
(First upload on July 22 2003. Last on March 13 2008) [ 日本語 | English ]

Cardamine flexuosa With. var. fallax (O. E. Schulz) T. Y. Cheo et R. C. Fang

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

Cardamine L. (タネツケバナ)
C. flexuosa With
Tanetsukebana (タネツケバナ, 種漬花), wavy bittercress
Distribution: widespread in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere
var. fallax (O. E. Schulz) Nakai
Tachitanetsukebana (タチタネツケバナ, 立種漬花), wavy bittercress
Lifeform: ruderal biennial forb, treated as a weed when established in crop fields
Habitat: forest edge, rocky sites (recorded from Mount Usu), etc.
Stem: hair ⇔ C. secuata: hairless
Utilization: wild vegetable and medical herb
Synonyms (to var. fallax):

C. fallax (O.E. Schulz) Nakai, standard
C. flexuosa With. ssp. fallax O. E. Schulz
C. scutata Thunb. ssp. fallax (O. E. Schulz) H. Hara

var. regeliana (Miq.) Matsum. (オオバタネツケバナ)

Cardamine flexuosa var. fallax on Mount Usu

Cardamine1 Cardamine2
[1] on the northwestern slope of Mount O-Usu in 1995. [2] on the northwestern slope of Mount O-Usu on May 27 1989.
