
(First upload on January 13 2005. Last on June 15 2024) [ 日本語 | English ]

Glaucidium palmatum Siebold et Zucc. (シラネアオイ)

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

Ranunclaceae (or Glaucidiaceae)
APG = Ranunclaceae
One perennial species in this genus
Glaucidium Sieb. et Zucc. (シラネアオイ)
Shirane-aoi (シラネアオイ, 白根葵), Yamafuyou (ヤマフヨウ, 山芙蓉), or Harufuyou (ハルフヨウ, 春芙蓉), Japanese wood poppy
Lifeform: perennial forb
Distribution: endemic to Hokkaido and Honshu (mainly mountanious areas in Japan Sea side)

Vulnerable species in Hokkaido Red Databook

Habitat: moistened grasslands
f. leucanthum (Makino) Okuyama (シロバナシラネアオイ)

Glaucidium palmatum in Hokkaido

[1] along a forest road on Mount Kuromatsunai, southwestern Hokkaido, on May 22 2024. [2] on Mount Teine (1023.7 m elevation) had two skislopes, Teine Olympia and Teine Highland. These two skislopes have been consolidated into one skislope by Kamori, Sapporo Teine, since 2005. On the foot of Mount Teine on May 25 1985. ⇒ Skislope vegetation (スキー場植生). [3] at the summit area of Mount Yotei (羊蹄山), central Hokkaido, on June 28 2014, not taken by me. [4] within a flower garden in Yachidamo Park, N28/E4, Sapporo, on April 29 2023.
