
(First upload on September 15 2009. Last on November 15 2018) [ 日本語 | English ]

Cercidiphyllum japonicum Sieb. et Zucc. ex Hoffm. et Schult.

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

[Engler's syllabus エングラー体系]

Cercidiphyllaceae Sieb. et Zucc.

consisting of (one or) two species in genus (Cercidiphyllum)
Cercidiphyllum Sieb. et Zucc. (カツラ)
C. japonicum Sieb. et Zucc. (カツラ)
C. magnificum (Nakai) Nakai (ヒロハカツラ, large-leaved katsura), syn. C. japonicum Sieb. et Zucc. var. magnificum Nakai

Distributed only in the Chubu District of Japan
Leaf: larger than C. japonicum
Bark: smooth until large

Katsura forest established in Tsukiura Forest Park faced to Toya Lake on September 4 2018.

Cercidiphyllum japonicum in Hokkaido

Katsura (カツラ, 桂), Katsura tree
Lifeform: large, deciduous, dioecious tree (up to ≈ 30 m in height) ☛ Giant tree (巨木)
Distribution: Japan (one variety is distributed in China - controversial)
Habitat: streamside, valley, etc. On Mount Usu, the ridges are occuplied by Populus maximowiczii, and the valleys are by C. japonicum

Flora on Mount Usu

Shoot: producing long and spur shoots
Flower: no petals
Seed: produced wings - wind dispersal
Chromosome number: 2n = 38
f. pendulum (Miyoshi ex Makino et Nemoto) Ohwi (シダレカツラ), syn. C. magnificum (Nakai) Nakai f. pendulum (Miyoshi ex Makino et Nemoto) Spongberg, often used

[1] a tree near the 2000 crater (K-1) at the foot of Mount Usu on September 9 2009. [2-3] In Nakagawa Experimental Forest, Hokkaido University, on June 16 2011. [4] a bark seen along a lake coast on Toya Lake close to Toya Lake Experimental Station, HU, on August 23 2011. [5] male flowers on a transplanted tree in the Hokkaido University campus on May 10 2013. [6] a seedling at Sakushu-kotoni River i nthe HU Campus on July 11 2013.

f. pendulum
C. magnificum (Nakai) Nakai f. pendulum (Miyoshi ex Makino et Nemoto) Spongberg
Shidare-katsura (シダレカツラ), weeping katsura-tree
Lifeform: weeping-typed C. japonicum
Distribution and habitat: same with C. japonicum

[1-3] at the entrance of greenhouse zone managed by Faculty of Agriculture in the campus of HU on August 14 2024.
