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Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Lecture catalog / Research summary > Glossary > Health
[mental health, health control, safety manual]
MethodologyCriteria of causal relation (cause-and-effect relationship) in observation research (different from correlation on statistics)Genealogy of causal calculusKoch's four postulates (Koch Robert 1843-1910)
Ex. Itai-itai disease does not follow the postulates → laboratory animal did not remain free from the disease after Cd inoculation Evans's eight conditions (Evans RS) Nine criteria proposed by Hill → perspectives = five criteria of Surgeon General (米国公衆衛生局長諮問委員会)
Web of causation Popperian and probability theorists (蓋然性論者) ICD (International Classification of Disease, Injuries and Causes of Death or International Classification of Diseases, 国際疾病分類)
the basis for comparable statistics on causes of mortality and morbidity between places and over time → Epidemiology (疫学)The characteristics of medicineThe study and analysis of the patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease conditions in defined populations Hippocrates (BC 460-BC375): patriarc of epidemiologyClaudius Galenus (130-200) Bernardino Ramazzini 1633-1714
"De Morbis artificum diatriba (働く人々の病気)" (1700) "System einer vollständigen medizinischen Polizei" Edwin Chadwick"Report on an inquiry into the sanitary condition of the laboring population of Great Britain" (1842) |
Edward Jenner (1749-1823) John Snow (1813-1858) anesthesist of Queen Victoria
The third outbreak of cholera → miasma theory (Broad Street affair)
1883: discovered cholera bacillus "Introduction á l'étude de la médicine expérimentale" Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902)Max von Pettenkofer (1818-1895) Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) Takagi K (高木兼寛) beriberi occurrence is related to food quality Eijkman M30beriberi occurrence owing to white rice ↔ heal by bran (VB1 was not discovered) Suzuki U (鈴木梅太郎, 1910/M43): discovered VB1 from rice branMalnutrition (栄養不良)imbalance in an intake of nutrients (undernutrition + overnutrition)Nutritional deficiencies: nutritional deficiencies (栄養不足): a lack of specific nutrients that the body needs to function properly FAO (≈1940) ≤ 2500 (kcal/day) → (≈1980) ≤ 1900 UNICEF (≈ 1980) infant = 820, 16-yr male = 3500 → average = 2354 Pandemic (パンデミック, 世界流行, 汎発流行)occurring on a scale which crosses international boundaries430BC-426BC Plague of Athens 165-180 Antonine Plague 541-750 Plague of Justinian 1331-1353 Black Death (黒死病, BD), caused by pest
75 million - 2 billion people died in Eurasia and north Africa 1918-1920_Spanish flu > Epidemic (エピデミック, 流行)within community1284 Pied Piper of Hamelin (Rattenfänger von Hameln) brown rat outbreak in the town (→ a hypothesis = BD) > Endemic (エンデミック, 地域流行)regularly |
≈ disease caused by environmental contamination, disease caused by environmental pollution, disease caused by pollution, environmental disease, pollution-caused diseases, pollution-related disease, pollution-triggered disease
The four major pollution-related disease (日本四大公害病)Minamata disease (水俣病)a neurological disorder caused by the release of methylmercury in the industrial wastewater from a chemical factory owned by the Chisso Corporation |
highly toxic chemical accumulated in shellfish and fish in Minamata Bay → consumed by the local population 1956 first discovered in Minamata City, Kumamoto PrefectureSecond Minamata disease (第二水俣病)(mercury poisoning in Niigata Prefecture)the contamination came from the wastewater of the Showa Denko Company factory, released methylmercury into the Agano River Yokkaichi asthma (四日市喘息)Itai-itai disease (イタイイタイ病) |
≈ (environmental) endocrine disrupter, endocrine disturbing chemicals, endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDC), environmental hormone, hormone-disrupting chemicals, hormone-disrupting substances |
[Note on a lecture in WA]
StressAnxious (不安)Stressed people often decide two things:
→ To effectively deal with stress you must:
I. Basic requirements for stress managementI am aware of my stress level. Its source. My response. I am accepting of myself. I know and accept that managing unrelieved stress requires effort from me. I have assessed my coping skills. I am developing more effective skills as needed.II. Stress Management strategiesA. Changing your life situationI eat a balanced diet.I limit my intake of fat, salt and sugar. I do not smoke. I do not abuse alcohol or drugs. I am neither overweight or underweight. I drink less than four caffeinated beverages daily. I exercise for 30 minutes at least three time weekly. I get enough sleep every night. I am happy in my work. I am financially comfortable. I reach out and receive support from friends and/or family. I plan major changes in my life. |
B. RelaxationI am able to relax on cue by using my relaxation skills.I participate in relaxing/leisure. C. Changing your mindMy goals are realistic.I am able to accept criticism. For the most part, I believe I am in control of what happens to me. Generally, I am a confident person. III. Interpretation:What strategies are you currently utilizing to manage stress? If your stress management is weak in any of the three sections (A, B, C), you should focus development of more effective stress management in these areas:
A. Changing your life situation |
Effects of noise on human
physiological effect ↖_____↗ psychological effect Physiological and psychological effectsPhysiological effects: auditory disorder (hypacusis), nterference with sleepPsychological effects: noisiness, conversation interference, lowering operating efficiency |
(Hübner et al. 2019) Annoyance and stress effects of wind turbinesFindings indicate low prevalence of annoyance, stress symptoms and coping strategies. Noise annoyance stress (NAS-Scale) was negatively correlated with the perceptions of a lack of fairness of the wind project's planning and development process, among other subjective variables. Objective indicators, such as the distance from the nearest turbine and sound pressure level modeled for each respondent, were not found to be correlated to noise annoyance. Similar result patterns were found across the European and U.S. samples. |
1) Sick building syndrome, SBS (シックハウス症候群)situations in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building, but no specific illness or cause can be identified[ pollen ] 2) Pollen allergy (花粉症)= hay feverThe mojor plants that induce pollen allergy are white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica), pastures, such as orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata), narrowleaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata) and mugworts (Artemisia spp.) in Hokkaido. • Pollen dispersal periods in Hokkaido
Alnus japonica: late March - middle April
Dactylis glomerata and Phleum pratense: late May - early July
Plantago lanceolata: middle May - early August |
Fig. Periods of pollen dispersals in Sapporo
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Sneezing |
Quitting smoking is easy. I have done it a thousand times. I am seventy years old, and I must be careful about my health. So I smoke only one cigar at a time. - Mark Twain |
microorganisms living in the digestive tracts of animals
Gut microbiota (腸内微生物叢)= human gastrointestinal microbiota, gut flora and gut microbiotaBacteriaThe four dominant bacterial phyla in the human gutFirmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, and Proteobacteria ⇒ The composition changes with ageEx. The composition of gut microbiota in general adult
Bacteroides (50%) ![]() |
Fig. The biosynthesis of bioactive compounds (indole and certain other derivatives) from tryptophan by bacteria in the gut. Indole is produced from tryptophan by bacteria expressing tryptophanase. Clostridium sporogenes metabolizes tryptophan into indole and subsequently 3-indolepropionic acid (IPA), a highly potent neuroprotective antioxidant that scavenges hydroxyl radicals. IPA binds to the pregnane X receptor (PXR) in intestinal cells, thereby facilitating mucosal homeostasis and barrier function. Following absorption from the intestine and distribution to the brain, IPA confers a neuroprotective effect against cerebral ischemia and Alzheimer's disease. Lactobacillus species metabolize tryptophan into indole-3-aldehyde (I3A) which acts on the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) in intestinal immune cells, in turn increasing interleukin-22 (IL-22) production. Indole itself triggers the secretion of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) in intestinal L cells and acts as a ligand for AhR. Indole can also be metabolized by the liver into indoxyl sulfate, a compound that is toxic in high concentrations and associated with vascular disease and renal dysfunction. AST-120 (activated charcoal), an intestinal sorbent that is taken by mouth, adsorbs indole, in turn decreasing the concentration of indoxyl sulfate in blood plasma.
FungiCandida, Saccharomyces, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Rhodotorula, Trametes, Pleospora, Sclerotinia, Bullera, Galactomyces, etc.ArchaeaMethanobrevibacter smithii is the most abundant methane-producing archaeal species in the human gastrointestinal microbiotaVirusProtists |