(First upload on February 29 2008. Last on June 5 2020) [ 日本語 | English ]
Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Plant list (植物リスト) > Caprifoliaceae (スイカズラ科) > Viburnum opulus
Viburnum L. (ガマズミ)V. opulus L.Lifeform: shrub (2-7 m high)Habitat: sunny and wet habitats such as forest edge Seed dispersal: animal Chromosome number: 2n = 18 var. opulus (セイヨウカンボク), European cranberry bush Distribution: North Africa - Europe - West Asia cv. roseum (syn. sterile, snowball) (セイヨウテマリカンボク) |
var. calvescens (Rehd.) Hara Kanboku (カンボク, 肝木), guelder rose Distribution: China - Far East - Korea - Japan (north the central Honshu) - Sakhalin - Kuril Synonyms:
Viburnum opulus L. var. sargentii (Koehne) Takeda, often used |
[1] near Muroran Marine Station, Hokkaido University, Muroran City, on August 20, 2007. [2] at a field trip near Usujiri Fisheries Station of Hokkaido University, southern Hokkaido, on June 17 2015. [3/4] near the Nishiyama Crater Group at the foot of Mount Usu on September 18 2013. [5] in the crater basin on September 19, 2008. This species is one of the common species on the volcano Mount Usu (有珠山). [6] along Nan hu (南湖) in Changchun City, Jilin Prvince, northeastern China, on June 8 2017. Records: along a walkboard to go Todowara in Notsuke Peninsula, eastern Hokkaido, on August 28 2020.
[1/2] at the backyard of the Experimental Forest of the University of Tokyo, Furano, central Hokkaido, on June 26 2017.
Mooseberry / Squashberry Lifeform: deciduous shrub |
Distribution: Alaska - Canada Habitat: conniferous forest floor ⇒ Fire ecology (火災生態学) |
Viburnum pauciflorum La Pylaie ex Torr. et A. Gray |
[1] A bush created by V. edule. [2] A shurb. [3] Close-up. In front of the the entrance of Calibou Poker Creeks, Alaska, on August 12 2009.