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    Lifeform (生活型)

    Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
    From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily


    Spelling: life form, life-form or lifeform

    Raunkiaer's life form
    Raunkiaer's life form spectrum in the world
    Raunkiaer, Christen Christensen
    Bud dormancy and lifeform
    Indicator species

    Mode of life and species attributes
    1. Descriptive:
      1. Basic (Theopratos 300 BC)
      2. Complex (von Humbolt 1986, etc.)
    2. Ecological:
      1. Surviving the bad times (Raunkiaer 1905, 1907)
      2. Growth form (du Rietz 1931, etc.)
        1. Migule form
        2. Radicoid form (Numata & Asano 1969)

    Lifeform (生活型)

    1. Growth form of the species, e.g., coniferous tree, broad-leaved tree, evergreen shrub, deciduous shrub, fern, graminoid, forb, parasite or saprophyte, dwarf woody plant
    2. Avoid stressful periods (cool/hot temperature, or drought) by dormant organs

    Evolution of lifeform through nutrient aquisition

    Maximizing the good times (良好タイミング最大化) (Boysen-Jensen 1937, Monsi 1960, Walter 1973, Schulze 1982)

    The performance of a specific life span is measured by the marginal return of carbon per unit resource invested.
    (carbon gain)/(carbon use)↑
    (carbon use)/(water use)↑
    (carbon gain)/(nutrient use)↑

    Plant form adaptations to adjust this ratio
    1. Plant life span (annuals vs. perennials)
    2. Carbon allocation (photosynthesis vs. non-photosynthesis)
    3. Leaf life span (evergreen vs. deciduous)
    Some factors favoring evergreen over deciduous
    1. high UV
    2. high atmospheric drought (low humidity, high wind)
    3. Low nutrients
    4. Periodic early-season frost
    5. Short growing season
    6. Dry summer - wet summer

    Wetland plants

    hydrophyte (水生植物) = aquatic plants
    hygrophyte (湿生植物/水生植物) = between hydorphytes and mesophytes, not developing special organs for water conditions
    halophyte (塩生植物): tolerant to salts
    mesophytes (中生植物): most plants
    xerophyte (乾生植物): adapted to uniform dryness or periodic dryness

    Ex. mangrove

    Raunkiaer's life form (dormancy form) (ラウンケアの生活型)

    Species classified into a few life forms based on the place of the dormant organs during adverse seasons, i.e., cold and/or dry seasons
    Table. Raunkiaer's life form or dormancy form spectra (Raunkiaer 1934) Epiphyte (着生植物): a plant growing non-parasitically on another plant (such as a tree) → tropical regions
    Sclerophyte (硬葉植物): a evergreen and xerophytic plant with thick, hard leaves
    Fig. Raunkiaer's life form. Brown squares indicate the positions of dormant buds. (a) phanerophytes, (b) nanophanerophytes - chamaephytes, (c) hemicryptophytes, (d) geophytes, (e) therophytes, (f) epiphytes

    Raunkiaer's life form spectrum

    Table 4. Selected Raunkiaerian life-form spectra for certain major climate. n: number of species examined. (Cain 1950)

    Vegetation type climate and locality     
    Normal spectrum (world standard)
    Rainforest, Queensland (2)
    Subtropical evergreen, Matheran, India
    Desert, Transcaspian lowlands (3)
    Mediterranean olive forest, Creta (4)
    Steppe, Akron, Colorado (5)
    Temperate deciduous broad-leaf
        forest, Connecticut (6)
    Tundra, Spisbergen (1)                        
















    1. Raunkiaer C. 1934
    2. Cromer DAN & Pryor LD. 1942. A contribution to rainforest ecology. Proc. Linn. Soc. New So. Wales 67: 249-268
    3. Paulsen O. 1912. The second Danish Pamir expedition. Studies on the vegetation of the Transcaspian lowland. Arbejder fra den bot. Have i Københaven 90: 1-279
    4. Turrill WB. 1929. The plant life of the Balkan Peninsula. A phytographic study. 1-490
    5. Paulsen O. 1915. Some remarks on the desert vegetation of America. Plant World 18: 155-161
    6. Ennis B. 1928. The life forms of Connecticut plants and their significance in relation to climate. Conn. State Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv., Bull. 43: 1-100

    Bud dormancy and lifeform

    Table. Depth of bud dormancy, structures of dormant bud and life form of herbs in the temperate region. (After Yoshie's seminar)
    Species Depth of
    bud dormancy
    Type of
    Type of
    dormant bud
    of shoot
    1.Erigeron annuus 34IAHprWG-SG
    2Oenothera biennis 36IAHprWG-SG
    3Geum aleppicum 67IAHprEG
    4Rumex acetosella 34IAHprSG
    5Viola sp. 67IAHrSG
    6Trifolium repens 55IAHSG
    7Plantago lanceolata 66IAHrEG
    8Plantago asiatica 234IIBHrSG
    9Leibnitzia anandria 5411IIBHrSg
    10Solidago virga-aurea 3912IIBprotHSG
    11Aster sp. 1919IIBbprotHSG
    12Solidago altissima 4518IIBbprotHSG
    13Artemisia japonica 378IIBprotHSG
    14Artemisia montana 5410IIBprotHSG
    15Anaphalis margaritacea var. angustior 3917IIBprotHSG
    16Sanguisorba tenuifolia var. tenuifolia f. alba 5215IIBprotHSG
    17Tiarella polyphylla 1910IICChEG
    18Pyrola incarnata 5916IICcChEG
    19Pachysandra terminalis 2511IICcChEG
    20Agrimonia japonica 237IIBbGrhSG
    21Geranium thunbergii1713IICGrhSG
    22Filipendula camtschatica(300)11IIIBGrhSG
    23Helianthus tuberosus30033IIIBGstSG
    24Aster glehnii300240IIIBGrhSG
    25Adenocaulon himalaicum30060IIIBGrhSG
    26Cacalia hastata var. orientalis30024IIIBGrhSG
    27Polygonum filiforme30031IIIBGrhSG
    28Phrma leptostachya var. asiatica30023IIIB-CGrhSG
    29Cacalia delphiniifolia30019IIIB-CGrhSG
    30Cacalia auriculata var. kamtschatica30016IIIB-CGrhSG
    31Diphylleia grayi30043IIICGrhSG
    32Petasites japonicus var.giganteus(300)8IIICGrhSG
    33Lilium cordatum var. glehnii30053IIICGbulbSG
    34Trillium smallii30046IIICcGrhSG
    35Trillium tschonskii30050IIICcGrhSG
    36Trillium kamtschaticum30041IIICcGrhSG
    37Paris tetraphylla30025IIICcGrhSG
    38Chloranthus japonicus30033IIICcGrhSG
    39Erythronium japonicum30060IIICcGbulbSPG
    40Gagea lutea30024IIICcGbulbSPG
    41Anemone raddeana var. integra30031IIICGrhSPG
    42Panax japonicus30028IIICGrhSG
    43Maianthemum dilatatum(300)10IIICcGrhSG

    *: 300 and 240 - No bud burst within 300 days and 240 days, respectively.
    *: (300) - A few buds burst within 300 days.
    Bb: Some buds had swollen or burst slightly in late October.
    Cc: Shoot which develop in the following vegetative period are performed in the dormant bud.
    *: Hpr - Partial rosette plant of hemicryptophytes, Hr - Rosette plant of hemicryptophytes, protoH - protohemicryptophyte, Ch - Chamaephyte, Grh - Rhizome geophyte, Gst - Stem-tuber geophyte, and Gbulb-Bulb geophyte.
    ++: WC - Wintergreen, SC - Summergreen, EG-Evergreen, SPC-Springgreen.

    Indicator species (指標種)

    Species that indicates the characteristics of the environmental conditions, such as serpentine.


    ≈ biomonitor
    Plant, animal or chemicals used to monitor an environment and/or ecosystem
    the measurement of the body burden of toxic chemical compounds, elements, or their metabolites, in biological substances

    Methods and procedures on determining indicator species

      functional approach: easily-recognizable functional groups that represent adaptive strategies

      literature, asking
      direct ordination inverse analysis
      binary discriminant analysis: basically χ²-test
      Grime-strategy analysis: basically life form
      life or growth form
      Klinka life form type → weighted average
      it may be useless what environment(s) is(are) indicated is decided before making indicator species

    1. sample the vegetation
    2. omit indifferent species (usually common species)
    3. spectrum approach
      Frequency species (j) in attribute category (k) (e.g., moisture 1 → 6)
      F = [sum of species (i)j, k]/[total of all cover(ΣiΣjCi, j, k)] × 100, sum of species (i)j, k = Cijk
    4. indicator index II ... weighting factor analysis
      weight = Zj ... various weighting methods
      IIk = Σ(each species weight)/Σ(all species weight) × 10

    Indicator plant

    Hypochaeris radicata

    Plant species used as indicator species.
    Plants can not move greatly except when they are seeds (and pollens). Therefore, each plant establishes in a respective soil type, topography and climate, and generally indicates the environments better than animals.

    Phragmites australis - indicates wet habitat
    Drosera rotundifolia - indicates nutrient-poor habitat
    exotic species - indicates urbanization

    Plantago lanceorata

    Environmental factors
    pH, nutrients, moisture, light, temperature, salinity, etc.
    + disturbance (grazing, fire frequency and intensity, flood)
    → assumption: the past environment s could be estimated based on the established plants
    + successional status
    Site potential

    Lamium purpureum

    Historical condition

    Life form and biotic indicators

    individual species
    morphological patterns

    life form spectrum
    Ex. WW (western Washington): a few annuals ↔ EW: many → related to precipitation, wildfire and openness

    (Grime 1973)

    1. The indicator species concept can be extended to higher taxa. In general, what might each of these taxa indicate in our region: Orchidaceae; Asteraceae; Poaceae; Carex; Vaccinium, shrub Rosaceae; Ericaceae. For each group, name a species that is an exception to the general rule.
    2. For each of conditions listed, list several excellent indicators for low, medium and high levels of the condition: soil moisture, soil pH, salinity, grazing, trampling, nutrients, light, fire, and bioclimatic zone. List other conditions that could be inferred from species present on a site.

    (Bartelheimer & Poschlod 2016)

    Ellenberg indicator value
    can be used as a numerical system to classify species habitat niches and their peak occurrence along gradients
    The picture emerging is that multiple determinants can be identified for:
    N (nitrogen/nutrients)

    1 = only growing on the poorest soils → 9 = only growing on excessively nitrogen (nutrient)-rich soils

    R (soil reaction numbers)

    1 = strong acidity (never moderately acidic or alkaline) → 9 = alkaline and calcareous conditions, only calcareous soils

    M (soil moisture numbers): 1-12

    1 = species only on dry soils → 9 = only on wet or hypoxic soils
    10–12 = aquatic species

    L (light numbers)

    1 = deep shadow with 1–30% of full light available → 9 = only growing in full light to minimum 50% of full light

    C (continentality)

    the distance to the sea in Central Europe, where 'eucontinental' (C = 9) represents a species peak distribution at a far distance to the sea and 'euoceanic' (C = 1) indicates close proximity to the sea

    T (tmperature numbers)

    predominantly relate to species occurrence at respective elevations above sea level (lower T) correspond to higher elevations) but additionally include planar/especially warm habitats in Europe

    Proably this indicator value can not be applied to Japan.