(First upload on July 12 2013. Last on February 11 2023) [ 日本語 | English ]
Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Plant list (植物リスト) > Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) (セリ科) > Cicuta virosa
Cicuta L. (ドクゼリ)Dokuzeri (ドクゼリ, 毒人芹), cowbane or northern water hemlockOozeri (オオゼリ, 大芹) Lifeform: perennial forb Distribution: the Eurasian Continent, including Japan (Hokkaido - Kyushu) Habitat: wetlands Leaf stalk: longer than Oenanthe javanica (セリ) Flowering: June to July in Sapporo |
Morphology: similar with an edible plant, Oenanthe javanica (セリ) - be cautious for feeding Toxin: highly poisonous, i.e., one of the three major poisonous plants (日本三大有毒植物). The whole plants, in paricular, in rhizomes, contain toxin (cicutoxin, cicutin, etc.) Synonyms (discarded): Cicuta virosa L. var. nipponica (Franch.) Makino f. angustifolia (Kit.) Schube (ヒメドクゼリ) (syn. var. stricta K. F. Schultz) |
[1/2] non-flowering shoots along a tiny trail for looking around small islands in O-numa Park, southern Hokkaido, on July 7 2013. [3] at the former Upper-Sarobetsu Visitor Center, northern Hokkaido, on April 24 2016. [4-6] along Atsuma Coast (浜厚真), central Hokkaido, on August 2 2022.