(First upload on October 13 2014. Last on January 18 2021) [ 日本語 | English ]
Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Plant list (植物リスト) > Asteraceae (キク科) > Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Ambrosia L. (ブタクサ)Butakusa (ブタクサ, 豚草), common ragweed. annual ragweed, or low ragweedLifeform: annual forb Distribution: native to the North America and now widespread in the world
assigned as a specified foreign species (要注意外来生物) by the Ministry of Environments of Japan |
Habitat: disturbed sites, such as roadsides and riversides
Pollen: a source of pollen allergy (花粉症) Use: phytoremediation by remediating soil pollution for removing heavy metals such as lead from contaminated soil Synonyms:
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. var. elatior (L.) Descourt. |
[1] along a paved road in N23/W3, North Ward, Sapporo, on October 26 2017. [2/3] within the caldera rim of Mount Usu (有珠山, flora) on August 20 2014. Due to the fate of annual plants, this tiny plant flowered. [4/5] at the rest house near the parking lot on Mount Koma (駒ヶ岳, flora), southern Hokkaido, August 27 2016. [6] on a river bank along Sorachi River, central Hokkaido, on June 28 2017. [7-9] along a paved road in N17/W5, North Ward, Sapporo, on October 6 2020. Records: at Road Station Toyoura on September 7 2020. at a backyard of Takahara Restaurant on the foot of Mount Koma on September 7 2020.
[1-3] along a paved road near the office building for Wakayama Experimental Forest of Hokkaido University, western Japan, on June 27 2024.