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From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Biology > Plant taxonomy > Engler's syllabus
Taxonomical systems of angiospermsThree major syllabusesNew Engler's syllabus: complexityMost herbaria apply this syllabus for seed plants Cronquist's syllabus: strobiroidAPG system: molecular phylogeny Prior to Englerde Jussieu, Antoine Laurent 1748-1836, France
1789 de Jussieu system: Genera plantarum: secundum ordines naturales disposita fungi, algae, hepaticae, musci, filices, najades II. Monocotyledones (単子葉植物類)
1. Hypogynisch III. Dicotyledones (無子葉植物類)
1. Apetalae
1813 de Candolle system: Théorie élémentaires de la botanique, ou exposition des principes de la classication naturelle 1. Espgenae
a. Diplochlamydeae 2. Endogene
a. Phanerogamae II. Cellulares (細胞植物)
1. Foliaceae
1838 Endlicher system: Grundzüge einer neuen Theorie der Pflanzenerzeugung
1. Acrobrya
1828-1837 Histoire des Végétaux Fossiles
a) Amphigenae B. Phanaerogamae (顕花植物) a) Monocotyledonae
1. Albuminosae |
b) Dictyledoneae 1. Angiospermae
a') Gamopetalae 2. Gymnospermae Eichler, August Wilhelm 1839-1887, Germany
1883 Syllabus der Vorlesungen über specielle und medicinisch-pharmaceutische Botanik (3rd edn). Berlin I. Thallophyta 1. Algae
a. Cyanophyceae
1. Conjugatae 2. Fungi
a. Schizomycetes
1. Phycomycetes c. Lichenes II. Bryophyta
1. Hepaticae III. Pteridophyta
1. Equisetinae B. Phanerogamae
I. Gymnospermae
1. Monocotyleae
a. Choripetalae
Lehrbuch der Botanik 1. Thallophyta
Klasse Bacteria 2. Bryophyta
Klasse Hepaticae |
[plant taxonomy, herbarium checklist] 3. Pteridophyta
Klasse Filicinae B. Phanerogamen
Klasse Gymnospermae
A. Elcotylae 1962 Earder R et al.
Strasburgers Lehrbuch der Botanik 1. Chlorophytina
(1) Chlcrophyceae 2. Chrysophytina
(1) Heterokontae
3. Pyrrophytina (1) Phaeophyceae 6. Rhodophytina (1) Rhodophyceae IV. Mycophyta
1. Myxomycophytina (1) Phycomycetes
a. Uniflagellatae (2) Eumycetes
a. Ascomycetes
(1) Hepaticae VI. Pteridophyta
(1) Psilophytinae VII. Spermatophyta 1. Gymnospermae
(1) Pteridospermae 2. Angiospermae (1) Dicotyledoneae
a. Dialypatalae (2) Monocotyledoneae |
[ Engler HGA | Journal Englera ]
I. Schizophyta (Schizomycetes, Schizophyceae) II. Phytosarcodina (Acrasiales, Plamociophorales, Myxogasters) III. Flagellatae IV. Dinoflagellatae ? Silicoflagellatae V. Bacillariophyta VI. Conjugatae VII. Chlorophyceae (Protococcales, Ulotrichales, Sihponocladales, Siphonales) |
VIII. Charophyta IX. Phaeophyceae X. Rhodophyceae (Bangiales, Florideae) XI. Eumycetes (Phycomycetes, Ascomycetes, Protomycetes, Basidiomycetes (+ Fungi imperfecti, Lichens)) XII. Embryophyta asiphnogama
1. Bryophyta (Filicales, Musci) |
2. Pteridophyta (Hepaticae, Articulatae, Lycopodiales, Ptilotales, Ispetales) XIII. Embryophyta siphonogama
1. Gymnospermae (Cycadofilicales, Cycadales, Bennettitales, Ginkgoales, Coniferae, Cordaitales, Gnetales) |
I. Schizophyta (Schizomycetes, Schizophyceae) II. Phytosarcodina (Acrasiales, Plamociophorales, Myxogasters) III. Flagellatae IV. Dinoflagellatae ? Silicoflagellatae V. Heterocontae VI. Bacillariopjyta (Centricae, Pennales) VII. Conjugatae VIII. Chlorophyceae
1. Protococcales |
IX. Charophyta X. Phaeophyta XI. Rhodophyta
1. Bangiales
1. Phycomycetes
1. Unterabt Bryophyta (1. Hepaticae, 2. Musci) |
2. Unterabt Pteridophyta (1. Psilophytinae, Articulatae, 3. Lycopodiinae, 4. Psilotinae, 5. Isoetinae, 6. Filicinae) XIV. Embryophyta Siphonogama
1. Unterabt Gymnospermae (1. Cycadofilicales, 2. Cycadales, 3. Bennettitales, 4. Ginkgoales, 5. Cordaitales, 6. Coniferae & Gnetales) |
I. Bacteriophyta (Schizomycetes) II. Cyanophyta (Cyanophyceae) III. Glaucophyta (Glaucophyceae) IV. Myxophyta
1. Acrasicae VI. Pyrrophyta
1. Cryptophyceae
1. Heterokontae |
IX. Charophyta X. Phaeophyta
1. Isogeneratae
1. Bangiophyceae
1. Archimycetes
1. Phycolichenes |
1. Hepaticae
1. Psilophytopsida
1. Cycadopsida
1. Licotyledoneae [Archichlamyceae, Sympetalae] |
(Cronquist, A.J. 1919-1992)
Cronquist, A.J. 1919-1992 1980s': Illustration from the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation Qronquit system is similar to Takhtajan system Based on strobiloid theory |
APG (angiosperm phylogeny group)
APG II 2003
Fig.1 Phylogenetic relationships for angiosperms inferred from analysis of rbcL, atpB and 18S rDNA sequences; the jackknife consensus tree (for groups receiving 50% support) is shown. The shortest trees found were 45,100 steps. The number of species in each clade is given in parentheses; not all 560 species occurred in a clade portrayed in this summary tree. Jackknife support is given below branches. (Soltis et al. 1999)
treating with lycophytes and ferns (or monilophytes)
2016 PPG I (PPG I 2016)
Fig. 1. Summary tracheophyte phylogeny, depicting relationships among lycophyte and fern families recognized in this PPG I classification. Composite topology is derived from the results of numerous phylogenetic studies (e.g.,Pryer et al., 2001, 2004; Korall etal., 2006; Schuettpelz&Pryer, 2007;Rai & Graham, 2010; Lehtonen, 2011;Rothfels et al., 2012a, 2015; Knie et al., 2015; Zhang & Zhang, 2015). Most nodes have received consistently strong support; dotted lines indicate areas of considerable uncertainty. For each family, we note the total number of genera recognized in PPG I and the sum of species estimates for these genera (terminal clade height is roughly proportional to diversity for families with more than 100 species). Where applicable, informal clade names are provided in parentheses.
ICTVdB: Viruses BIOS: Microorganisms and protists Fungorum: Fungi FishBase: Animals AlgaeBase: Plants ILDIS: for legumes IOPI Global Plant Checklist: Plants |