
(Upload on January 6 2025) [ 日本語 | English ]

Landscape on skislopes (スキー場景観)

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

Skislope (スキー場)


Araiyama (荒井山)


On this slope, exotic species, e.g., Solidago gigantea (left) and Pueraria lobata (right), were predominant. On September 6 1998.

Fujino (藤野)

L L [Left] Foggy landscape. [Right] Ecotone between a forest and grassland (lawn). On August 30 1998.

Hidaka International (日高国際)

L L Landscape on Hidaka Skislope on July 9 1986.

Gokase Highland, Gokase Town, Miyazakio (五ケ瀬ハイランド)

L L The southernmost ski resort in Japan
2022 dmaged by a typhoon in September - closed
(Photos taken on December 19 2024, a day before opening)

Higashi-yama Park, Kuromatsunai

L L After Kick-off Meeting on August 4 2023.

Horotachi (ほろたち)

L L on June 25 2018.

Hoshino Resort Tomamu

L1 L2 L3
[1/2] Landscape on Hoshino Resort Tomau on July 19 2012. The vegetaion estabilshment pattenrs greatly differed between slopes. These two recovery patterns are unpreferable. In a few sloeps, the seedlings of Abies sachalinensis established well. [3] from a highway on June 28 2013.


L1 L2 This skislope has neither lifts nor roptows. [1/2] on May 4 2021. Spring ephemerals were dominant where no artificial lawns were developed.


L1 L2 [1] Dominant species was Polygonum sachalinense. [2] close to the summit. This skislope is now closed. On June 27 2007.


L1 L2 At the entrance, there was a notice board:
As this is town-owned land, entry is prohibited to anyone other than those involved. Naganuma Town Board of Education
🚫 長沼町教育委員会

[1/2] On November 3 2024.

Korakuen (後楽園)

L1 L2 [1] landscape. [2] close-up. On September 13 1998.


L1 L2 [1/2] on August 30 1998. This skislope is so small.

Moiwa (藻岩)

L1 L2 [1/2] on September 5 1985. The skislope is oldest in Hokkaido. The ground surface is not heavily damaged by the construction. Therefore, the vegetation recovery is well. The dominant species was Miscanthus sinensis.
Mount Moiwa (藻岩山)
Moiwa Skislope (藻岩スキー場)
[3-5] on June 22 2021.
L3 L4 L5

Makomanai (真駒内)

L L On July 6 1985. Alnus hirsuta established well in a specific site [Right], while bare ground was developed well on the slopes [Left].


L L The skislopes were closed in 1994, due to decrease in users. Alnus hirsta created dense shrubs [right], while gullies were developed near bare grounds [left]. On September 23 1998.

Niyama Highland

L L On September 9 2020.

Mount Racey

L L On July 13 2011 when I went to see references on coal mining.

Nakayama (Pass)

L L The skislope was established in 1965 in Kimobetsu Town. The elevation ranges from 790 m to 980 m (officially). [Left] Landscape on Nakayama Skislope in summer (Photo taken in 1986). Do you think the erosion control work is successful? Aruncus dioicus var. tenuifolius flowered on the slope, although bare ground was developed in the back. On July 25 1985. [Right] It was July 20 2011 and has passed for 26 years since the left-side photo was taken.


L L Viewing from Mushroom Kingdom on June 13 2023. This slope is closed in the winter of 2023.


L L On August 15 2019.


L L On August 29 1996.

Rusutsu Highland

L1 L2 Showing the land cutting. [1] August 1984. [2] September 1984. His height is about 1.8 m. The the un-cut ground surface is covered with Sasa (ササ, dwarf bamboo).
L L On August 15 2019

Sapporo International

L1 L2 These two monochromes were taken on August 28 1985. [1] a drain ditch for erosion control was constructed on the slope. [2] clear-cutting for the enlargement of skislope.

Snow Cruise Onze

L L On August 23 1998. We callsed formerly this skislopes Harukayama (Mount Haruka).

Teine Olympia

L1 L2 The vegetation is reported in (Tsuyuzaki 2002)

[1] on June 29 1986. [2] a gully developed on the slope (July 6 1985).

Tenguyama (天狗山)

L1 L2 [1] landscape. [2] Epilobium angustifolium and Polygonum longisetum established patchily on the slope. On August 23 1998.

Tomamae Sankakuten (苫前三角点)

L1 L2 on November 7 2022. It is a small ski slope without lift.

Toyotomi Spa (豊富温泉)

L1 L2 L3
[1] on on May 28 2017. [2/3] on May 13 2018. The slope was established in 1965.

Usujiri (臼尻スキー場)

L1 L2 L3
[1-3] on July 7 2013. The skislope was enclosed by a Cryptomeria japonica plantation.

Wassamu Higashiyama

L1 L2
[1/2] on June 13 2012.


On August 8 1991.


L L [Right] Yuzawa Ski Resort with many buildings is seen at the foot of the slope. On August 8 1991. Now, this skislope is closed, due to economical reasons.

Nagaoka Municipal Skislope

L L On August 31 1990.
Coreopsis lanceolata


L1 L2 [1] Landscape. [2] Grasses established well by utilizing the inside of rills. For the establishment of plants, microtopography is often important. On August 9 1991.

Nakasato Snowwood

L L [Right] Under construction on August 9 1991.

Ninoji Snow Park Ninox (formerly Ninoji)

L L On June 11 1994. It was foggy.
Diphylleia grayi near the skislope on June 6 1996.

Nunoba Family

L L On August 8 1991.


L L Miscanthus sinensis was predominant on the slope. On August 31 1990.


L L On June 11 1994.


L L The slope was degraded. Oon June 11 1994.


L L On August 22 1994, before Nagano Olympic Winter Games were held.


L1 L2 [2] the ground surface is protected by erosion-control nets. [1/2] on August 24 1994 before the Nagano Olympic Winter Games were held.

Whistler-Blackcomb ski resort

B1 B2 One of the largest ski resorts in the North America. [1/2] located in N50.11° and W122.95°, BC, Canada, on September 8 1999. [2] under construction. This resort has tow mountain peaks, Whistler (2181 m elevation) and Blackcomb (2284 m).

Snoqualmie Summit

L1 WA2 [1] at Snoqualmie Summit on August 22 1994 (Jon Titus). [2] in September 2003. I do not remember what skislope this is.

vegetation in Snoqualmie
