(First upload on February 10 2009. Last on August 15 2021) [ 日本語 | English ]
Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Plant list (植物リスト) > Fabaceae (Leguminosae) (マメ科) > Robinia pseudoacacia
Robinia L. (ハリエンジュ)Harienju (ハリエンジュ, 針槐), black locustNise-akashia (ニセアカシア/アカシア/イヌアカシア) Lifeform: deciduous tall tree Distribution: native to the North America (exotic to Japan, introduced in 1873) Biologically invasive species in Japan Habitat: various (often use for slope protection), as a pioneer |
Field training on integrated environmental research (統合環境調査法実習) (fauna and flora 種リスト) f. inermis (Mirb.) Rehd. (トゲナシニセアカシア), no spines |
[1] in the campus of Hokkaido University on July 14 2007. [2/3] a street tree at N24/W2, North Ward, Sapporo, on July 3 2010 (bark). [4] near a fumarole in the Nishiyama Craters on Mount Usu on May 26 2021. [5] nearby a tennis court in the Hokkaido University campus on November 12 2019. [6] seedlings and sproutings in a open land in N27/E3, East Ward, Sapporo, on August 3 2021.
ShootA shoot with an inflorescencde skected on June 15 1983.![]() |
FlowerFlower structrue:Papilionaceous corolla, and diadelphous stamens (9 + 1) ![]() Petals![]() Floral diagram![]() |