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Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Lecture catalog / Research summary > Glossary > Lichens
LichensConsortium (共同体):fungi + algae → consortium an association, or 'living together', of organisms, ranging from epiphytism without obvious interdependence to symbiosis with definite mutual depencencies between the partners FormCrustose lichen (固着地衣, 痂状地衣)crust-like lichens that may be buried in tree bark, or even between the crystals of rocksFruticose lichen (樹状地衣, 樹枝状地衣)miniature shrub-like lichens.- one lichen of this type is the famous "reindeer moss" of LaplandFoliose lichen (葉状地衣)flat leaf-like lichensSquamulose lichens (鱗片状地衣)scaly lichens made of numerous small rounded lobes, intermediate between foliose and crustose lichens |
Inner structureLichens are composed of a number of layers. The outer layer (farthest from the substrate) is known as the cortex (皮層) and is composed of fungal cells. The next layer, algal layer (藻類層) or gonidial layer (ゴニディア層), is dominated by algal cells in a matrix of fungal threads that hold them in place, close to the surface. The third layer is the medulla (髄層), which is largely made up of fungal cells. In crustose lichens, this layer is directly connected to the substrate, but the other two groups differ: foliose lichens have another layer, the lower cortex (下皮層), and are attached to the substrate by means of rhizine (偽根), hair-like strands; in fruticose lichens, the cortex and algal layer are repeated below the medulla. The entire structure is called a lichen body (地衣体) or thallus. |
![]() Upper cortex Algal layer Medulla |
![]() Upper cortex Algal layer Medulla Algal layer Lower cortex |
![]() Upper cortex Algal layer Medulla Lower cortex Rhizine |
crustose lichen | fruticose lichen | foliose lichen |
Chemical commponent | Orcin system | β-orcin system |
Despide ⇓ |
Olivetolic acid![]() |
Atranorin![]() |
Despidone | Pysodic acid![]() |
![]() |
classified by the fungal component
Class Lichenes (地衣)Subclass Ascolichenes (子嚢地衣)Series Pyrenocarpaceae (被果地衣)Dermatocarpaceae (カワイワタケ)Pyrenulaceae (サネゴケ) Strigulaceae Trypetheliaceae Series Gymnocarpeae (裸果地衣)Subseries ConiocarpineaeCaliciaceaeCypheliaceae Sphaerophoraceae Subseries Graphidineae (モジゴケ)ArthoniaeChiodectonaceae Dirinaceae Graphidaceae (モジゴケ) Subseries Cyclocarpineae (盤果地衣)Caloplacaceae (ダイガイゴケ)Cladoniaceae (ハナゴケ) ca 560 species in 17 genera Cladonia P. Browne (ハナゴケ), reindeer moss or cup lichens
major diet of large mammals in taiga and tundra Carassea S. Stenroos (1 sp) Cetradonia J. C. Wei et Ahti (1 sp) Cladia Nyl. (27 spp) Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne (500 spp) Heteromyces Müll. Arg. (1 sp) |
Metus D. J. Galloway et P. James (3 spp) Muhria P. M. Jørg. (1 sp) Notocladonia S. Hammer (2 spp) Paralecia Brackel, Greiner, Peršoh et Rambold (1 sp) Pilophorus Th. Fr. (17 spp) Pulchrocladia S. Stenroos, Pino-Bodas, Lumbsch et Ahti (3 spp) Pycnothelia Dufour (2 spp) Rexiella S. Stenroos, Pino-Bodas et Ahti (1 sp) Sphaerophoropsis Vain. (2 spp) Squamella S. Hammer (1 sp) Thysanothecium Mont. et Berk. (3 spp) Collemataceae (イワノリ) Lecanoraceae (チャシブゴケ) Lecideaceae (ヘリトリゴケ) Pannariaceae (ハナビラゴケ) Parmeliaceae (ウメノキゴケ) Peltigeraceae (ツメゴケ) Pertusariaceae (トリハダゴケ) Physciaceae (ムカデゴケ) Anaptychia Körb. (ゲジゲジゴケ), f<g ana(無) + ptycho (襞)。表面平滑 Physcia (Ach.) Vain. (ムカデゴケ) Pyxine Fr. (クロボシゴケ) Stictaceae (カブトゴケ) Lobaria (Scherb.) Hoffm. (カブトゴケ), Sticta Scherb. (ヨロイゴケ) Teloschistaceae Umbilicariaceae (イワブスマ) Usneaceae (サルオガセ) Subclass Hymenolichenes (担子地衣)one genus reported from JapanDictyonemataceae (ケットゴケ) Dictyonema (Ag.) Zahlbr. (ケットゴケ)
Algae | Form | Genus |
Green | filamentous /placoid | Cephaleuros, Leptosira, Phycopettis, Pseudopleurococcus |
monocellular/short, irregular filamentous | Chlorella, Chlorosarcina, Cocobotrys, Coccomyxa, Gleocystis, Hyalococcus, Myrmecia, Protococcus, Pseudochlorella, Stichococcus, Trebouxia, Trochiscia | |
Yellow-green | Heterococcus | |
Blue-green | filamentous | Calothrix, Dichothrix, Hyella, Nostoc, Scytonema |
colonial | Chroococcus, Gloeocapsa |
Indicator species of pollution
Species promoting chemical weathering
Sometiems pioneer species along successional sere