
(Upload on October ** 20**) [ 日本語 | English ]

Portulacaceae Juss. (スベリヒユ科)

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

Engler's syllabus (エングラー体系)

APG: great revision

Portulacaceae L. (スベリヒユ), Purslane family, in Japan

Montia L. ☛ APG: Montiaceae
Portulaca L. (スベリヒユ) ☛ APG: Portulacaceae
P. grandiflora Hook. (マツバボタン)
P. okinawensis Walker et Tawada (オキナワマツバボタン)
P. oleracea L. (スベリヒユ), native, the others are exotic to Japan
P. pilosa L. (ヒメマツバボタン)
P. quadrifida L. (タイワンスベリヒユ)
Talinum Adans. (ハゼラン)ex ☛ APG: Talinaceae (ハゼラン)
T. paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn. (ハゼラン)
T. fruticosum (L.) Juss. (サンカクハゼラン) Claytonia L. ☛ APG III: Montiaceae

Montiaceae Raf. (ヌマハコベ)

APG III system formerly grouped into Portulacaceae of the Caryophyllales
Calandrinia Kunth
Calyptridium Nutt.
C. umbellatum (Torr.) Hershk., on MSH
Cistanthe Spach
Claytonia L. (ハルヒメソウ)ex
C. perfoliata Donn ex Willd. (ツキヌキヌマハコベ)
C. sibirica L. (シベリアハルヒメソウ*)
C. virginica L. (ハルヒメソウ)
Erocallis Rydb.
Hectorella Hook. f.
Lenzia Phil.
Lewisia Pursh
Lewisiopsis Govaerts
Lyallia Hook. f.
Montia L. (ヌマハコベ)
Japan has two native species
M. fontana L. (ヌマハコベ)
M. perfoliata (Willd.) Howell
Montiopsis Kuntze
Phemeranthus Raf.
Rumicastrum Ulbr.
Schreiteria Carolin
Thingia Hershk.