
(First upload on April 2012. Revise on October 25 2013) [ 日本語 | English ]

Iris japonica Thunb.

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

Iris L. (アヤメ)

Syaga (シャガ, 射干/著莪), fringed iris
Lifeform: perennial forb < 50-60 cm high
Distribution: China (old exotic (帰化植物) to Japan, but not in Hokkaido → interesting scientific name!)
Habitat: wet-mesic sites influenced by human
Triploid (in Japan)

A cutline at Mount Takao (599 m elevation) (高尾山)
Although I. japonica of which origin is China is not native to Japan, we see numerous I. japonica shoots on Mount Takao. Because the plant reproduces vegetatively by elongating tough roots, they prevent the mountain from mudslides. The plant usually porduces pale-violet flowers in May. (visited on October 21 2013)

Iris japonica in China

Iris1 Iris2
In the campus of the University of Sichuan (四川大学), Sichuan Province, China, on March 30 2012.
