
(Upload on November 6 2020) [ 日本語 | English ]

Euphorbiaceae Juss. (トウダイグサ科)

Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily

[Engler's syllabus (エングラー体系)]
More than 7500 species in ca 335 genera
Major distributional areas: (sub-)tropical regions
Morphological characteristics: trimerous reproductive organs
Many species are poisonous, because of producing euphorbine
Acalypha L. (エノキグサ)
Chamaesyce Gray (ニシキソウ), when separated from Euphorbia
Dalechampia L. (ケショウボク)
D. spathulata (Scheidw.) Baill. (ケショウボク)
Daphniphyllum Blume (ユズリハ) , adpoted in Euphorbiaceae by Ohwi
Euphorbia L. (トウダイグサ)
Mallotus Lour. (アカメガシワ)
Mercurialis L. (ヤマアイ)
≥ 10 species in the world (mostly in Europe, North Africa and Asia), one species in Japan
M. leiocarpa Siebold et Zucc. (ヤマアイ)
Ricinus L. (トウゴマ)
R. communis L. (トウゴマ)
Phyllanthus L. (コミカンソウ)
Triadica Loour. (ナンキンハゼ)
T. cochinchinensis Lour. (ナガバナンキンハゼ)
T. sebifera (L.) Small (ナンキンハゼ)

Acalypha L. (エノキグサ) in Japan

400-450 species in the world
A. akoensis Hayata (アコウアカリファ)
A. angatensis Blanco (タイワンアカリファ)

f. velutina (Honda) Ohwi (ビロードエノキグサ)

A. australis L. (エノキグサ)
A. cardiophylla Merr. (タイトウアミガサノキ)
A. gracilens A. Gray (ヒメアミガサソウ)
A. grandibracteata Merr. (コウトウアミガサノキ)
A. hispida Burm. f. (ベニヒモノキ)
A. indica L. (キダチアミガサソウ), exotic
A. longeacuminata Hayata (ナガエアミガサノキ)
A. matudae Hayata (ホソバアミガサノキ)
A. ostryifolia Riddell ex J. M. Coult. (アレチアミガサソウ)
A. wilkesiana Müll. Arg. (アカリファ)

Euphorbia L. (トウダイグサ)

Three or four native species
E. ebracteolata Hayata (マルミノウルシ)
E. adenochlora Morren et Dence (ノウルシ)
E. sieboldiana Morren et Dence (ナツトウダイ)
E. tsukamotoi Honda (ヒメナツトウダイ)
Not in Hokkaido
E. jolkinii Boiss. (イワタイゲキ)
E. cyparissias L. (マツバトウダイ)
E. marginata Pursh (ハツユキソウ)
E. sp. aff. prostrata Aiton (アレチニシキソウ)
E. humifusa Willd. ex Schltdl. (ニシキソウ)
E. maculata auct. non L., syn. E. nutans Lag. (オオニシキソウ)
E. milii Des Moul. (ハナキリン)
E. peplus L. (チャボタイゲキ)
E. supina Raf. (コニシキソウ)
E. hypericifolia L. (ユキハナソウ)
E. trigona Mill. (サイウンカク)

Chamaesyce Gray (ニシキソウ)

When separated from Euphorbia
C. humifusa (Willd. ex Schltdl.) Prokh.
C. maculata (Raf.) Moldenke) (コニシキソウ)
C. sp. aff. prostrata (Aiton) Small
C. nutans (Lag.) Small

Mallotus Lour. (アカメガシワ)

Three species in Japan. No species in Hokkaido
M. japonicus (Thunb. ex Murray) Mueller-Arg. (アカメガシワ)
M. paniculatus (Lamarck) Muell. Arg. (ウラジロアカメガシワ): Yaeyama Islands and to south
M. philipensis (Lamarck) Muell. Arg. (クスノハガシワ)

Pyllanthaceae Martynov (コミカンソウ科), leafflower

Separated from Euphorbiaceae by APG
2000 species in 54-60 genera

Phyllanthus L. (コミカンソウ)

P. amarus Schumach. (キダチコミカンソウ)
P. deblis J. G. Klein ex Willd. (オガサワラコミカンソウ)
P. embergeri Haic. et Rossign. (ミナミコミカンソウ)
P. emblica L. (マラッカノキ)
P. flexuosus (Siebold et Zucc.) Müll. Arg. (コバンノキ)
P. lepidocarpus Siebold et Zucc. (コミカンソウ)
P. liukiuensis Matsum. ex Hayata (ハナコミカンボク)
P. oligospermus Hayata

ssp. donanensis T. Kuros. (ドナンコバンノキ)
ssp. oligospermus (コカバコバンノキ)

P. reticulatus Poir. (シマコバンノキ)
P. simplex Retz. (シマヒメミカンソウ)
P. tenellus Roxb. (ナガエコミカンソウ)
P. urinaria L. ssp. nudicarpus Rossign. et Haic. (テリミコミカンソウ)
P. ussuriensis Rupr. et Maxim. (ヒメミカンソウ)

Daphniphyllaceae Müll. Arg. (ユズリハ科)

One genus

Daphniphyllum Blume (ユズリハ)

25-35 spp.
Lifeform: dioecious, evergreen tree-shrub
Distribution: Indian Subcontinent - east and southeast Asia (center) - New Guinea
Native to east and southeast Asia
D. macropodum Miq. (ユズリハ)
D. teijsmannii Zoll. ex Kurz (ヒメユズリハ)