(First upload on January 9 2009. Last on January 5 2024) [ 日本語 | English ]
Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Plant list (植物リスト) > Fern (シダ類) > Dryopteridaceae (オシダ科) > Polystichum tripteron
Polystichum Roth (イノデ)Juumonjishida (ジュウモンジシダ, 十文字羊歯), trifid hollyfernLifeform: deciduous fern in Hokkaido (evergreen in warmer regions) Distribution: eastern northeastern China - Siberia - Korea - Japan Habitat: mesic forest floor → General education: Field trip: Nature on lakes, volcanoes, sea and forests (フィールド体験研修 海と湖と火山と森林の自然) |
Aspidium tripteron Kunze f. simplicissimum (Tagawa) Tagawa (ヒトツバジュウモンジシダ) f. subbipinnatum H. Ito (オオシュモクシダ) f. pedatiforme Akasawa (トリアシシュモクシダ) |
[1] at a 6th trail near the Biwa Falls on Mount Takao (599 m elevation), Tokyo, on October 21 2013. [2] around Tenryu-numa Pond close to the entrance of Matsuyama Bog, northern Hokkaido, on June 27 2018. [3/4] around the Senjaku Course of Teine Skislope on August 17 2011. [5] close to Nopporo Forest Park, Kita-Hiroshima City, on June 27 2020. [6] on a way to visit the Riverbed of the Sun Goddess (天安河原), Takachiho, southern Japan, on December 18 2024. Records: at Toyoha Mine, Jozankei, southern part of the city of Sapporo, on June 14 1988. In the backyard of Japanese archery training hall, Hokkaido University, on April 8 2020 (semi-evergreen?). Near Moiwa skislope along a trail to Mount Moiwa (藻岩山) on June 22 2021. In a forest beside Teine Senjaku skislope on May 19 2022.
[1/2] near a transplanted forest of Fraxinus mandshurica in the Experimental Forest of the University of Tokyo, Furano, central Hokkaido, on June 28 2017. [3] near the former skislope for the Winter Olympic Games on Mount Eniwa beside Shikotsu Lake on August 27 2022.