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Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Lecture catalog / Research summary > Glossary > History
☛ natural sciences, geological timescale, anthropologyPeriodization (時代区分)Prehistoric Age (prehistory, 先史時代)Stone, Bronze and Iron Age (Thomsen, Christian Jürgensen 1788-1865)Stone Age (石器時代)Palaeolithic Period (旧石器時代)Homo, used extinct animals and chipped stone tools (打製石器)Early: Homo habilis and H. erectus, used hand ax Middle: H. neanderthalensis, used flake tools (剥片石器) Late: H. sapiens (Cro-Magnon man), developed diverse stone tools Mesolithic Period(中石器時代)using bow-and-arrow and cutwareNeolithic Period (新石器時代)Homo, used present animals and polished stone toolsBronze Age (青銅器時代), BC3000 or BC2000-Trojan War (トロイア戦争), described in Greek myths
≈BC1250, BC1700-BC1200, or fictional story BC1680 occupied Nile River delta - Egypt recaptured Mitanni (Habigalbat)≈BC1550-≈BC1260 Syria in the presentinvented strong army tank + high horsemanship technique Iron Age (鉄器時代)BC8C-BC5C (earl Iron Age): Biskupin (northwestern Poland) - palafitteincrease in water level Ancient Orient or Ancient Near EastBC4000-BC2400
Mesopotamia + 1868 Warren, Charles: excavated the site 1907-1909, 1911 Sellin, Ernst & Watzinger, Carl excavated Tell es-Sultan and Tulul Abu el-'Alayiq 1930-1936 Garstang, John: excavated1952-1958 Kenyon, Kathleen 1997-2000 Nigro, Lorenzo & Marchetti, Nicolò: excavated 1997-2017 Italian-Palestinian Expedition
Tower A1: middle Bronze Age Ancient MesopotamiaBC4000: uruk (ウルク古拙文字)
≈ proto-sumerian or proto-cuneiform (楔形文字) Babylonian hanging garden SumerBC3800-BC500 Ur (ウル)
BC6500-BC3800 Ubaid dynasty (BC6500-BC3500 Ubaid culture)
1926-1931 excavation survey |
iron dominated by Cedrus libani - overharvesting - desertification ≈BC1680 Hittites (Hetthaei, Latin) in Asia Minor
iron and horse
Ugaritic alphabet (phonogram) location - the present western Jordan and its surrounding area wealth provided by the production of asphalt AD106: extinct BC900-BC27 Etruscan civilization: central ItalyBC1550-BC1100 Akrotiri in Santorini or Thira Island
BC1628 Minoan eruption = underwater eruption → formed the island BC202-BC25 Numidia: roman puppet government New WorldBC1300-BC300 Pueblo, southwestern North America
Anasazi (Ancestral Puebloans): ancestor of American natives Mesoamerica Cultures (メソアメリカ文化)Kotosh and Piruru: Andean archaeological complexBC3000-BC1800 Mito period The Temple of the Crossed Hands BC1750-BC1150 Wairajirca perid: discovered first potteryCharacterized by long-distance transaction BC1250-BC/AD Olmec: Gulf of Mexico BC10C-16C Zapotec BC/AD-7C Teotihuacan: central Mexico BC3C-16C Maya: southeastern Mexico - Yucatan Peninsula - Guatemala slash-and-burn agriculture on laterite 7C -12C Toltec15C-1521 Aztec (アステカ) and others Inca Empire (インカ帝国), early 12th C-1532Origin: Tiahuanaco - demolition owing to the upheaval of mountains☛ the improvement of agricultural systems ≈ 1200 Manqu Qhapaq (Manco Cápac): first kingBC500-AD500 Nazca Lines (Cf. Palpa Lines) a group of geoglyphs drawn om Nazca Desert in southern Peru 1926 lines discovered by Kroeber AL, and Xesspe TM 1939 animals discovered by Kosok P
Insufficient evidence for all |
Ancient AlexandriaBC331 Alexander the Great: established the cityEgyptRiver Nile: crop productivity ∝ water levelThe classification of ages follows the European opinion Neolithic periodPrehistoric Egypt: Prior to BC3100Naqada III0th Dynasty = the protodynastic period; BC c. 3100–BC3000Dynasties of Ancient Egypt (BC, エジプト王朝)Early (Dynastic)1st Dynasty (I): c.3150–2890 2nd Dynasty (II): 2890–2686 Old Kingdom 3rd Dynasty (III): 2686–2613 4th Dynasty (IV): 2613–2498 5th Dynasty (V): 2498–2345 6th Dynasty (VI): 2345–2181 First Intermediate7th Dynasty (VII): spurious 8th Dynasty (VIII): 2181–2160 9th Dynasty (IX): 2160–2130 10th Dynasty (X): 2130–2040 Early 11th Dynasty (XI): 2134–2061Middle KingdomLate 11th Dynasty (XI): 2061–1991 12th Dynasty (XII): 1991–1803 13th Dynasty (XIII): 1803–1649 14th Dynasty (XIV): 1705–1690Second Intermediate15th Dynasty (XV): 1674–1535 16th Dynasty (XVI): 1660–1600 Abydos Dynasty: 1650–1600 17th Dynasty (XVII): 1580–1549New Kingdom18th Dynasty (XVIII): 1549–1292Thutmose III (the Napoleon of Egypt) Amenhotep III 19th Dynasty (XIX): 1292–1189
Ramesses II Third Intermediate21st Dynasty (XXI): 1069–945 22nd Dynasty (XXII): 945–720Kush (or Kushite)≈BC920-≈AD350: southern Egypt and northern Sudan in the present
first black kingdom Late Period26th Dynasty (XXVI): 672–525 27th Dynasty (1st Persian Period, XXVII): 525–404BC525 Battle of Pelusium: Egypt vs Persia Egyptians: cats as being sacred → utilzied by Persian 28th Dynasty (XXVIII): 404–398 29th Dynasty (XXIX): 398–380 30th Dynasty (XXX): 380–343 31st Dynasty (2nd Persian Period, XXXI): 343–332Ptolemaic (Hellenistic)Argead Dynasty: 332–305Ptolemaic Kingdom: 323–30 Ancient GreecePrehistoric age - BC86BC 8C: polis (BC7C-BC4C - rise)
consortium nation battle to Persia LydiaBC1200-BC546 Iron Age kingdom of western Asia MinorCroesus (Reign ≈BC585–BC546) Persia (Persian Empire)Achaemenid or Achaemenian Dynasty (アケメネス朝)BC550-BC330 First Persian Empire |
Reign BC522–BC486 Darius I (the Great) centralized system Persepolis: ceremonial capital (burnt by Macedonian-Greece allied forces)1931 excavation survey: ash accumulated with 50 cm in thickness BC499-449: the Persian Wars BC478: siege of ByzantiumBC450: Battle of Salamis (サラミスの大海戦)
A naval battle fought between an alliance of Greek city-states under themistocles and the Persian Empire under King Xerxes BC457: Battle of Tanagra BC431-BC404: the Peloponnesian war (ペロポネソス戦争) Delian League (lead by Athena) vs Peloponnesus League (led by Sparta, supported by Persia) + epidemic (plague) outbreak in Athens Peloponnesian League victory → Greek - lost the political power BC814-BC146 Carthago (Tunisia, present), established by Phoenicians
the Punic Wars (ポエニ戦争): Roma vs Carthago (Rome won all) BC279 Battle of Asculum BC222 Battle of Sellasia BC146 the Roman Republic (Res Publica Romana or Imperium Romanum) occupied the Carthage and ancient Greece The Roman Empire (Imperium Romanum, ローマ帝国)complete waterworks - lead water pipes → lead pollutionBC27 established from the Roman Republic 212-216(construction) Baths of Caracalla (Thermae Caracallae) 260/270-273 Palmyra Empire (Imperium Palmyrenum, パルミラ帝国) Crisis of the Third Century - established by Queen Zenobia Collapse: 395 split the Eastern and Western Empire, or 476/480 collapse of Western Empire
476 Odoacer dethroned the emperor, Romulus Augustulus Capital: Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) 1453 Collapse by Ottoman Turks (Sultan Mehmed II)Sri Lanka38 kya Balangoda Man: human record (125 kya: arrived Ceylon Island)
nesolithic hunter-gatherers living in caves (represented by Batadombalena and the Fa Hien Cave) 543BC–377BC: Pre Anuradhapura
Indo-Aryan settlement
1597–1815 Kandy
377BC–1017 Anuradhapura
First Kandyan–Dutch war
Great rebellion
1948-1972 Dominion Arrival of Buddhism 1017–1232 Polonnaruwa
(993-1077 Chola rule)
Vijayabā Kollaya |
from the fall of the Western Empire to pre-Renaissance The Dark Ages (暗黒時代) in Europe (1) the Middle Ages until the Late or (2) in the Early Middle Ages (the Dark Ages ≠ the middle ages) Early Middle Ages (前期): 500-1000800-1806 Holy Roman Empire (神聖ローマ帝国)
900 Charlemagne established
at the bottom of Pyrenees mountains in the present northern Spain expanding territory without war - the foundation of law-abiding nation High Middle Ages (盛期): 1000-1300Christian Crusade (Crusader) (十字軍)Original purpose: liberation of the Holy Sepulcher of Christ in Jerusalem1096-1099 First 1147-1149 Second 1189-1192 Third 1202-1204 Fourth 1218-1221 Fifth The Renaissance (ルネサンス, Fr), (late 13th)14th-17th CNicola Pisano 1220/1225-c.1284Dante Alighieri 1265-1321 Giotto di Bondone c.1267-1337 Sandro Botticelli c.1445-1510 Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinc 1452-1519 Giovanni Pico della Mirandola 1463-1494 Erasmus of Rotterdam (Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus) 1469-1536 Nicolaus Copernicus 1473-1543 Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni 1501–1504 Late Middle Ages (後期): 1300-15001303 Outrage of Anagni (アナーニ事件)1309-1377 Avignon Papacy (アヴィニョン捕囚) 1339-1453 Hundred Years' War (百年戦争) dynastie des Valois vs Plantagenet dynasty and Lancaster dynasty Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc, Engl) 1412.1.6-1431.5.30la Pucelle d'Orléans (The Maid of Orléans) 1455-1485(1487) Wars of the Roses (薔薇戦争)England The Age of Exploration (大航海時代)from the middle of 15th cnetury to the middle of 17th centuryPortugalHenrique, Infante Dom (1394-1460): Prince Henry the NavigatorSpanish Empire (Imperio españo)1492 establishedlas Casas, Bartolomé de (1484-1566) 1552 A short account of the destruction of the Indies - bestseller 1898 lost Spanish–American War (end of Empire)Protestant Reformation (宗教改革)16th centuryMiddle East622 Islam (Caliphate, イスラム帝国) established on Arabian Peninsula
moving toward the north → 651 subvert the Sassanian 661- 750 Umayyad Caliphate 750–1258 Abbasid Caliphate (Page 1990) Norse mythology (北欧神話)Myths of the North Germanic peoples (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Faroe Islands) |
Snorri Sturluson (1178/1179-1241)
"Snorra Edda" (散文のエッダ) "Gesta Danorum" (デンマーク人の事績) JapanZuiganji temple cavesOriginally used as an area for memorial services and a cinerarium to house the ashes of the deceased, making of these caves dates back to the Kamakura period (1192-1333) and they continued to use them until the Edo period (1603-1867). In ancient times, Matsushima was called the "Koyasan of Tohoku (東北の高野山)" - a sacred, hallowed ground where many went to pray for safe passage to the Pure Land in their next life.Masakado-zuka (Masakado's Tomb, 将門塚) ![]() Odawara Castle Ruins (小田原城)Odawara Castle was first constructed in the middle of the 15th century. The Hojo Family conquered this area early in the 16th century and gradually expanded the castle. The castle, the base of the Hojo Clan during the Warring States period, was one of the largest castles around surrounded by a 9 km moat and fortified by earthen walls. In the Edo period, it was transformed into a castle complex consisting of a castle keep (donjon), watchtowers, gates, stone walls, and a moat as the shogunate’s important western defensive base. The castle complex had been in the same location from the medieval to early modern period. In the modern period following the Samurai era, the castle kept another buildings were dismantled. Also, the stone walls collapsed due to the great Kanto Earthquake. After that, the site of the castle was used as public facilities such as a girl’s school, an elementary school, a baseball field, a library, and so on. Since 1983, however, a castle restoration project has been implemented as "national assets" and "historical park. Ongoing reconstruction is underway for Sumiyoshi moat, Akagane-mon Gate, Umadashi-mon Gate and Goyomai-kuruwa Bailey. |
Mughal Empire (ムガル帝国), 1526-1858Afghanistan → northwestern India1588 Battle of Armada: Armada Invencible (無敵艦隊) lost 1688-1689 Glorious Revolution (名誉革命) 1707 Kingdom of Great Britain established = Kingdom of England + Kingdom of Scotland (Kinrick o Scotland) The early modern period (近世): early 16C - early 19C
1789.7/14-1795.8.22 The French Revolution ← 1945 (the end of WWII - Asia) → The late modern period (近代) Europe17 c.: there are only four years without wars1618-48 The Thirty Year's War (三十年戦争) → the largest religious war
Emperor + Catholicism (旧教徒) + Spain vs 1655-60 The Second Northern War
Sweden vs its adversaries 1701-14 The War of the Spanish Succession (スペイン継承戦争) 1733-35 The War of the Polish Succession (ポーランド王位継承戦争) 1735-39 Austro-Russian-Turkish War (露土朝戦争) 1740-48 The War of the Austrian Succession (オーストリア継承戦争) The French Revolution (フランス革命)= Revolution of 17891789.5.5-1799.11.9 End of the ancient regime Napoléon Bonaparte (1769.8.15- 1821.5.5)
Reign period: 1804.5.18-1814.4.11. 1815.3.20-1815.6.22 (Hundred Days) Reign period: 1852.12.2-1870.9.4 1815.6.16-18 Battle of WaterlooLudwig van Beethoven (1770.12.16?-1827.3.26) JapanIshi masu and wooden condults of waterworks in Edo period
The found aqueduct is a mainline of clean water towards Edo Castle, as shown in the figure, it connects the wooden conduits to a few stacked stone masu. This large ishi masu showss the size of the mainline of waterworks in the Edo period and is reminiscent of the actual city facilities of the time. The wooden conduits which were excavated with the ishi masu are on display at Chiyoda City's Hibiya Library & Museum. Tokiwabashi Mon Gate 常盤橋門The Tokiwabashi Mon Bridge was constructed by the loads of the Dewa and Mutsu Province. It dates from 1629, when Tokyo was known as Edo. Tokiwabashi was a bridge spanning the outer moats of Edo Castle. The gate, which was one of the five major gates of Edo, was also known as Asakusa-guchi or Ote-guchi (kuchi [guchi] means gate). It lead to the Oshu Dochu, the major route leading out of Edo to northern Japan. As passage through Tokiwabashi Gate led directly to the Ote Gate, the main entrance to the inner precincts of Edo Castle, the gate was of strategic military importance. The gate is an uchimasu-gata gateway, which is to say that it includes a square enclosed courtyard which surrounds the area immediately behind the gate. On the north side of the courtyard was a watari-yagura, a defensive structure built across the gate, resting on stone walls. The grand guardhouse was located beyond the gate. The east side of the gate included a kabukimon (a wooden gate made from two pillars and a crossbeam). On the other three sides the gate was surrounded by banks of earth. The Tokiwabashi Mon Gate was destroyed and removed when Japan’s samurai period ended. In 1928, the remaining stone walls, the “new” stone bridge constructed in 1877, and the bridge’s stone wall supports were designated by the government as a national historic site. (Chiyoda City) |
The first planned residential district in Edo (江戸最初の町割りの地)Honcho-dori St. is a street that begins at the front gate of the medieval Edo Castle, originally built by Ota Dokan. It leads toward the Sensoji Temple, which has prospered since the ancient times, and continues toward Oshu. After coming to Edo in the Tensho Era (1590), Tokugawa Ieyasu first restored Tokiwabashi, which leads from the front gate of Edo Castle, and then to build a planned residential district (machiwari) along Honcho-dori St. To oversee this district, he appointed Naraya Ichiemon, Taruya Tozaemon, and Kitamura Yahei, all of whom had followed him to Edo. Apart from this, the official gold mint (Kinza※) of the Tokugawa shogunate was established where the Bank of Japan building now stands, and various types of stores lined the main streets, which were crowed by the lines of traveling samurai, traders, and craftsmen. Hence, the history of Honcho as the very first planned township after Tokugawa’s entrance into Edo shall be recorded here so that it may be passed on the future generations.※ Kinza was governed by the Goto family.September the first of Reiwa 2019 Historical evidence: National Museum of Japanese History, Professor Emeritus, Testuo Tamai Designated an Important Cultural Property (building) on June 7, 1961 Sakurada-mon Gate of Edo castle![]() The Sotosakurada-mon Gate has a dual structure consisting of the Korai Gate on the outside and the Watariyagura Gate on the inside with a square in-between. It covers an exceptionally large area (approx. 1,056 m2) as highly defensive castle gate for the Nishinomaru (west compound). The Sotosakurada-mon Gate was originally built in the Kanei era (1624 to 1644), while the existing gate is based on a gae reconstructed in 1963. The gate was damaged by the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923 and repaired it. On March 3, 1860, the Japanese Chief Minister Tairo Ii Naosuke was assassinated by a group of samurai who seceded the Mito-han feudal state outside of the Sotosakurada-mon Gate in an event known as the Sakuradamon Incident. Kakizaki Hakyo (蠣崎波響), 1764-1826 He had two titles: One was "chief retainer of the Matsumae clan." Hakyo, who was a son of daimyo of the Matsumae clan by birth, entered an apprenticeship to become a chief retainer from the age of 18 years, and for 42 years, that is, until he retired at the age of 60 years, he continued to perform a central administrative position within the Matsumae clan. Another was artist/poet. He studied art under the great Edo master So Shiseki from his teens, and later under the famous Kyoto artist, Okyo Maruyama. While devoting himself to the study of art, he had close contact with such poets such as Rikunyo and Chazan Kan, who wrote outstanding Chinese-style poems. Throughout his life, he continued to produce beautiful works of art and also enjoyed Chinese-style poetry. Hakyo, chief retainer who lived in Matsumae, was one of the foremost literary experts of the Edo period. At the time when Hakyo was involved in the administration of the clan culture, that is, around the last part of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, clan history experienced much turbulence. In 1799 Japan's feudal government took direct control of the eastern (Ainu-owned) parts of Ezo to defend the country's northern borders, and in 1807 ,it extended this direct control to include the entire island, and ordered the Matsumae clan to relocate to Yanagawa in Mutsunokuni (Fukushima prefecture on Honshu island). As the chief retainer, it was Hakyo's responsibility to restore the clan to Matsumae, but this period was also a very prolific time for the artist Hakyo who left many paintings dating from this era. Many of his hanging paintings and drawings on folded screens were bought by Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines and wealthy merchants in Matsumae, and it is considered that the funds thus generated were used to promote the return of the Matsumae clan to their former feudal domain. In 1821 the Tokugawa shogunate government allowed Hakyo and his clan to return to Matsumae. To achieve the huge task of the restoration of Matsumae, Hakyo would draw a small picture that he dedicated to the Shinto shrine every morning, and after the restoration of the Matsumae clan, he continued to visit the shrine and offer pictures as a sign of his appreciation. The many works exhibited here each express one part of the various feelings, wishes and passions Hakyo must have experienced. |
USA1775.4.19-1783.9.3 American War of Independence (独立戦争)= Independence War, American Revolution and Revolutionary War conflict between Great Britain and thirteen of its North American colonies 1776.7.4 United States Declaration of Independence Presidents
1823 Monroe Doctrine: any intervention in the politics of the Americas by foreign powers was a potentially hostile act against the United States 1846-1848 Mexican-American War (Mexican War) 1858 Treaty of Amity and Commerce Between the United States and the Empire of Japan (日米修好通称条約) 1861-1865 American Civil War (南北戦争) |
1837 Louis Auguste Blanqui firstly used this term → Arnold Toynbee used the term in his work = fixed to a scienific term Past interpretation: the Industrial Revolusion independently occurred in each country → Present interpretation: economic discrepancy (e.g., North-South issue) was issue in question, industrialization and economic takeoff Background18th century: Englandcapital accumulation by the woolen industry, etc.
1760-early 19C First Industrial Revolution Origination of Industrial revolutiontechnological innovation
industry by simple device (eg, factory-system handicraft industry) → industry-system, machine-driven industry using complex device and machine Cotton textile industry and slave tradeEngland: active cotton textile industry ↔ the industrial revolution started from cotton textile industry17C: cotton made in India → popular cotton requirekd for slave trade → barter cotton for slave 18C: cotton demand↑ →
invenstion and improvement machines to produce cotten that was cheaper than cotton made in India Breadth of industrial revolutionEngland: capitalist-labor structrue = establishing capitalist society in the early stages →aggravation of interest opposition between capitalists and labors + middle of 19C: workshop of the world = prosperity ↔India became immiseration derived from bankrupt of textile trade, owing to the high dependence of raw cotton export rather than cotton porducts → Industrial revolution followd by France, Germany, USA, etc.→ These countries colonized countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America to obtain cheap crude materials and to sell enormous amounts of goods Japan (日本) The development of light manufacturing based on the power sources of coal and steam engine
England (18C): spontaneity developed → follwed by The industrial revolusion occurred firstly in the world (the delay of industrial revolution in the other countries was induced by the fast development of industrial revolution in England - one opinion) 1760-1830 (the opinion is divided) The fuel revolution (燃料革命) and the improvement of iron-making technology → the explosive consumption of wood coal → rapid deforestation → fuels changing from wood coal to pit coal = fuel revolution iron-making process using coke mede of pit coal discovered by Darby A → the production of machines made of iron became easily the development of power sources: coal mining (the treatments of ground water were obstacles)
1712 Newcomen T: steam-engined drain pump in practical use
1733 Kay John: invented flying shuttle (飛び杼) that is a part of weaving machine → speeding up = productivity enhancement → cotton yarn shortage |
Development of transportation capacity
1802 Trevithick Richard: invented steam locomotive called Penydarren the heavy industry developed by the power sources working with oil and motor England cotton production area = USA → after the autarky (economic independence) peformed by the American War of Independence (1775-1783) and the Civil War → supply center of raw cotton changed to India
Second Industrial Revolution in England was lead by overseas colonies for import of materials and export of artifacts
→ promoting reform of custom duty (central character, Chamberlain Neville ↔ the government had not adopted the custom duty because of the policy of liberal trade
possible to interpret that England depressed because of the liberal trade
Small problem: England market occupied by manufactures made in Germany
black-ink balance: distribution service (marine transportation business) and insurance business, such as government bond and equity
high market share of light industry manufacture
→ current-account surplus → compensating the slackness of manufacturing business on importation
USA: industrial revolution due to the surge of industrial regions in northern USA induced by protective trade after the Civil War
big cities were developed in the western and eastern edges of broad continent → the boom of the construction of coast-to-coast railroads → developing industrialization Effects on societiesSocial government affected by monopolist capitalists → market expansion for enlarging activities
re-realizing the importance of occupied territories as market → work under adverse environment + urbans falling into slum wino (+ hygiene issue) generalization of factory work induced by the industrial revolution → formation of laboring class
people in laboring class could not get the voting right even by the first amendment of election law laboring-class people in urban areas got the voting right Urbanization: progressed by the concenetration of laborsnewly-emerged social problems: foul living conditions, over-population, worsening security, etc. Economic structureIndustrial revolution → development of capitalism → emergence of monopolist capital mixed with finance capital and industrial capital monopolist capital → influenced the politics, because monopolist capital tried to expand the "market" with the government |
1525-1701 Principality of Prussia (Herzogtum Preußen, プロセイン公国) 1701-1918 Kingdom of Prussia (Königreich Preußen, プロセイン王国) 1871-1918 German Empire (Deutsches Kaiserreich, ドイツ帝国) Wilhelm I (1797-1888): 1871 first emperor (1871-1888) The Opium War (阿片戦争)1840-1842 The First Opium War
Qing (清, 1644-1912) vs British Empire
Qing vs British and Second French Empire (1852-1870) 1912-1913 Balkan War (バルカン戦争)
1912.10.08-1913.05.30 First Balkan War World War I (1914-1918)The Balkan Peninsula = powder keg of Europe (欧州の火薬庫)1914.06.28 Assassination at Sarajevo 1917 Russian Revolution
03.08-16 February Revolution (O.S. 02.23-03.03) |
Artvan Gogh, Vincent Willem (1853.03.30-1890.07.29)
many counterfeit paintings Providence (プロビデンス号)The British ship "Providence" Lands in AbutaOn September 15, 1796 (Aug. 14, 1796 of Kansei Calendar), the Her Majesty's Ship Providence, lead by the British explorer Capt. William Robert Broughton, arrived and anchored off Abuta (Irie).Receiving an urgent message, the Matsumae Clan dispatched one of their clansmen but he was unable to communicate with the crewmen verbally. On September 26 (Aug. 25 of Kanssei Calendar), another clansman, who had experienced with receiving Russians, was dispatched, and inspected the ship, gave them permission to copy the chart of the northern Japanese islands and asked them to leave. In the meantime, the crewmen of the Providence went ashore at the mouth of the Horonai River by boat, drew drinking water, cut firewood from Mt. Horonai-nupuri (Mountain of SHIMIZU) and returned to the ship. The whole story is handed down throught the yukar oral epic told by Taneranke Toshima. On September 29 (Aug. 28 of Kanei Calendar), the Providence moved to Cape Etomo, surveyed the port of Mororan (Muroran), and on October 1 (Aug. 30 of Kansei Calendar), set sail for Cape Esan. Captain Broughton is remembered as the person who named Funka Bay (Uchiura Bay). |
The global economic crisis (世界恐慌)1929~late 1930s'Mussolini, Benito Amilcare Andrea (1883.07.29-1945.04.28) Farinacci, Roberto (1892.10.16-1945.04.28) 1935-36 Second Italo–Ethiopian War 1936-39 Spanish Civil War 1939-45 World War II (WWII or WW2, 第二次世界大戦) 1939.09.01 German invasion of Poland 1939 Battles of Khalkhin Gol (Nomonhan Incident, ノモンハン事件)Soviet–Japanese border conflicts 1941.04 Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Treaty (日ソ中立条約)1944.06.06- Invasion of Normandy (ノルマンティ上陸作成) = D-Day Code name = Operation Overlord (オーバーロード作戦) 1944.12-1945.01 Operation Overlord (バルジの戦い)1945 United Nation (HO, New York) 1949 People's Republic of China founded (= Mao Tse-tung, 毛沢東)
The government of the Republic of China escaped to Taiwan (= Chiang Kai-shek, 蒋介石) 1976 = until Mao Tse-tung died 1968 Prague Spring (プラハの春): reform movement in Czechoslovakia1970 Muskie Act 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre (天安門事変) UK (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)1801 established United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland1919-1921 Irish War of Independence 1927 changed to the present name |
European Union, EU (ヨーロッパ共同体)1952 May 9: European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) → origin
the inner six: France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg (Benelux) free movement of persons and trades 1958: European Atomic Energy Community, Euratom (ヨーロッパ原子力共同体)development and utilization of nuclear power in Europe 1967: EU → ECSC + EEC + Euratom → no economical barrier12 countries = ECSC + Ireland, England, Denmark, Portugal + Spain 1992 European Union, EU
Security: security policy based on NATO
1995: 15 countries = 12 countries + Austria, Finland and Sweden 28 member states for an economic and political union Problems authorization of each natio bicoming weak + difficulties in building a consensus among the nations = regional disparities agriculture policy: agricultural protection → excess production = financial crisis Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC (石油輸出国機構)1960.09.10-14: Baghdad Conference
OPEC created by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela 1976 established OPEC fund - abrupt rise in oil prices 2016 OPEC+: establsihed for controlling the global crude oil market |
Global warming (地球温暖化)![]() CO2 concentrations over the past 1000 years recorded in ice core samples taken at D47, D57, and the siple base and the South Pole, and from CO2 concentrations recorded at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii since 1958. All ice core samples were collected in the Antarctica. The smooth curve shows 100 year moving average changes (IPCC 1995). |
Green Party (Greens) (緑の党)environmentalist political parties1983.03.06 West Germany: Greens (27 people) advanced to the Diet
Slogan: alternative ⇒ nature conservation and anti-nuclear José Mujica (ホセ・ムヒカ)José Alberto "Pepe" Mujica Cordano (1935-2015)2010-2015 President of Uruguay
the world's humblest head of state |