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Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Lecture catalog / Research summary > Glossary > Mammal > Anthropology
Hsitory-AD500: Orient, China → national unificationEx. Egypt: the eighteenth to twnty-first royal dynasty → classified human into four kinds: Egyptian, Assyrian, Black and Lydian AD500-1390 (西欧: 中世): interpretation of human based on the Bibleprejudiced veiw of human (misconception) invasion of Mongolian → overseas advance of churchman (ecclesiastic) + activation of trades by merchant → change in the view of human 13-14C (the Age of Discovery)Columbus: discovering the New World = discovering American native (Indian) (people who made a voyage to the New World were present before the Columbus discovery) → persecution became violent to Indian afte the discovery → "Indian is not human", based on Biblicism arising the conscious of humans who have differnt races, cultures and/or lives ↔ filling with a feeling of superiority to humsn who were in undeveloped regions or with rudeness |
research on the characteristics of human body became popular Tyson Edward (1651-1708, Britain): comparative anatomy of monkey and human Pygmy is intermadiate between monkey and human
be laughed out of town in the present Classification of human: establishing a group with monkey and sloth
First edition: regionally classified Comte de Buffon present in the same age Johann F. Blumenbach (1752-1840): "On the Nature of Mankaind"
the father of natural taxonomy
advance in natural anthropology: classification of human, based on cultural characteristics, worldwide Darwin Charles: "Origin of Species" (1859)established the fundamental syllabus of cultural anthropology 1900- (the Second World War) Ruth Fulton Benedict (1887-1948): The chrysanthemum and the sword: patterns of Japanese culture= established applied anthropology |
Present biological definition: a member of the primate genus Homo, especially a member of the species
↔ different from social sciences Kroeber Alfred L (1876-1960, USA), cultural anthropologist
+ archaeology / anthropological linguistics |
Dart Raymond A (1893-1988)
1924 rescued from a limestone quarry in Taungs, Bechuanaland, South Africa, by a labor - child
1925 named Australopithecus africanus 1936 rescued the adult fossil at Sterkfontein Broom R & Robinson John1947 rescued the pelvis → bipedal or walked upright = mankind |
anthropoid (類人猿): species in superfamily Hominoidea excluding Homo
≠ the taxon of biological unit ![]() Fig. Phylogenetic tree showing the lineage of living primates. Superfam Hominoidea (ヒト): no tail Classical taxonomy: ono species in one genus, Homo Recent taxonomy: three negenra Gorilla Geoffroy 1852 (ゴリラ) G. gorilla Western gorilla
gorilla Savage 1847, Western lowland gorilla
beringei Matschie 1903, Mountain gorilla Homo ヒト: H. sapiens sapiens, man |
1. Human as vertetbrates (脊椎動物としてのヒト)a. Water (blood - fluid - water)Table. Relative abundance of elements when Na is 100%.
Human Dog Frog Cod Shark Lobster Jellyfish Seawater 2. Human as mammals (哺乳類としてのヒト)Table. Mechanical factors and corresponding body structures improving adaptation to cursorial (running) or graviporal (walking) locomotioncursorial - step rate↑ - moment of interia↓ ~ thinning and elongation of distal limb segements - torque↑
~ effective muscle mass relative↑ - step length↑ - rotation angle↑
~ limb joint flexion↑ - rotation radius↑
~ limb length↑ graviportal - antigravity↑ - torque↑
~ muscle power arm relative↑ - rotation angle↑ ~ limb joint flexion↓ - step length↑ - rotation radius↑ ~ limb length⇅ |
Prosimian hypothesis (原猿仮説) Primates → Prosimii ex. Tupaiiformes → Anthropoidea ex. Homo sapiens male and female / night or day working Principles of social structure on PrimatesAnthropoidea hypothesis (真猿仮説) The society of apes in the New World The society in family Cercopithecidae (guenon) Kenyapithecus (ケニアピテクス)1951 Le Gros Clark & Leakey: fossils in northern Victoria Lake, Africa
named Sivapithecus africanus ⊂ Kenyapithecus africanus Ramapithecus (ラマピテクス)1910 Pilgrim: discovered Dryopithecus punjabicus in India1937 Lewis: dental arches similar with Ramapithecus = human-like separated to Bramapithecus punjabicus 1963 Simons: the fossil = Ramapithecus → R. punjabicus 1932 Yale North-India Expedition (エール大学北インド古生物学調査隊)
investigated Siwaliks Series in Siwalik Hills ![]() Incisors Canines Premolars Molars Fig. Upper-jaw dental arches and diastemata of apes (chimpanzee), man (Australopithecus afarensis in Laetoli and Hadar) and modern man (Australopithecus and Homo) (Howells 1959) Ardipithecus (アルディピテクス)1974 Johanson D: Lucy discovered in Ethiopia, a layer in 3.2 Mya
named from "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Beatles" Lucy = a female with 130 cm in height |
Leakey Family
Leakey, Louis Seymour Bazett (1903-1972) 1959 discovered human-like fossils Australopithecus (猿人)A. anamensis (アナム猿人)A. afarensis (アファール猿人)
Chimpanzee Australopithecus Modern human
A. kadabba (カダッバ猿人): 5.8-5.2 Mya discovered in Ethiopia in 2001 A. ramidus (ラミダス猿人): 4.4 Mya discovered in Ethiopia in 1992 Population dynamicsNumber of fossil samples increased →1971 McKinley KR: estimated average lifetime of Australopithecus 22.9 yrs for A. africanus 18.0 yrs for A. robustus cf. 30-40 yers for present apes Maturation of Australopithecus = 11 yrsChimpanzee and gorilla = 9 yrs ↔ modern human = 13.7 yrs ⇒ the demography is close to modern human except for the longevity |
Homo erectus (原人)1-0.2 MyaSyn. Homo habilis (Syn. Australopithecus habilis) Syn. Pithecanthropus erectus (ジャワ原人) Syn. Sinanthropus pekinensis (北京原人) Syn. Homo heidelbergensis (ハイデルベルグ人) |
Homo sapiens neanderthalensis (ネアンデルタール人)0.2-0.035 MyaSyn. Homo neanderthalensis Homo sapiens sapiens0.05 Mya - presentPiltdown hoax (ピルトダウン人事件) |
Ofune Site (大船遺跡)Pit dwellings (竪穴住居)Pit dwellings were common during the Jomon Period. A round or rectangular floor was dug into the ground, and posts were erected to create the framework for the dwellings. Soil or reeds were used to thatch the fremework and create a roof over the dwellings, which contained a fire pit built onto the floor.The pit dwellings found on the Ofune Site are relatively large, including some that range in length from 8 -11 m long and more than two meters deep. The fire pits appear to have gradually evolved over time, from being directly built onto the floor via to fire pits lined with pottery, and later to lined with stones. This restoration of a pit dwelling is based on information gathered from excavations, and employs wood from chestnut trees to reconstruct the framework used in pit dwellings. |
(Ofune Site on July 11 2018) |
1871 "Primitive Culture" (Tylor, Sir Edward Burnett 1832–1917)
Proposed cultural evolutionism Culture (or civilization): integrated system of knowledge, belief (religion), art, ethic, law, custom, etc., obtained by the faculty of human who belong to the society 1931 "Science of Custom" (Benedict Ruth 1887-1948)culture the is the univasal system of all the customs obtained by the members in the society, and is inherited socially → cultural anthropology1946 "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture (菊と刀)" (Benedict) 1949 "Male and female. A study of sexes in a changing world (女性と男性)" (Margaret Mead 1901-1978) human development is depending on the cultural forms in belonging to the tribe and/or rations more than on the physical forms |
human population - subsistence contrast 1949 "Social structure" (Murdock MG 1897-1985)
community: face to face association < band: nomadic Ethnology (ethnics, cultural anthropology) (民族学)ethno- = nation; raceEthnobiology (民族生物学) Ethnobotany (民族植物学) Ethnomusicology (民族音楽学), etc. |
≈ ethnics, cultural anthropology ☛ Ainu Culture (plant) Ex. Aborigine = Aboriginal Australian and indigenous Australians Australian Continent - Tasmania 1974 discovered a fossil, Mungo Man (Lake Mungo 3), 40 kya painted by red ocher - burial ritual |
Kakadu cave paintings: x-ray technique, four phases (1-4) 1. pre-retreat phase; terrestrial animals 2. retreat phase (7-6 kya): large fish, freshwater and seawater animals 3. freshwater phase: goose 4. contact phase: Indonesian fishers and sailboats |
Iron Road (鉄の道)the routes of iron transportation (in central Asia)Steppe Route (草原の道)= 2000 years earlier than Silk Road≈650 Khazar established Silk Road (絹の道)Oasis town (オアシス都市): important locations for commerce and cultural interchange![]() Indus Valley CivilisationIndus script - unidentifiedBC2500-BC1900 Mohenjo-daro (Sindh, Pakistan): a big common tub - used for balneum bath as religious ceremony Ancient MervMarw, Mary (メルブ)the largest remains in Karakum Desert (world heritage)IndiaBC3000-BC1500 Indus Civilization: Moenjo-daro, Harappa
high crop productivity supported by flooding
Magadha (BC682-BC185) China☛ rice productionBP16000-3000 Yangtze Civilization (長江文明) BC10600?-1400 Yellow River civilization developed by loess (黄土) = suitable for agriculture Pre-imperial or AncientBC c.2070-c.1600 Xia (夏) BC c.1600-c.1046 Yin (殷) or Shang (商) bronze casting + using characters BC c.1046-c.256 Zhou (周)BC770-BC403 Chunqiu (春秋) Great Wall (of China) (万里の長城)BC7C: initial stage BC214: pormoted by Qin the legend of Lady Meng Jiang (孟姜女伝説) Ming Era: constructed most partsImperial BC221-BC206 Qin (秦): Shi Huangdi (始皇帝), only 15 years …
BC232-BC202 Xiang Yu (項羽)
BC206-AD8 Former Han (前漢)
exclusive = salt, tea, iron, alcohol, etc. AD25-220 Laer Han (後漢)
eunuch (宦官) - seize political power Loulan (桜蘭, Kroraina): close to Lop Nor Lake in Tarim Basin - expanded |
220-280 Three Kingdoms (Wei, Shu and Wu) 266-420 Jin (晋) 420-589 Northern and Southern Dynasties 581-618 Sui (隋) 581–604 Emperor Wen (文) 598-614 military campaigns against Goguryeo 604–617 Emperor Yang (煬); expedition and civic undertaking - failure617–618 Emperor Gong (恭) 618-907 Tang (唐)
Emperor Xuanzong (玄宗皇帝, 685-762) 916-1125 Liao (遼)
1004 starting expedition against the Northern Song
960–1127 Northern Song
1351 Red Turban Rebellion (紅巾の乱) 1406 the Forbidden City (紫禁城) = Gugong (故宮) 1421-1912 used as imperial palace (exclusive) 1616-1912 Qing (清)KoreaAncientWiman Joseon (衛満朝鮮) BC195?-BC108Goguryeo (高句麗) BC37–AD668 Baekje(百済) BC18–AD660: origin = Mahan (馬韓) Silla(新羅) BC57–AD935: origin = Shinhan (辰韓)
660 destroyed Baekje with Tang Benkan(弁韓), southernmost Korea North–South States (南北朝)Later Silla (Unified Silla, 統一新羅) 668–935Balhae (渤海) 698–926 Hypothesis: destroyed by the eruption of Changbai Mountain - rejected (the eruption occurred after the demolition) Later Three Kingdoms (後三国)Late Baekje (後百済) 892–936Late Goguryeo (Taebong 後高句麗) 901–918 Late Silla (新羅) 668–935 Goryeo dynasty (高麗) 918–1392936 re-unified Korean PeninsulaJoseon (李氏朝鮮, 李朝) 1392–1897Korean Empire (大韓帝国, 旧韓国) 1897–1910Wang Geon (877-943, 太祖/高麗王): the founder1910–1945 Japanese ruleNomadic-herding culture (遊牧文化)Southeastern AsiaLate 2C: Lin-yi (林邑/占城) - eastern Indochina, by maritime trading
7-10C battle with Vietnamese |