
(Upload on September 17 2024) [ 日本語 | English ]

Cupressaceae Bartlett (ヒノキ科)

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

New Engler's syllabus (新エングラー体系)
Order Coniferae (Pinophyta) (マツ)
Modified after Ohwi & Kitagawa (1983)
Cupressaceae (ヒノキ)
Often developing arbuscular mycorrhiza

*: fossil record

Subfam Taxodioideae K. Koch (スギ)
Cryptomeria D. Don (スギ)
C. kamtschatica* Cheleb.: Eocene (Kamchatka)
C. yunnanensis* W. N. Ding et Z. K. Zhou: Oligocene (Yunnan, China)
C. protojaponica* Klimova: Oligocene (Far East)
C. sichotensis* Pimenov: Oligocene (Far East)
C. miyataensis* Uemura: Miocene (Japan)
C. rhenana* Kilpper: Miocene-Pliocene (Europe)
C. anglica* Boulter: Miocene-Pliocene (Europe)
C. japonica (Thunb. ex L.f.) D. Don: Miocene-Modern

The Kiso five trees (木曽五木)

Cutting of the five evergreen tree species distributed in Kiso Valley were prohibited by Owari Domain in Edo Era
⇒ well-developed forests

Sciadopityaceae Luerss. (コウヤマキ)

Sciadopityaceae Luerss. (コウヤマキ)
Formerly, in Taxodiaseae or Cupressaceae

Living fossil with no close relatives (the oldest fossil = 230 mya)
Three families, Sciadopityaceae, Pinaceae and Taxodiaceae, were differentiated in the similar periods

Sciadopitys Siebold et Zucc. (コウヤマキ)
This family consists of one species in one genus.

misspelled as Scuadopitys in a few webpages

S. verticillata (Thunberg) Siebold et Zuccarini (コウヤマキ)

Cryptomeria D. Don (スギ)

Cryptomeria is formerly belonging to the family Taxodiaceae
Taxoidiaceae when established
Athrotaxis D. Don
Cryptomeria D. Don
C. japonica (Thunb. ex L. f.) D. Don (スギ)
Cunninghamia R. Br.
Glyptostrobus Endl.
Metasequoia Miki
Sequoia Endl.
Sequoiadendron J. Buchholz
Taiwania Hayata (タイワンスギ)
T. cryptomerioides Hayata (タイワンスギ)

Sciadopitys Siebold et Zucc. (コウヤマキ)
separated to Sciadopityaceae Luerss. (コウヤマキ)

Thuja L. (クロベ)

T. koraiensis Nakai (ニオイネズコ)
T. occidentalis L. (ニオイヒバ)
T. plicata Donn ex D. Don (アメリカネズコ)
T. standishii (Gordon) Carrière (クロベ)
T. sutchuenensis Franch. (シセンネズコ)

Thujopsis Sieb. et Zucc. (アスナロ)

T. dolabrata (Linn. fil.) Sieb. et Zucc. (アスナロ)

Chamaecyparis Spach (ヒノキ), cypress or false cypress

native to eastern Asia and western and eastern North America
species in Japan (many cultivars are applied)
C. obtusa (Siebold et Zucc.) Endl. (ヒノキ)
C. pisifera (Siebold et Zucc.) Siebold et Zucc. (サワラ)
C. formosensis Matsum. (タイワンベニヒノキ/ベニヒ)
C. lawsoniana (A. Murray) Parl. (ローソンヒノキ)
C. thyoides (L.) Britton, Sterns et Poggenb. (ヌマヒバ)
C. nootkatensis (D.Don) Spach (アメリカヒノキ), syn. Callitropsis nootkatensis (D. Don) Florin

Juniperus L. (ビャクシン)

J. chinensis L. (ビャクシン)
J. communis L. (リシリビャクシン/ミヤマネズ)
J. conferta Parlatore (ハイネズ)
J. taxifolia Hook. et Arn. (シマムロ)
J. rigida Sieb. et Zucc. (ネズ)
J. virginiana L. (エンピツビャクシン)

Non-native to Japan

Cunninghamia R. Br. (コウヨウザン)
C. lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook. (コウヨウザン)
Cupressus L. (イトスギ)
C. funebris Endl. (シダレイトスギ)
C. macrocarpa Hartw. (モントレーイトスギ)
C. sempervirens L. (ホソイトスギ)
C. torulosa D. Don (オオイトスギ)
Platycladus Spach (コノテガシワ)
P. orientalis (L.) Franco (コノテガシワ)
Taxodium Rich. (ヌマスギ)
Distribution: in the southern part of the North American continent
T. ascendens (pond cypress)
T. distichum (L.) Rich. (ヌマスギ)
T. mucronatum Tenore (メキシコラクウショウ)