
(First upload on March 24 2009. Last on June 22 2024) [ 日本語 | English ]

Sasa senanensis (Franch. et Savat.) Rehder

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

Sasa Makino et Shibata (ササ)
Kumaizasa (クマイザサ, 九枚笹), running bamboo
Shinanozasa (シナノザサ, 信濃笹)
Lifeform: evergreen dwarf shrub
Distribution: northeastern China - Kora- Japan - Sakhalin - Kuril
Habitat: Sasa shrub, forest floor

Field training on integrated environmental research (統合環境調査法実習) (fauna and flora 種リスト)

HUSTEP: Plants and Plant communities in Japan (flora list)

Leaf: hairy underside ↔ S. palmata: no hair

S. paniculata (F. Schmidt) Makino et Shibata

var. harai (Nakai) S. Suzuki (ミナカミザサ), Hokkaido

f. argillacea (Koidz.) S. Suzuki (フシゲミナカミザサ), Hokkaido

f. hispidula (Tatewaki) S. Suzuki (フシゲクマイザサ), Hokkaido
f. nobilis S. Suzuki (キンタイザサ)

Sasa senanensis in Hokkaido

ST1 St2 ST3
[1] occasionally, forest floor is completely coverwed with the shrub. [2] check the branching pattern. [1-2] at the entrance of field for nursery plants, HU, on April 29 2009. [3] In Hokkaido University Campus on December 24 2008.

St4 ST5 ST6
[4] The shoot height of dwarf bamboo is related to snow depth. In the front of Yuei Dormitory on February 20 2009. [5] hairy underside of a leaf. In Hokkaido University Campus on December 24 2008 (same with photo #3). [6] a long rhizome (more than 10 m long)at an abondoned pasture in Shiretoko Peninsula, northeastern Hokkaido, on June 27 1992 (Tsuyuzaki & Kanda 1996).

Inflorescences (flowers)

[6] at Tomamu skislope on July 19 2012. [7] Close-up. We can see the stamens. In Nakagawa Experimental Forest, Hokkaido University, on June 16 2011. [8] near a transplanted forest of Fraxinus mandshurica in the Experimental Forest of the University of Tokyo, Furano, central Hokkaido, on June 26 2017. Records flowering observed on Mount Hakodate, southern Hokkaido, on September 23 2010. near the main entrance in Nopporo Forest Park on July 17 2021.

Sasa megalophylla Makino et Uchida

Ohbazasa (オオバザサ, 大葉笹)
Distribution: Sakhalin - Kuril - Japan
f. pankensis (Nakai) S. Suzuki
Horomanzasa (ホロマンザサ, 幌満笹)
f. aureovariegata Sad. Suzuki (キンタイオオバザサ), when established

[1-5] in Utasai wetland, southern Hokkaido, on June 11 2024. [1] overwintered leaves. [2] annual leaves. [5] mass flowering occurred in the last year.
