
(First upload on January 9 2009. Last on January 5 2024) [ 日本語 | English ]

Polystichum tripteron (Kunze) C. Presl

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

Polystichum Roth (イノデ)
Juumonjishida (ジュウモンジシダ, 十文字羊歯), trifid hollyfern
Lifeform: deciduous fern in Hokkaido (evergreen in warmer regions)
Distribution: eastern northeastern China - Siberia - Korea - Japan
Habitat: mesic forest floor

→ General education: Field trip: Nature on lakes, volcanoes, sea and forests (フィールド体験研修 海と湖と火山と森林の自然)


Aspidium tripteron Kunze
Dryoteris triptera (Kunze) O. Kuntze
Ptilopteris triptera (Kunze) Hayata

Varieties (usually not applied)
f. simplicissimum (Tagawa) Tagawa (ヒトツバジュウモンジシダ)
f. subbipinnatum H. Ito (オオシュモクシダ)
f. pedatiforme Akasawa (トリアシシュモクシダ)

Polystichum tripteron in Japan

[1] at a 6th trail near the Biwa Falls on Mount Takao (599 m elevation), Tokyo, on October 21 2013. [2] around Tenryu-numa Pond close to the entrance of Matsuyama Bog, northern Hokkaido, on June 27 2018. [3/4] around the Senjaku Course of Teine Skislope on August 17 2011. [5] close to Nopporo Forest Park, Kita-Hiroshima City, on June 27 2020. [6] on a way to visit the Riverbed of the Sun Goddess (天安河原), Takachiho, southern Japan, on December 18 2024. Records: at Toyoha Mine, Jozankei, southern part of the city of Sapporo, on June 14 1988. In the backyard of Japanese archery training hall, Hokkaido University, on April 8 2020 (semi-evergreen?). Near Moiwa skislope along a trail to Mount Moiwa (藻岩山) on June 22 2021. In a forest beside Teine Senjaku skislope on May 19 2022.

f. simplicissimum

[1/2] near a transplanted forest of Fraxinus mandshurica in the Experimental Forest of the University of Tokyo, Furano, central Hokkaido, on June 28 2017. [3] near the former skislope for the Winter Olympic Games on Mount Eniwa beside Shikotsu Lake on August 27 2022.
