
(First upload on May 5 2008. Last on June 22 2020) [ 日本語 | English ]

Taraxacum officinale Weber ex F. H. Wigg.

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

Taraxacum Cass. (タンポポ)
Seiyou-tampopo (セイヨウタンポポ, 西洋蒲公英), common dandelion
Lifeform: perennial forb (Typical exotic and weedy species to Japan)

Indicator species on urbanization

Distribution: temperate and cool climate regions of the world
Habitat: widespread on human-disturbaed areas

Flora on Mount Usu
HUSTEP: Plants and Plant communities in Japan (flora list)

Seed dispersl: wind
Chromosome number: 2n = 24 or 32 (x = 8)
Use: medical herb and food

Taraxacum campylodes G. E. Haglund

Varieties in North America
ssp. ceratophorum (Ledeb.) Schinz ex Thellung, native to Canada and the western US (syn. Taraxacum ceratophorum (Ledeb.) DC.)
ssp. officinale, the type
ssp. vulgare (Lam.) Schinz et R. Keller

Taraxacum officinale in Hokkaido University Campus

Dandelion1 Dandelion2 Dandelion3
Dandelion4 Dandelion5
[1/2] near GSEES building in Hokkaido University (HU) Campus on April 22, 2008. [3] near the Institute of Low Temperature Science, HU, on September 9, 1989. [4] in Midori Park (Green park), East Ward, Sapporo, on May 11 2020. [5] in a court used for a smoking area in GSEES, HU, on June 3 2020. Records: numerous flowers on a waste land in N20/W5, North Ward, Sapporo, on May 14 2022. Flowering on a roadside in N23/W3, North Ward, Sapporo, on April 24 2024.
