostylis J. R. Forst. et G. Forst.
Gynotroches Blume
Haplopetalon A. Gray
Kandelia (DC.) Wight et Arnott
Kanilia (DC.) Wight et Arnott (メヒルギ)
Karekandelia Kuntze
Legnotis Sw., syn. Cassipourea
Macarisia Thouars
Paradrypetes Kuhlm.
Pellacalyx Korth.
Plaesiantha Hook. f., syn. Pellacalyx
Rhizophora L. (ヤエヤマヒルギ)
Richaeia Thouars
Sagittipetalum Merr.
Sterigmapetalum Kuhlm
Tomostylis Montrouz.

Bruguiera Lam. (オヒルギ)

B. cylindrica (L.) Blume (シロバナヒルギ)
B. gymnorhiza (L.) Savigny (オヒルギ)
B. sexangula (Lour.) Poir. (ロッカクヒルギ)

Rhizophora L. (オオバヒルギ)

R. apiculata Blume (フタバナヒルギ)
R. stylosa Griff. (オオバヒルギ)
R. mucronata Lam., loop-root mangrove, red mangrove or Asiatic mangrove (not distributed in Japan)