
(Upload on March 10 2025) [ 日本語 | English ]

Language: Latin, Greek (言語)

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

[etymology, Latin, Greek , manner] [ English ! | Ainu ]

Greek (ギリシア語)

Greek letter (ギリシア文字)

lower caseαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω

Lingua Latina (ラテン語)

grade for dissertation: comments
summa cum laude: outstanding (with highest honors)
magna cum laude: very good (with high honors)
cum laude: good (with honors)
rite: sufficient or correctly

Latin and Greek

Etymology (語源)

The science of the history of words, their origins, and how the form and meaning have changed over time
→ the origin of a particular word
Scientific names are originated from Latin. When we understand the etymology of sicentific names, we reduce the misspelling

I often forget these ... That is why I take a note here.

Latin for understanding scientific names

  • australis (L.), notos (G.): southern
  • borealis (L.): northern
  • occidentalis (L.): western
  • orientalis (L.): eastern
  • palustris (L.): of the marsh
  • pennatus (L.): feathered
  • vulgaris (L.): common
  • xanthos (G.): yellow

Genus name

Achillea: Achilles who was the warror of Trojan War pasted the flour to his broken spear to cure

Artemisia: Artemis (G) = the Goddess of the moon in Greek Myths (Eng. mugwort, wormwood and sagebrush)

Chamaecyparis: khamai (G ground) + kuparissos (G cypress)

Glehnia: Russian botanist Peter von Glehn (1796-1843) (cf. Picea glehnii)

Lemmaphyllum: lemma (G lemma) + phyllum (G leaf)

Leucojum: leukos (G white) + ion (G violet)

Pyrola: pirum> (pear), probably from new Latin

Spiranthes: speira (G twist) + anthos (G flower)

Trachelospermum: trachelos (G neck) + sperma (G seed)

Latin and Greek as scientific terms

Origins of the names of atoms
  • Atom, Abbr.: miscellaneous
  • Hydrogen, H: water generating (G)
  • Oxygen, O: acid generator
  • Phosphor, P: phosphoros (G) = light-carrier (phosphorescence)
  • Nitrogen, N: nitrate generator (G)
  • Radium, Ra: radioactive latin: radius = ray of light. Novel gases
  • Helium, He: same spectai lines as in the sun, helios = sun
  • Neon, Ne: neos (G) = new
  • Argon, Ar: argos (G) =1azy, inert
  • Krypton, Kr: kryptos (G) = hidden (kryptography)
  • Xenon, Xe: xenos (G) = strange
  • Radon, Rn: radioactive. Alkali metals
  • Lithium, Li: lithos = stone (lithography)
  • Sodium, Na: soda (Engl.)
  • Natrium, Na: neter (Egypt.) = Na2CO3
  • Potassium, K: pot ash (Engl.)
  • Kalium, K: ai kjali (Arab.), the ash of sea plants
  • Rubidium, Rb: rubidus (L.) = dark red
  • Cesium, Cs: caesius (L.) = 1ight blue. Metals
  • Gold, Au: aurum (aurora) (L.)
  • Silver, Ag: argentum (L.), argyros (G.)
  • Copper, Cu: ore from Cyprus
  • Mercury, Hg: mythology (L.): Mercur, the quick moving Trading-god
    hydragyrium, G: hydor = water; argyros = silver
  • Halogen(s): hais (G.) = sait; gennan = generate
  • Fluorine, F: fluor (L.) = flowing; CaF2 was used as a flowing aid for ores (fluorescence)
  • Chlorine, Cl: chloros (G.) = yellow-green (chlorophyll)
  • Bromine, Br: bromos (G.) = stink
  • Iodine, I: ioeides (G.) = Violet colored
  • Astate, At: astatos (G.) = unstable

The Origin of element names (L = Latin, G = Greek)
