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Mount Usu / Sarobetsu post-mined peatland
From left: Crater basin in 1986 and 2006. Cottongrass / Daylily
HOME > Lecture catalog / Research summary > Glossary > Biology > Cell
Prokaryote: an organisms whose cells lack a membrane-bound nucleus (karyon)
Ex. yeast (monocellular), chlamydomonus, plants, animals (multicellular) Eukaryote: an organism whose cells contain a nucleus and organelles enclosed by membranes![]() Typical cells of prokaryotes and eukaryotes Cell sizes
eukaryote (真核細胞) E. coli: 1 μm (1 × 3 or 1.5 × 3 μm) Streptococcus: 0.7 μm Chlamydia: 300 μm cowpox virus: 210 × 260 μm Major components of cellsprotoplasm (原形質)karyoplasm* (核質)
nuclear membrane (核膜)
cytoplasm (細胞質)
rough ER (粗面小胞体) |
Golgi apparatus (ゴルジ体) metaplasm (後形質)= the nonliving matter or inclusions, as starch or pigments, within a cellcell wall (細胞壁) vacuole (液胞) cell contents (細胞含有物) * karyoplasm, karyoplast, or nucleoplasm ![]() Plant cell structure |
☛ wood chemistry (木材化学)
Comparisons with animal cell → animal cells do not have cell walls Intercellular substance (細胞間物質) → Animal cell = no cellulose Plant cell = vegetal cellulose, hemicellular pectin, polysaccharide
glycocalyx (糖衣) = polysaccharide + glycocacidic polysaccharide Function
Cell divisionPlant cell: middle lamella (2 in Fig.) → primary wall (1)
Middle lamella: present between cells and acts as a cement preventing cells from migrating |
![]() Fig. Animal and plant cells Plant cells are generally smaller than animal cells, due to vacuoles. Components
Cell fusion (細胞融合)cell → middle lamella (pectic subset, hemicellulose): working for cell adhesion→ primary wall → administrating cellulase and pectinase after pulling apart cells → protoplast, spheloplast → cell fusion 1978 Melchers (Germany)
Cell fusion of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) |
1776 Spallanzani: contractile vacuoles firstly observed in protozoa 1841 Dujardin: named vacuoles 1842 Schleiden: applied vacuoles for plant cells 1885 de Vries: named the vacuoule membrane as tonoplast A membrane-bound organelle that is present in all plant and fungal cells and some protist, animal and bacterial cells. |
![]() |
Unit membrane (単位膜) Plasma membrane makes a separation between vacuole and cytoplasm The structure of plasma membrane is similar with that of tonoplast 1895 Overtonthe membreans are perviousness to water and oil → the mmembrean consists of the mosaic of lipids and proteins 1917 Langmuir: stearate → monolayer1925 Gorter & Grende the fats developed on the membrane surface of red blood cells consist of two molecules or sheets 1935 Danielli & Davson:Sandwich model of plasma membrane 1950-60 Robertson
repeating unit theory(反覆単位説) unit membrane (基本膜構造) 1960 Neville: sundy punch of structure and function of membrane
isolated the liver plasma membrane of rats by homogenization
fatty substrates + phospholipids + α-lecithin + β-lecithin = 40%
sialic acid(シアル酸) and N-acethylneuraminic acid (NANA) are focused, because these substances are considered to be related to electrical characteristics of membrane surfaces 1964 Benzon
phase transition between protein and lipid → transition between crystal and liquid-crystal conditions negative staining of mitochondria by heavy metals → membrane consisting of protein-lipid complex 1972 Singer SJ & Nicolson GLfluid mosaic theory (流動モザイク説) 1974 Bretscher: utilized FMMP for probe (探針)
• impermeability through cell membranes
→ phosphatidyl ethanol amine is present in the inside of membrane
Phosphalidyl choline _________ 70-80% ___ foming outside the inside is also hydrolyzed when ghost cells are used
Outside __ SM ___ PC FMMP-35S 1980 Bretscher et al.
intact red dry ghost: proteins → gel electrophoresis Band MW Weight No (dalton) % 1 24 15.7 ___ pectin 2 21.5 14.7 ___ pectin 2.1 20 - ___ ankyrin 3 8.8-8.9 24.1 ___ protein band #3 4.1 7.8 4.2 4.2 7.2 5.0 5 4.3 4.5 ___ actin 6 3.5 5.5 7 2.9 3.4 |
Ex. much glycophorin (sugar) - commassie blue Multiparticle model of cell membraneEnzymatic activityNa+-K+-ATPase: Ma++, Na+, K+ essential adenyl cyclase: 5'-ATP → cAMP (cell aggregation occrus after certaion cells of cellular slime molds discharge cAMP) ![]()
CH2-COR__________CH2OH sugar → glucose + fructose PeroxidaseMonophenol (-OH), polyphenol H2O2 + AH2 → 2H2O + A AA oxidase (amino-acid oxidase, アミノ酸酸化酵素)
auxin(IAA) Selective permeability (選択的透過性)1952 Theorell
Giant axon(巨大軸索) of squid = giant nerve fiber
ATPase → the membrane is activated region =
1 molecule ATP ![]()
A-P-P-32P + Na+ (in) + E1(ATPase) → ATPase = 2.5-3.0 × 105 = subunits (large 1.0-1.3 × 105) + (small 0.5 × 105) ![]() ![]()
couple (共載) |
= protoplasmic membrane (formerly) 1970 Steck TL, Weinstein RS, Straus JH, Wallach DF
oragn or cell taking in nutrients → phagocytic vesicle |
1907 Veratti, Emilio: observed muscles
myofibrils enclosed by membrane structure 1945 Porter K: discovered endoplasmic reticulum =membrane structure within cells Rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, rER (粗面小胞体)= granular endoplasmic reticulum (gER) or rough endoplasmic reticulum= containing ribosomes ![]() |
Smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, sER (滑面小胞体)= agranular endoplasmic reticulum (aER), smooth endoplasmic reticulum or smooth-surfaced endoplasmic= not containing ribosomes Microsomes (ミクロゾーム)heterogeneous vesicle-like artifacts (20-200 nm d) reformed from pieces of ER when eukaryotic cells are broken-up (in the laboratory)not present in viable and healthy cells |
Centrosome (中心体)Centriole (中心体)1. Spindle body → connected in fiber formation1956 Bernband: structure → globe → 5 μm = diameter of tublin sprial tube is formed by 13 tubulins are aggregated 2. Basal body
present in flagellate (鞭毛虫) and ciliate (繊毛虫) 9(3) + 2 → 9(3) + 3, 9(3) +1, 9(3) + 0 ![]() 4. Spindle fiber 1968 Miki & Sakai (三木・酒井)
spindle fiber consisting of microbubules (confirmed by electron microscope) |
1952 Mzaia & Dan
mitotic apparatus (紡錘体、中心体) → extracted from sea urchin and observed
Non-basic protein RNA Polysaccharide Spindle fiber consisting mostly of proteins (without DNA) 5. Microtubules
1963 Slantherbach: cnidoblasts of hydra 1952, 56 Loewy, Nakajima proteins in Physarum are actin (because of mobility) – rejected in the present 1953, 67 Kitching spirally lined-up microtubles → each microtuble consisting of 12 subunits? 1966 Nagai (永井), Rebhum: Chara ![]()
50-100 filaments of which diameter is 50Å |
= Goldi apparatus, Golgi complex, dictyosome 1897 Golgi Camillo (Italian): identified the organella by a microscope
(called internal reticular apparatus) → |
FunctionPart of the cellular endomembrane system→ packages proteins into membrane-bound vesicles |
1897 Benda Carl (1857-1932): discovered mitochondria 1890 Altmann R: pointed out the similarities with bacteria 1900 Michaelis Leonor (1875-1949): janus green →strongly stained mt 1927 Wallin JE: mt originating from bacteria cell division: mt ≈ bacteria 1938 Bensley Robert R (1867-1956) & Bensley HS
Handbook of histological and cytological technique. University of Chicago Press
rat liver: 800 mitochondria/cell isolated mitochondria + Pi (リン酸) + ADP + NADH → ATP
increasing permeability by soaking into hypotonic solution
producing ATP → the measurements clarified (3 ATP)/NADH RC particles, supported fluid mosaic model 1945-50 Lehninger: isolated mitochondria
NAD: nicotic acid adenine dinucleotide (coenzyme I, DPN+): coenzyme cytochrome oxidase lacked in mt ≠ the gene in nuclei |
Structure![]() ![]() FunctionEnergy generatoroxygen (aerobic) respiration = ATP synthesis C6H12O6 + O2 → 12H2O + 6CO2 + 38ATP (688 kcal) TCA cycle: present in matrix ⇔ electron transfer system: present in cristae![]() Fig. ATP synthesis Vesicles (小胞)1935 Szent-Györgyi: C4-dicarbonic acid cycle (now rejected)1937 Krebs: TCA cycle (クレブス回路, クエン酸回路) |
Plastid (色素体): chloroplast is a kind of plastidsChloroplast (葉緑体)a double-membrane-bounded organelle containing elaborated membranous sacs known as thylakoids; the membranes contain chlorophyll a and other components of the photpsynthetic light reactions → chlorophyll (葉緑素)
phaeoplast (褐色体) in brown algae and blue-green algae → fucoxanthin (褐藻素) Leucoplast (白色体): not containing chlorophyll Amyloplast (アミロプラスト): storing starch produced in chlorophyll Proplastid (プロプラスチド): un-developed pigments PhylogenyThe relationship between the phylogenetic development of photosynthetic apparatus and the system of classification in the plant kingdomEukaryotes (plastid)
Spermatophyta: Grana-and intergrana-thylakoid
Cyanophyta: Single or double thylakoid Structure1953 Frey-Wyssling & Steinmann
quantasome (etymology, quantum 光量) = ca 200 × 100 100 Å (80-100 Å)
regularly-arranged vesicles growing for four days in the darkness → lamella structure developed from prolamella body rapidly after exposure to light Stages: proplastid → differentiation → maturation Table. Dry weight (%) of chlorophyll content (Sinha 2004)Proteins _______ 35-55 (half in lamella) (Water soluble 20, Water insoluble 80)
Lipids _________ 20-30 (in lamella) ![]() Granum (pl. -a): broadly defined as a stack(s) of thylakkoids within a chloroplast, such that the membranes of adjacent thylakoids are fused ☛ gene Expression of gene information in chloroplasts1883 Schimper & Meyer: Schimper and Meyer's theorythe concept of plastid continuity, stipulating that plastids do not arise de nove but from preexisting plastids (葉緑体有親説) |
1846 Näggeli:
all cells are coming from smaller cells = all chloroplasts are comoing from the chloroplasts
Nitella → mutants: the cells can not divide cells when the chloroplants are lost
proposed proplastid-origin theory → the structures of immature mitochondria are similar with the structures of proplastids considered that the chloroplasts are developed from the proplastids through deforming from immature mitochondria 1959 Stocking & Gifford
Spirogyra, 3H-thymidine radio autography - confirming that chloroplast has DNA Chloroplast – maternal inheritance (母性遺伝) Chloroplast RNARNA component: same with bacterial RNA1954 Jagendorf & Wildman, 1957 Chiba & Sugawara (千葉 & 菅原) confirmed that RNA is present in chloroplast 1962 Bandurskie & Maheshwari
14C-ATP: confirmed the synthesis of RNA polymerase
![]() 83S, 68S ⇒ sucrose density-gradient centrifugation - centrifuged high molecules
S: sedimentation coefficient (沈降定数), S-value, proposed by Sverdverg)
ribosome in leaf = 83S, 68S ↔ ribosome in root = only 83S enzyme: aninoacyl-t-RNA synthetase
a.a.-AMP-Et t-RNA → aminoacyl-t-RNA the presence of t-RNA and synthetase shown by adding 14C-valine and ATP 1964 Kirk: Vicia faba (ソラマメ) chloroplast
RNA containing 14C is synthesized when 14C-ATP, GTP, CTP and UTP are added - evidence on the synthesis RNA extracted from the chloroplast is 3.25S 1965 Gunning: EM = polymer → synthesize proteins
centrifugal separation of ribosomes from chloroplast just before and after exposing light
chlorophyll DNA: 40 μm
RNA polymerase is absent in chloroplasts |
Consisting of RNAc(60% RANs and 40% proteins in most cases)
Ribosome particles: small subunit + large subunit![]() Small and large subunits (× 106, Chl. = chloroplast) E. coli Chl. Yeast Euglena Higher plants Large 1.1(23S) 1.1 1.24-1.30(25S) 1.35(24S) 1.30(25S) Small 0.56(16S) 0.56 0.6-0.7(17S) 0.85(20S) 0.70(17-18S) Mitochondrial ribosomeextracted from rat and Hela cells→ confirmed 50-60S ribosomes: 39-45S = large subunit (16S RNA), 25-35S = small subunit (12S RNA) |
cf. Yeast ribosome: 21S RNA + 15S RNA, Higher plants 26S + 18S 1971 Wu et al.
Hela's mitochondria → DNA, etc. → 16S RNA, 12S RNA Cytochrome b, cytochrome oxidase complex, oligomycin-sensitive ATPase
Chloramphenicol – mitochondria origin (inhibiting protein synthesis) RNA for producing enzymes related strongly to respiration (in mitochondria) are operated by nuculei, e.g.,malate dehydrogenase (MDH), isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH), β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, citrate dehydrogenase, and fumarate hydratase |
pl. nuclei![]() Fig. Nuclear membrane 1957 Allfrey, Mirskey, & Osawa: confirmed that proteins are synthesized in the nuculeus
Nucleolus (仁)Chromosomes of Trillium kamtscaticum
observed that nucleoli remained in the three parts chromosome duirng mid-stage after heat treatment |
Structurethe membrane of nucleolus can not be observed by EM1860 Manthver → nucleolanema 1956 Estalle ett al. → nucleolous
two different structures in nucleolus - two patterns recognized by dye staining Structural component1950 Casperson: condensed chromatin named as nucleolus-associated chromain 1952 Vincent
egg cells of starfish → Nuclear substances (核質)Nuclear substances or karyosome = chromonema (染色糸) + nucleolus (核小体)chromatintin, nuclear sap, nucleolus, nuclear skeleton, nuclear vacuole Chromatin (クロマチン) |
1848 Hofmeister W
discovered chromosomes in the dividing pollen mother cells of Tradescantia 1875 Strasburger: observed chromosome during cell division1879 Flemming described the splitting of dark stained rod-like structures during cell division which he called chromatin 1887 Beneden & Boveridiscovered that chromosome number in a species remains constant 1888 von Waldeyer-Hartz, Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfriedcoined the term chromosome (chromo- = colored, -some = body) 1902-03 Sutton & Boveri: proposed the chromosome theory of inheritance![]() |
Fig. Chromosome. A, chromosome in metaphase of the cell cycle. The chromosome consists of chromatin, which is made of a molecule of DNA complexly coiled around a protein frame, forming a chromatid. Paired chromatids, consisting of identical molecules of DNA, are joined at the centromere. B, Normal male karyotype showing the 23 pairs of human chromosomes for a total of 46 arranged in 8 groups based on size and shape.
Salivary gland chromosomes (唾腺染色体)1881 Balbiani: discovered the giant chromosomepolytene chromosome (多糸染色体) Lumpbrush chromosome (ランプブラシ染色体)1882 Fremming W: discovered the chromosome |
1905 Mereschkowsky C: chloroplasts in higher plants
→ anucleate amebas cohabit 1918 Portier P: mitochondria are intracellular symbionts1927 Wallin IE: "Symbionticism and the origin of species" 1962, 63 Nass & Nass: colonial association theory
Structural and functional significance of bacteria and mitochondria 1969 Nass M: artificial symbiosis between mouse and chlorophyll |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Margulis, Lynn (1938-2011, Sagan = maiden name) 1967 Sagan L: "The origin of mitosing eukaryotic cells" proposed endosymbiosis (共生説) 1970 Margulis L: Origin of eukaryotic cells1970 Cohen SS |