(First upload on September 4 2007. Last on July 15 2019) [ 日本語 | English ]
Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Plant list (植物リスト) > Oxalidaceae (カタバミ科) > Oxalis corniculata
Stamen: pentadynamousKey1. present aboveground shoot; alternate leaf; (yellow flower)
2. present aboveground stolon; remarkably-auriform, small stipule ___ O. corniculata O. acetosella L. (コミヤマカタバミ) O. amamiana Hatus. (アマミカタバミ, syn. O. exilis A. Cunn.) O. articulata (イモカタバミ) O. barrelieri L. (ハギカタバミ) |
O. bowiei Herb. (ハナカタバミ) O. braziliensis Lodd. ex Knowles et Westcott (ベニカタバミ) O. corniculata L. (カタバミ) O. corymbosa DC. (ムラサキカタバミ) O. dillenii Jacq. (オッタチカタバミ) O. exilis A. Cunn. (アマミカタバミ) O. griffithii Edgew. et Hook. fil. (ミヤマカタバミ)
var. kantoensis (Terao) T. Shimizu (カントウミヤマカタバミ) O. obtriangulata Maxim. (オオヤマカタバミ) |
O. pentaphylla Sims (ゴヨウカタバミ) O. pes-caprae L. (オオキバナカタバミ) O. purpurea L. (フヨウカタバミ) O. spiralis G. Don (ラセンカタバミ*) O. stricta L. (エゾタチカタバミ) O. tetraphylla Cav. (モンカタバミ) O. versicolor L. (シボリカタバミ) ![]() Floral diagram (花式) of Oxyalis |
Katabami (カタバミ, 片喰), creeping wood sorrel Oxalis Gr. "sour" (from the acidic taste of the foliage) corniculata L. "bearing small horns" (from the look of the fruits) Lifeform: annual - perennial Distribution: cosmopolitan in temperate and tropical regions Habitat: ruderal (worldwide weed) Seed dispersal: animal after self |
Xanthoxalis corniculata (L.) Small var. trichocaulon Lev. (ケカタバミ): hairy, coastal (Honshu- Ryuku)f. rubrifolia (Makino) Hara (アカカタバミ): small, purple-red leaf f. atropurpurea (Planch.) Van Houtte ex Hegi, or f. tropaeoloides (Schalacht.) R. Knuth (ウスアカカタバミ): somewhat purple-red leaf and stem f. plena Satake (ホシザキカタバミ): petals = 10, sepals = 10 |
[1] near Toya Lake Experimental Station, Hokkaido University, on August 21 2007. [2] along a paved road in Sotogou Park (外濠公園), Tokyo, on November 18 2016. [3] at the bottom of a bank along Sophia Street, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, on May 24 2019. Record: near Ono Pond (大野池) on July 13 2018.
[1/2] at a coastsde in Oi Pier Seaside Park, faced to Keihin Canal, Tokyo, on December 26 2015.